TITLE : Installing man pages OS LEVEL : AIX 4.2.x DATE : 04/03/99 VERSION : 1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ensure the LANG variable is set to en_US: echo $LANG If a value other than en_US is returned, use the following command to change it: export LANG=en_US Using the OS installation CDs, from CD1 install the following filesets: bos.data bos.info.rte bos.info.en_US From CD2 install the following fileset: bos.info.en_US Although this fileset has previously been selected for installation, after running: lslpp -l bos.info.en_US you will find that it has not been applied. This is because part of the fileset is on the first CD and part on the second. After installing from the 2nd CD, the 'lslpp -l' command should show bos.info.en_US to be installed. You should then be able to use the 'man' command. lslpp -l filesetname If they are not, they must be installed from the Installation CD using the command 'smit install_latest'.