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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: BBOD-3NKTLG

TP 770/E/ED - Installing Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

Please refer to the README.TXT file that accompanies the ThinkPad 770 Windows Supplement File Disk" This file explains the installation, particularly the installation of retail OSR0. Without the usage of this diskette Windows 95 will not be able to correctly identify hardware including the PCMCIA and IDE controller.
- Click here to download the diskette
Additional Information
As always the other diskettes should be on hand for the operating system that are included in Diskette Factory.
- Click here for a complete list of downloadable files.

The following is a copy of the README.TXT File that is on the diskette:

IBM ThinkPad March 31, 1998
Windows 95 Supplement Disk

Version 1.01

What This Diskette Does
ThinkPad 770/770E/770ED/600 incorporate several new devices that were
not available when Windows 95 were announced. This diskette provides
the new hardware support and some fixes.

The following models are supported:

- ThinkPad 770
- ThinkPad 770E
- ThinkPad 770ED
- ThinkPad 600

Released Versions

Version 1.00 Initial release for ThinkPad 770
Version 1.01 Support for ThinkPad 770E/770ED/600

Summary of Changes
Where: <n.nn> Diskette version (for example, 1.00 means Version 1.00)
(New) New function or enhancement
(Fix) Correction to existing function

- (New)
> INF files for Windows 95 Retail version (OSR0) and OEM Service
Release 1 (OSR1)
> INF files for Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2)
> New Cardbus hardware support
> New Unimodem driver support
> PCMCIA driver fix
- (New)
> Windows 95 OSR0 and OSR1 Machine.inf file update to support
ThinkPad 770E/770ED/600
> Windows 95 OSR2 Machine.inf file update to support
ThinkPad 770E/770ED/600

Installation Guide

[For Windows 95 OSR0 and OSR1]
1. Make sure there is enough space in the hard disk to store the cabinet
files and the installation programs (the required space may vary
depending on the language of Windows 95)
2. Make a temporary directory
For example, enter at the DOS prompt:
3. Copy all the cabinet (.CAB) files and the installation programs from
the \WIN95 directory of the Windows 95 CD-ROM to this directory
For example, enter at the DOS prompt:
COPY src_cd:\WIN95\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir

Where src_cd is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive (D, E...),
tgt_drv is the driver letter, and tgt_dir is the temporary directory
that you made in step 3.
4. Insert the Windows 95 supplementary diskette into the diskette drive
and copy the updated files from the Windows 95 supplementary diskette
to the temporary directory
For example, enter at the DOS prompt:
COPY a:\OSR0INF\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir

Where tgt_drv is the drive letter, and tgt_dir is the temporary
directory that you made in step 2.
5. Install the operating system to the system by entering SETUP.EXE at the
temporary directory prompt.
6. Refer to the Windows 95 documentation and the instructions that appear
on the screen to complete the installation.
7. If required, install OSR1 version available from the Microsoft Internet
home page.
8. If required, remove all the files in the temporary directory and the
directory itself after you complete the installation, to free the
space on the hard disk.

[For Windows 95 OSR2 and OSR2.1]
The Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2) and 2.1 (OSR2.1) are available
only as preloaded versions unless you have some special license agreement
with Microsoft.

If you do not have a CD-ROM of OSR2 or OSR2.1, you should reinstall them
by restoring the original preloaded image from the Recovery CD. Refer
to ThinkPad documentation for more detail about Recovery CD.

If you have a CD-ROM of OSR2 and OSR2.1, do the following.

1. Make sure there is enough space in the hard disk to store the cabinet
files and the installation programs (the required space may vary
depending on the language of Windows 95)
2. Make a temporary directory
For example, enter at the DOS prompt:
3. Copy all the cabinet (.CAB) files and the installation programs from
the \WIN95 directory of the Windows 95 CD-ROM to this directory
For example, enter at the DOS prompt:
COPY src_cd:\WIN95\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir

Where src_cd is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive (D, E...),
tgt_drv is the driver letter, and tgt_dir is the temporary directory
that you made in step 2.
4. Insert the Windows 95 supplementary diskette into the diskette drive
and copy the updated files from the Windows 95 supplementary diskette
to the temporary directory

For example, enter at the DOS prompt:
COPY a:\OSR2INF\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir
COPY a:\CARDBUS\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir

Where tgt_drv is the drive letter, and tgt_dir is the temporary
directory that you made in step 2.
5. Install the operating system to the system by entering SETUP.EXE at the
temporary directory prompt.
6. Refer to the Windows 95 documentation and the instructions that appear
on the screen to complete the installation.
7. Insert the Windows 95 supplementary diskette into the diskette drive
8. Change the drive letter at the DOS prompt to A and run
9. Reboot the system
10. To update the Unimodem drivers to support the Intel Video Phone
application, insert the Windows 95 supplementary diskette into the
diskette drive.
11. From the DOS prompt, go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM (or the SYSTEM
subdirectory where Windows 95 is installed)
12. Rename the UNIMODEM.VXD and UNIMDM.TSP files by entering:
13. Copy new files by entering COPY a:\UNIMODEM\*.*
14. If you are installing OSR 2.1, refer to the documentation shipped
with this version.

Trademarks and Service marks
IBM, and ThinkPad are trademarks of IBM Corporation.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Windows 95

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED

Machine Type

9548, 9549




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