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Archive Process
Applicable to: World-Wide
The plan to implement an Archive process for the Technical Database - CTSTIPS - is now almost complete. CDs containing the Notes V3 version of the Archive database - CTSARC96.NSF - have been distributed from Greenock and should now be with Geography or Country reps for distribution to dealers. A Notes V4 version of the database will be distributed on CD very soon.
Archived Documents
Archived documents will contain no file attachments. These will have been replaced by references which will give two options for retrieving the files previously attached to the documents.
The first of these options will be a doclink connecting to the original document containing the file attachments on the PC Service Information Archive database, which has been made available to all users of the PC Service Information Database on CD. Double-clicking the doclink will open the corresponding document on the Archive database, provided it has been made available as described below.
The second option is the Internet address, or URL, of the document on the IBM PC Company ftp site on the World Wide Web. The address can easily be copied and pasted into a Web Browser to locate the file on the Internet. For users who are connected to an Internotes server or to a Domino server, then the URL will be a hot link which can be double-clicked in Notes to go directly to that address on the Internet. Note that the file type on the ftp site may be a different file type from the file originally attached to a document - eg .ZIP instead of .EXE. It is intended to standardise on self-extracting .EXE files.
Documents which have had their file attachments removed will contain the following statement :
The files contained in this document have been archived and can be obtained either :
1. From the IBM PC Company ftp site on the Internet at the address noted below,
(copy & paste the address into your Web Browser, or, if you are connected to an Internotes or Domino server, double-click on the address to hot-link directly to the URL. Note that the file type on the ftp site may be a different file type from the file originally attached to this document - eg .ZIP instead of .EXE)
2. From the Archive Database -
LN V3 - IBM PC Service Information Archive Database - CD1 1997
LN V4 - IBM PC Service Information Archive Database - CD1a 1997
by double-clicking on the following doclink(s) : [doclink]
Double-click here for more information on the Archive process - .
The URL will be of the form
The first set of doclinks will connect to the Archive database, the second doclink will connect to this help document explaining the archive process.
Using the Archive CD
In order for documents which have been archived to be available directly from the main CTSTIPS database, the Archive database must be made available from the CD. There are several options for making the documents on the CD available. These are as follows :
1. Directly from the CD.
- Load the CD into the CD drive
- In Notes V4, use File-Database-Open to add the icon for the database to your desktop.
- In Notes V3, use File-Open Database to add the icon for the database to your desktop.
When opening a doclink from CTSTIPS into the Archive database, the CD must be available for the doclink to work.
NB - The archive database CD must be the correct one for the version of notes which is in use, i.e.
Notes V3 - IBM PC Service Information Archive Database - CD1 1997
Notes V4 - IBM PC Service Information Archive Database - CD1a 1997.
2. From a local Hard File
- Load the CD into the CD drive.
- In Notes V3, use File-New Replica to take a replica copy of the database onto a local hard file. This process will place the Icon for the Archive database on the desktop.
- In Notes V4, use File-Replication-New Replica to take a replica copy of the database onto a local hard file. This process will place the Icon for the Archive database on the desktop.
This option will work with either version of the CD, irrespective of the Notes version used on the local machine.
3. From a server Hard File
- Load the CD into the CD drive.
- In Notes V3, use File-New Replica to take a replica copy of the database onto a server hard file. This process will place the Icon for the Archive database on the desktop where the work has been done. Other users should now be given access to the Archive database in the usual way and advised to place the icon on their desktops.
- In Notes V4, use File-Replication-New Replica to take a replica copy of the database onto a server hard file. This process will place the Icon for the Archive database on the desktop where the work has been done. Other users should now be given access to the Archive database in the usual way and advised to place the icon on their desktops.
This option will work with either version of the CD, irrespective of the Notes version used on the local machine.
a. The database can be copied to a local or server hard file using an operating system copy command, which will produce a database with the correct replica-id and may work more quickly than taking a replica copy through Notes. However, this may leave the file with the read-only attribute byte set on, which will make the file unreadable in Notes. This can be remedied by removing the read-only attribute with the DOS command :
attrib -r ctsarc96.nsf
Once the database has been copied and the read-only attribute reset, then the icon can be added to the desktop as described in step 1. above.
b. The directory used for the new copy does not need to be the same as that used for CTSTIPS. The database can be placed on a different drive, if required. Similarly the name of the file can be altered if required. The directory and file name given to the new copy must be used when placing the database icon on the Notes desktop. Notes will use the replica-id to access documents on the database.
c. The Access Control List of the database as it is shipped from Greenock has the default access set to Manager. Once the database has been set up on a hard file, then the default access should be set to Reader to prevent users inadvertantly changing or deleting documents. The security requirements are as described in the Help documentation - . Note that the database contains no 'IBM Confidential' information and the [IBM Only] role is redundant in this copy of the database.
d. If there is a requirement for the archive database to be used for searching, then a full text search index should be created, either when creating the database, if taking a replica copy, or after the database has been created if a file copy was taken.
The Archive Process
The following process was used to create the Archive CD and shows how documents will be archived from the main CTSTIPS database throughout this year, starting with approximately 300MB of data to be archived in February, commencing 10th February.
1. Create a copy of the CTSTIPS database, to be called CTSARC96, containing all the System Support Disk documents updated on or before August 30th, 1996. Replicas of the database will be made available to Geography's and Countries and will be cut to CD and provided to dealers where necessary as a backup to WWW access.
2. All files contained in the documents on the Archive database will, over time, be placed on a File server and made available on the World Wide Web.
3. All documents which are copied to the new archive database and were last updated on or before 31st December, 1995 will be edited in CTSTIPS and the following changes made during February :
- the file attachment will be removed
- a doclink will be created pointing to the equivalent document in the new archive database which contains the file attachment
- the WWW URL of the file attachment will be placed on the document
( c ) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 1998