IBM pSeries SCSI Enclosure Services for 7031-D24/T24

P013 Microcode Update

Date:  Aug 20, 2007


Table of Contents

1.0 Microcode Change History

2.0 General Information
2.1 Installation Time
2.2 Machine's Affected

3.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level

4.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package from CORE
4.1 Downloading the RPM Format File to the Target Server
4.2 Discovery Tool Microcode CD-ROM creation and download instructions

5.0 Verifying Microcode before download and notes
5.1 Microcode Download Procedure for SCSI Enclosure Services for AIX

5.2 Microcode Download Procedure for SCSI Enclosure Services for Linux


1.0 Microcode Change History:


GA Level


2.0 General information

SUBJECT: IBM pSeries SCSI Enclosure Services for 7031-D24/T24



-If LPAR's exist, see the information in Section 5.0.

-7031-D24/T24 SES Microcode update can only be done via standalone or online diagnostics using AIX.  If the microcode destination is a Linux partition then a AIX Standalone Diagnostic's CD will have to be used to perform the update.  See Section 5.2 and 4.3 for information.


2.1 Installation Time:
Approximately 30 minutes

2.2 Machine's Affected:

3.0 Determine the Current Microcode Level:

Before you install the microcode, it is important to determine the microcode level of the backplane installed in the target system. Use

the following instructions to read the ROS Level and ID stored in the backplane's VPD.

1)  List the backplanes adapters installed in the system by typing:

    lsdev -C | grep ses

Note: All of the backplanes addresses that are installed will be displayed. The backplane names will be sesX, where X is 0, 1, etc.

2) To check the current microcode level for the adapter enter the following command

    lscfg -vl sesX

Where X is the number/s of the previous command. The Command will produce output similar to


DEVICE       LOCATION                                                         DESCRIPTION

ses3               U789F.001.AAA0112-P1-C13-C1-T2-L14-L0    SCSI Enclosure Services Device

Machine Type and Model......7031-D24/T24
ROS Level and ID............P013
Serial Number...............F5B02459
Device Specific.(Z0)........0D00020232004000
FRU Number..................12R7475
Device Specific.(FL)........P2
Device Specific.(FS)........5787-001 DQD048U
EC Level....................0F5P00037

If the ROS Level and ID is less than P013 then you should update the microcode.


4.0 Downloading and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package from CORE

Note:  The CORE image will now be the RPM Format File.
1) After downloading the files from CORE on to your personal system find the files "ses7031.aix.P013.rpm" in the CORE destination directory (c:\ibmdocs\DISKIMG).
2) Log in to the Target Server
3) Create a directory, if not already existent (mkdir /tmp/microcode; mkdir /tmp/microcode/RPM)
4) Transfer the file to the Target Server "/tmp/microcode/RPM directory" using ftp or another method.  Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".
5) Unpack the RPM file by using the following command: 

    for AIX: "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force ses7031.aix.P013.rpm".  The microcode file will be added to "/usr/lib/microcode/".

The file size and checksum of the microcode image will be verified in Section 5.0


4.1 Downloading the RPM Format File to the Target Server
Use this method to download to an AIX system:

Note: The instructions that follow are specific AIX commands. AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must be entered exactly as shown, including filenames.

a) Make a directory on an AIX system to receive the RPM format file.
    Enter:      "mkdir /tmp/microcode"

    Enter:      "mkdir /tmp/microcode/RPM"

b) Transfer the RPM format file to the /tmp/microcode/RPM directory (using "Save as ...").  Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".
    You'll see the filename is "ses7031.aix.P013.rpm"

c) Unpack the file by executing the command below.

    for AIX: "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force ses7031.aix.P013.rpm".  The microcode file will be added to "/usr/lib/microcode/".

The file size and checksum of the microcode image will be verified in Section 5.0

4.2 Discovery Tool Microcode CD-ROM creation and download instructions

To obtain information how to burn a CD-ROM and run the Discovery Tool for an AIX System please go to:
1) After running the Discovery Tool successfully the "/tmp/microcode/RPM" directory was created and your rpm files are copied from the CD-ROM.

2) Change to that directory, "cd /tmp/microcode/RPM".

3) Unpack the file by executing the command below:

    for AIX: "rpm -ihv --ignoreos --force ses7031.aix.P013.rpm".  The microcode file will be added to "/usr/lib/microcode/".

The file size and checksum of the microcode image will be verified in Section 5.0


 - If permission does not allow the copy to the above stated directory or file then the user will be prompted for a new location.

5.0 Verifying Microcode before download and notes

Installation Time:  Approximately 30 min System Time.

Please verify the file size and checksum of the raw microcode files matches the below.
Filesize: 14523
Checksum: 05608

For AIX, SLES9 base, RHEL3 & prior:  "ls -l /usr/lib/microcode/A170027A.P013" to verify Filesize. 
                "sum /usr/lib/microcode/A170027A.P013" to verify Checksum.
For SLES9 SP1, RHEL4 & above:  "ls -l /lib/firmware/A170027A.P013 to verify Filesize.
                 "sum /lib/firmware/A170027A.P013" to verify Checksum.

For systems that have LPAR installed, the microcode file must be placed on all partitions that have the SES device in order to update the code.  Follow this procedure for each partition:

    A)  Log into the target partition.
    B)  Type: "cd /usr/lib/microcode"
    C)  FTP (for AIX) to the partition that has the media bay assigned. (ie.  ftp
    D)  Type: "cd /usr/lib/microcode"
    E)  If using FTP then Type: "bin"
    F)  Type: "get A170027A.P013"
    G)  Type: "quit

5.1 Microcode Download Procedure for SCSI Enclosure Services for AIX

1) Type: "diag"
2) Select the "Task Selection" from diagnostics menu.
3) Select "Microcode Download" from "Task Selection" menu.
4) Select the "sesX" (where X is the number of the ses device) that needs to be updated from the list of devices.
5) Select filesystem.
NOTE:  If this level of ucode is already installed in the backplane you will receive a message that will let you know. A message may also be displayed if the /usr/lib/microcode directory does not have the previous level microcode. This is true and is not required to complete the download. Hit enter to continue.
6) The following message will appear on the screen when download is completed: "The microcode download has completed successfully, run diagnostics on the sesX device". Please ignore the "run diagnostic" message and do NOT run diagnostics on the SES device at this time.
7) Return to the Tasks Selection menu and repeat this procedure for each SES that requires this microcode.
8) Exit diagnostics.

5.2 Microcode Download Procedure for SCSI Enclosure Services for Linux

1) There is currently no mechanism in place for updating this microcode via Linux.  If you have a Linux partition and wish to update the microcode then you will have to use an AIX Diagnostics CD.  The iso image of the diag CD can be obtained from the URL below.

2) After securing the Diagnostic's CD image, go to step 4.3 for information on how to burn the microcode file(s) on to a CD in the .iso image format.