Note: Checksums can be used to verify files have not been corrupted
or altered during transmission.
Example: Calculate
the checksum of a file, 'S80V4.img'.
This command will produce a system configuration report similar
to the following.
The ROM Level lines list the level of your currently installed System and
Service Processor firmware. In these examples (illustrations only), the
system was booted from type B, since it is listed first. If the most recent
level (A or B) is earlier than the update level(s) available for your server,
you should install the update(s).
For more information about the uses of IPL Types A and B, see paragraphs
6.0 and 6.4, or refer to the
Server's Users Guide.
If you find the firmware must be updated, proceed to Section
5.0. If the firmware levels are correct and no update is needed, installation
is complete.
5.0 Downloading
and Unpacking the Firmware Update Package
Instructions for downloading and unpacking the firmware update package
5.1 Internet Package
The System and Service Processor Firmware, in AIX and DOS formats, are
located at the web site
Follow the instructions on this web page. You must read and agree to
the license agreement to obtain the password (case sensitive)
for unpacking the firmware packages.
In the table for RS/6000 System/Service Processor Combined Microcode,
scroll down to the entries for 7017-S80.
Note: AIX Instructions are CASE SENSITIVE
In the instructions that follow are specific AIX and DOS commands.
AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must
entered exactly as shown, including the filenames.
DOS commands are not case sensitive, and may be entered without
regard to the case shown.
The download choices at that entry are:
Description (Instructions document)
AIX Format (For downloading to an AIX server or
DOS Format (For downloading to a DOS, OS/2 or Windows
You will want a copy of the description (instructions document) and one
of the format choices. You may transfer files to the target server in one
of several ways.
By downloading files directly to the target server.
By downloading files to an intermediate AIX system and then using either
ftp or diskettes for transferring to the target server.
By downloading files to a DOS, OS/2 or Windows workstation from which you
can use diskettes for transferring to the target server.
Detailed download/unpacking instructions follow for each of the downloading
If using an AIX system for downloading, continue to paragraph
If using a DOS, OS/2, or Windows workstation for downloading, skip to
5.1.1 Downloading the
AIX Format File
Use this method to download to an AIX system.
a) Provide a directory on an AIX system to receive the AIX format
mkdir /tmp/fwupdate
Note: If the
directory /tmp/fwupdate already exists,
make sure it is empty before proceeding.
b) Transfer the AIX format file to the /tmp/fwupdate directory
(using "Save as ...").
You'll see that the filename is
c) Unpack the file by executing the 7017S80F.BIN file as shown
Note that you'll be asked for the password
from the license agreement.
Enter the commands:
cd /tmp/fwupdate
chmod +x 7017S80F.BIN
[Don't overlook the periods (.) in the above
These files will be added to /tmp/fwupdate:
If you used the above procedure to transfer the AIX format file directly
to the target server, proceed to Section
6.0, Updating the Firmware.
Otherwise, from the intermediate AIX system, choose one of the following
methods for transferring files to the target server.
To transfer files to the target server via the ftp method, continue to
To transfer files to the target server via the diskettes method, skip to
paragraph The FTP Transfer
This method presumes you have ftp access to the target server.
On the intermediate AIX system,
Enter the commands:
ftp {name of target
{Login with a valid userid
and password}
lcd /tmp/fwupdate
mkdir /tmp/fwupdate
cd /tmp/fwupdate
put S80V4.img
put promote.img
Proceed to Section 6.0,
Updating the Firmware. . The Diskette
Transfer Method
This method can be used for cases in which electronic connections between
the intermediate AIX system and the target server are inconvenient.
On the intermediate AIX system, proceed as follows.
Two 2MB (HD) new or freshly formatted diskettes are required. This process
will request additional diskettes as each is filled.
With a diskette loaded in the drive,
Enter the commands :
cd /tmp/fwupdate
ls *.img | backup
-i -v -f/dev/rfd0
This will produce two AIX backup diskettes. Label the\ resulting
diskettes, respectively,
Volume 1: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524)
FW (V4) and Promote for S80 Server
Volume 2: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524)
FW (V4) and Promote for S80 Server
Proceed to Section 6.0,
Updating the Firmware. Read Section 6.0, and use the AIX command-line
method of paragraph 6.1.2.
5.1.2 Downloading the
DOS Format File
Use this method to download to a DOS, OS/2 or Windows workstation.
a) Prepare a directory for receiving the DOS format file.
This directory can be in any partition
with 10MB available space.
Executing in such a partition, called
[path] in these instructions
(ex. c:\download),
md [path]\fwupdate
Note: If the directory [path]\fwupdate
already exists,
make sure it is empty before proceeding.
b) Transfer the DOS format file to the [path]\fwupdate directory
(using "Save as ...").
You'll see the filename is 7017S80F.EXE
c) Unpack the file by executing the following instructions.
You'll need the password from the license
Enter the commands:
cd [path]\fwupdate
These files will be added to the fwupdate subdirectory:
readme.txt Diskettes
for the AIX Command-Line Update Method
Two 2MB (HD) new or freshly formatted DOS diskettes are required.
Note: The diskettes produced below will be in a format
that can be used
directly with a computer running AIX as it's operating system. These
diskettes, once made on a PC platform, cannot be read using normal PC
platform tools or command line operations.
a) With a diskette loaded in the drive,
Enter the commands:
Label the resulting diskette,
1: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524) FW (V4) and Promote for S80 Server
b) With a second diskette loaded in the drive,
Label the resulting diskette,
2: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524) FW (V4) and Promote for S80 Server
Note: Any diskette labeled: 'AIX Backup: . . . .' is in
a format that can be used
directly with a computer running AIX as it's operating system. This
diskette cannot be read using PC tools or command line operations.
Proceed to Section 6.0,
Updating the Firmware. Read Section 6.0 and use the AIX command-line
method of paragraph 6.1.2.
6.0 Updating the Firmware
This section descripbes methods for installing the new firmware.
The System and Service Processor Firmware are combined into a single
file. This allows both the System Firmware and Service Processor Firmware
to be updated together and assures they are companion levels.
Do not power off the target server at any time before
the update process completes. Be sure the system is NOT running any user
Note: AIX Instructions are CASE SENSITIVE
In the instructions that follow are specific AIX commands.
AIX commands are CASE (lower and upper) SENSITIVE, and must
entered exactly as shown, including the filenames.
You must have root authority on the target server to update its firmware.
If your server is currently running from IPL Type B, you should
consider promoting that level before continuing. Use the instructions in
6.4, Promoting the Update, for reference.
Updating the firmware requires rebooting the server. The update is applied
during the shutdown sequence following the firmware transfer.
As the firmware update takes place (during the automatic shutdown sequence),
progress can be monitored from the operator panel. The checkpoints E080
and E081 alternately appear while the update is in progress.
At some points in the update process, these checkpoints may not change
for fifteen to thirty minutes. If this occurs, be patient and allow time
for the update process to complete.
The new firmware is placed in IPL Type B, for use while your acceptance
tests are under way. When you are satisfied with the performance of the
new level, "promote" it to IPL Type A. There is no time limit on
when promotion must occur. Thorough testing of any changes to your system
is recommended before committing to them.
If you applied the update while running in IPL Type A, you will need
to boot from IPL Type B in order to test the new level of firmware.
Updating firmware in the S80 Server must be initiated either
directly from the AIX command line or from the Update Flash Diagnostic
Service Aid.
6.1 Using the AIX
Command Line Method
AIX allows updating either from files already loaded into the target server
or from diskettes.
6.1.1 Updating
With Files Already Loaded in the Target Server
With the files located in the /tmp/fwupdate subdirectory,
Enter the commands:
cd /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin
-f /tmp/fwupdate/S80V4.img
[Don't overlook the periods (.) in the above
You will be asked for confirmation to proceed with the firmware update
and the required reboot. If you confirm, the server will apply the new
firmware, reboot and return to the AIX prompt. This may take fifteen to
thirty minutes (or more), depending on the configuration of your target
Having successfully executed the above commands, the server automatically
performs the update, reboots, and places the update in IPL Type B. Since
the update occurs during this shutdown/reboot sequence, it is important
to protect the server from interruptions.
The update of the System and Service Processor firmware is complete.
You will want to verify this update and then promote it after you have
tested it to your satisfaction. Verifying
is discussed in paragraph 6.3. Promotion
is discussed in paragraph 6.4.
6.1.2 Updating from Diskettes
On the target server,
Enter the commands:
mkdir /tmp/fwupdate
Note: If the directory /tmp/fwupdate
already exists,
make sure it is empty before proceeding.
cd /tmp/fwupdate
You will be prompted to mount volume 1 on /dev/rfd0
In the drive of the target server, put the AIX backup diskette labeled:
Volume 1: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524) FW (V4)
and Promote for S80 Server
When prompted for volume 2,
In the drive of the target server, put the AIX backup diskette labeled:
Volume 2: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524) FW (V4)
and Promote for S80 Server
The files are now located in the /tmp/fwupdate subdirectory.
Enter the commands:
-f /tmp/fwupdate/S80V4.img
[Don't overlook the periods (.) in
the above command.]
You will be asked for confirmation to proceed with the firmware update
and the required reboot. If you confirm, the server will apply the new
firmware, reboot and return to the AIX prompt. This may take fifteen to
thirty minutes (or more), depending on the configuration of your target
Having successfully executed the above commands, the server automatically
performs the update, reboots, and places the update in IPL Type B. Since
the update occurs during this shutdown/reboot sequence, it is important
to protect the server from interruptions.
Don't forget to retrieve and file any firmware update diskette that
may still be in the server's diskette drive. A good time to do this is
after the reboot has completed.
Your update of the System and Service Processor firmware is complete.
You will want to verify this update and then promote it after you have
tested it to your satisfaction. Verifying
is discussed in paragraph 6.3. Promotion
is discussed in paragraph 6.4.
6.2 Using the
Update Flash Diagnostic Service Aid Method
Service Aid allows updating from files already loaded into the target server
or from diskettes.
Note: Review "Update System or Service Processor Flash" in the
Service Aids
of the RS/6000 Enterprise Server S80 User's Guide for more
about using this utility.
If the files are loaded in the target server, skip to
If the files are on diskettes, continue to paragraph
6.2.1 File on Diskettes
Enter the commands:
mkdir /tmp/fwupdate
Note: If the directory /tmp/fwupdate
already exists,
make sure it is empty before proceeding.
cd /tmp/fwupdate
You will be prompted to mount volume 1 on /dev/rfd0
In the drive of the target server, put the AIX backup diskette labeled:
Volume 1: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524) FW
(V4) and Promote for S80 Server
When prompted for volume 2,
In the drive of the target server, put the AIX backup diskette labeled:
Volume 2: System (20000524) and SvP (20000524) FW
(V4) and Promote for S80 Server
The files are now in the /tmp/fwupdate subdirectory. Continue
to paragraph
6.2.2 Updating
the Update Flash Diagnostic Service Aid Method
a) Invoke the Service Aids from either on-line or standalone diagnostics.
b) Choose Update System or Service Processor Flash.
c) Follow the on-screen update steps as they are presented.
When you are asked for a filename, first
list the files and then select the appropriate
one for your update task.
Use the directory and filename information as shown below.
Your update file is /tmp/fwupdate /S80V4.img
Don't forget to retrieve and file any firmware update diskette that
may still be in the server's diskette drive. A good time to do this is
after the reboot has completed.
The server automatically performs the update, reboots, and places the
update in IPL Type B. Since the update occurs during this shutdown/reboot
sequence, it is important to protect the server from interruptions.
Your update of the System and Service Processor firmware is complete.
You will want to verify this update and then promote it after you have
tested it to your satisfaction. Verifying
is discussed in paragraph 6.3. Promotion
is discussed in paragraph 6.4.
6.3 Verifying the Updates
To verify your firmware update was successful, you may use the following
AIX command after the automatic reboot.
lscfg -vp
| grep -p alterable
This command will produce a system configuration report containing sections
to the following.