This template is to be used, documented, provided via email to the next level of support during the escalation process. CMVC cases will NOT be accepted without this information. You may also use the Tape Drive Help Guide that explains how to get information from this template. Other Hardware Configuration SCSI Cable Part & FRU Number: Describe the SCSI cable setup? List all the Parts/FRUs that have been replaced: What Diagnostics have been run, and what were the results? Has the tape drive ever worked? Please give details: Server Logs eGatherer log received: (Yes/No) Native Windows NTBackup logs received: (Yes/No) Novell Config.txt received: (Yes/No) OEM Tape Backup Logs Veritas Bediags received: (Yes/No) Veritas Backup Job logs received: (Yes/No) Arcserve logs received: (Yes/No) Tape Drive Logs - select only the tape drive that applies to your case. DLT4K/7K/8K/DLTVS/SDLT Log Page 07: (Yes/No) 20/40GB-80/160GB 8mm Log File received: (Yes/No) 80/160GB VXA-2 Log File received: (Yes/No) 100/200 FH (IBM) GEN1 Dump Log received: (Yes/No) 100/200 HH (HP) Support Ticket received: (Yes/No) 200/400 FH (IBM) GEN2 Dump Log received: (Yes/No) 3502-108/314/R14 DLT7000 Log Page 07 received: (Yes/No) 3600-109/R20 LTO Dump Log(s) received: (Yes/No) 3600-R20 RMC (web interface) Summary Report: (Yes/No) 3600 LTO (IBM) Dump Log received: (Yes/No) 3607-16X SDLT Log Page 07 received: (Yes/No) 3607-16X SDLT Autoloader Log File received: (Yes/No) 3607-26X LTO (HP) Support Ticket received: (Yes/No) 3607-26X LTO (HP) Autoloader Log File received: (Yes/No) 4560-SLX SDLT Log Page 07 received: (Yes/No) 4560-SLX Tape Library Special Trace received: (Yes/No) 4560-SLX LTO (HP) GEN1 Support Ticket received: (Yes/No) 4560-SLX LTO (IBM) GEN2 Dump Log receieved: (Yes/No) 4560-SLX LTO Library Special Trace received: (Yes/No)