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Document ID: DETR-3UFP7U |
Crossbrand - The difference between Standard and Enhanced Mode in Windows 3.1
Applicable to: United States
Windows 3.1 can run in two different operating modes: Standard mode and Enhanced mode. When you type WIN at the command prompt Windows automatically runs in the appropriate mode, depending on the computer hardware and the amount of memory the system has.
Standard Mode requires a PC with an 80286 processor (or higher) and 256KB of free conventional memory and 192KB of free extended memory. This allows machines with only 1MB of RAM to run Windows. Standard mode gives programs access to extended memory, memory above and beyond the 640KB barrier of DOS, but does not create any virtual memory. Also, DOS programs cannot be run in a window but are run in full-screen. If you have an 80386 or higher processor you can force Windows into Standard mode by typing WIN /S at the command prompt.
Enhanced Mode requires a PC with an 80386 processor (or higher) and 2MB or more of RAM (256KB of free conventional memory and 1024KB of extended memory). Windows Enhanced mode provides access to the virtual memory capability of the 386 family of processors (this includes 80486 and Pentium processors as they are simply improvements on the basic design of the 80386) so that Windows applications can use more memory than is physically available. Enhanced mode also allows the multitasking of non-Windows applications and allows them to be run in a Window instead of full-screen. Windows 3.1 can be forced into Enhanced mode by typing WIN /3 at the command prompt.
NOTE: To find what mode Windows is running in on your system, choose Help from the menu bar within the Program Manager and then choose About Program Manager.
Search Keywords |
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Hint Category |
DOS/Windows 3.x | |
Date Created |
23-04-96 | |
Last Updated |
23-03-99 | |
Revision Date |
23-03-2000 | |
Brand |
IBM Aptiva | |
Product Family |
Aptiva, PS/1 | |
Machine Type |
2144, 2168, 2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155 | |
Model |
2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 26P; 62P; 2R0; P30; C01; C34; M01; NEA; T35; U35; A62; A82; A94; B82; C42; C92; G42; M82; S92; 081; 087; 131; 137; K37; N31; N81; 11E; 13T; 14C; 16E; 17A; 18A; 18T; 19C; 21C; 23C; 28A; 46M; 51D; D50; G11; G13; G43; G46; G49; G50; G53; M46; P11; P13; P43; P50; P53; R04; R05; R06; R09; R38; R42; R43; R44; R84; R86; R87; RO3; S11; S13; S43; S45; S47; S48; S50; S53; W11; W13; W42; W43; W45; W50; W53; 20E; 22T; 24C; 24M; 28V; 39E; 41T; 43C; 45V; 48E; 50T; 52C; 55V; 72E; 74T; 76C; 78C; 79C; 81A; 82E; 84T; 86C; 87C; CC1; D53; G14; G44; G52; G54; G72; G76; G78; G82; NM1; P14; P44; P57; P71; P74; P76; P78; P84; R14; R15; R16; R17; R18; R51; R52; R57; R58; R62; R63; R67; R71; R89; R93; R96; R97; S14; S44; S54; S70; S75; S76; S78; S80; W14; W44; W48; W54; W67; W76; W77; W78; Z33; 31E; 33T; 37C; 38C; 51E; 54T; 56C; 57C; 88V; BB1; G57; G87; OR1; OR3; OR4; OR5; P89; R28; R29; R31; R74; R78; R82; R98; S55; S85; SR1; US1; W52; W82; 2R3; S15 | |
TypeModel |
21442R5; 21442R7; 21442R8; 2144M30; 2144M35; 2144M50; 21682R6; 21684R7; 21684R8; 2168M40; 2168M54; 2168M58; 21683R0; 21683R8; 2168M60; 2168M70; 21681R2; 216866P; 216867P; 216886P; 2168OR8; 21441R1; 21441R3; 21441R5; 214422P; 214424P; 214425P; 214427P; 214429P; 214463P; 214467P; 214482P; 214483P; 2144OR6; 2144OR7; 2144OR9; 21681R0; 21681R1; 216826P; 216862P; 21442R0; 2144P30; 2011C01; 2011C34; 2011M01; 2011NEA; 2011T35; 2011U35; 2121A62; 2121A82; 2121A94; 2121B82; 2121C42; 2121C92; 2121G42; 2121M82; 2121S92; 2123081; 2123087; 2123131; 2123137; 2123K37; 2123N31; 2123N81; 213311E; 213313T; 213314C; 213316E; 213317A; 213318A; 213318T; 213319C; 213321C; 213323C; 213328A; 213346M; 213351D; 2133D50; 2133G11; 2133G13; 2133G43; 2133G46; 2133G49; 2133G50; 2133G53; 2133M40; 2133M46; 2133P11; 2133P13; 2133P43; 2133P50; 2133P53; 2133R04; 2133R05; 2133R06; 2133R09; 2133R38; 2133R42; 2133R43; 2133R44; 2133R84; 2133R86; 2133R87; 2133RO3; 2133S11; 2133S13; 2133S43; 2133S45; 2133S47; 2133S48; 2133S50; 2133S53; 2133W11; 2133W13; 2133W42; 2133W43; 2133W45; 2133W50; 2133W53; 215520E; 215522T; 215524C; 215524M; 215528V; 215539E; 215541T; 215543C; 215545V; 215548E; 215550T; 215552C; 215555V; 215572E; 215574T; 215576C; 215578C; 215579C; 215581A; 215582E; 215584T; 215586C; 215587C; 2155CC1; 2155D53; 2155G14; 2155G44; 2155G52; 2155G54; 2155G72; 2155G76; 2155G78; 2155G82; 2155NM1; 2155P14; 2155P44; 2155P57; 2155P71; 2155P74; 2155P76; 2155P78; 2155P84; 2155R14; 2155R15; 2155R16; 2155R17; 2155R18; 2155R51; 2155R52; 2155R57; 2155R58; 2155R62; 2155R63; 2155R67; 2155R71; 2155R89; 2155R93; 2155R96; 2155R97; 2155S14; 2155S44; 2155S50; 2155S54; 2155S70; 2155S75; 2155S76; 2155S78; 2155S80; 2155W14; 2155W44; 2155W48; 2155W54; 2155W67; 2155W76; 2155W77; 2155W78; 2155Z33; 216828V; 216831E; 216833T; 216837C; 216838C; 216851E; 216854T; 216856C; 216857C; 216888V; 2168BB1; 2168G57; 2168G87; 2168OR1; 2168OR3; 2168OR4; 2168OR5; 2168P89; 2168R28; 2168R29; 2168R31; 2168R74; 2168R78; 2168R82; 2168R98; 2168S55; 2168S85; 2168SR1; 2168US1; 2168W52; 2168W82; 21442R3; 2144S15 | |
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