File Name: dir5.10_uim_tme.txt **************************************************************** ** ** ** IBM(R) Director Version 5.10 ** ** Upward Integration Module (UIM) for ** ** IBM Tivoli(R) Management Environment(R) ** ** ** ** (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2005 All rights reserved. ** ** ** ** Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, ** ** duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule ** ** Contract with IBM Corp. ** ** ** **************************************************************** ================================================================ | Updated 10 October 2005. | ================================================================ CONTENTS 1.0 About this readme file 1.1 Product overview 1.2 Compatibility with IBM Director 2.0 Documentation 3.0 Installation 3.1 Modifying the UIM inventory component 4.0 Known problems and workarounds 5.0 Corrections to the documentation 6.0 Change history 7.0 Support Web sites 8.0 Notices and trademarks 1.0 ABOUT THIS README FILE --------------------------- This readme file provides information about IBM Director 5.10 Upward Integration Module (UIM) for IBM Tivoli Management Environment(R) (TME(R)). You can obtain the latest version of this readme file from the Web site for IBM Director UIMs. 1.1 Product overview You can use the IBM Director UIM for IBM TME to access the following functions from Tivoli Enterprise Console(R): o Event notification o Inventory collection o Discovery 1.2 Compatibility with IBM Director ----------------------------------- IBM Director 5.10 UIM for IBM TME is supported for use with both IBM Director 5.10 and IBM Director 4.20 agents. 2.0 DOCUMENTATION ------------------ The following documents are available in the docs directory on the "IBM Director Version 5.10" CD: o "IBM Director 5.10 Release Notes" o "IBM Director 5.10 Installation and Configuration Guide" o "IBM Director 5.10 Systems Management Guide" The following documents are available from the IBM Support Web site (see section 7.0, "Support Web sites"): o "IBM Director 5.10 Upward Integration Modules Installation Guide" o "IBM Director 5.10 Events Reference" The documentation is in Portable Document Format (PDF). You need Adobe Acrobat Reader or Xpdf to view it. Check the IBM Support Web site regularly for updated IBM Director documentation and readme files. 3.0 INSTALLATION ----------------- The installation instructions are provided in the "IBM Director 5.10 Upward Integration Modules Installation Guide." 3.1 Modifying the UIM inventory component ------------------------------------------- In the "IBM Director 5.10 Upward Integration Modules Installation Guide", the section about modifying the DA_Inventory profile includes scripts for managed systems. Because of the length, these scripts are included in this readme file. You can cut and paste them into the "Scripts and MIF files" section of the Inventory Administration window. If customization is needed to tmeinv.bat on Windows based systems, the following script below can be used and pasted into the "Scripts and MIF files" section of the Inventory Administration window for PC systems. o For Director 5.10 and higher agents: setdirectorhome.bat %DIRECTOR_HOME%\cimom\bin\CIM2MIF /TME c:\ exit 0 o For Director 4.2x agents: pegsunprv.exe -D"WINDIR=%WINDIR%" -cp %%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\classes\cim2mif.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\classes\cimdre.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\httpserv\cimxml.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\httpserv\guitools.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\classes\cimfac.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\classes\cimwmi.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\classes\cimutl.jar;%%DIRECTOR_HOME%%\classes\cimcmn.jar /TME exit 0 The script that should be used for Linux and AIX agents in the "Scripts and MIF files" section of the Inventory Administration window for UNIX and AS/400 is below: #! /bin/bash if [ -f "/etc/DirAgent/" ]; then . /etc/DirAgent/ else if [ ! -d "/etc/ibm/director/diragent/mifs/" ]; then mkdir /etc/ibm/director/diragent/mifs fi . /etc/ibm/director/diragent/diragent cd ${DIRAGT_ROOTDIR}/cimom/bin ${DIRAGT_ROOTDIR}/cimom/bin/cim2mif /TME fi The script that should be used for i5/OS agents in the "Scripts and MIF files" section of the Inventory Administration window for UNIX and AS/400 is below: /QIBM/ProdData/OS400/CIM/Mappings/Inventory/mif/bin/ exit 0; The MIF file that should be collected is: /QIBM/UserData/OS400/CIM/Mappings/Inventory/mif/data/umsinv.mif or if DB2 is the database: /QIBM/UserData/OS400/CIM/Mappings/Inventory/mif/data/uminvdb2.mif 4.0 KNOWN PROBLEMS AND WORKAROUNDS ----------------------------------- See the "IBM Director 5.10 Upward Integration Modules Installation Guide" for any additional limitations. o In order for the inventory piece of the integration to work with i5/OS endpoints, you must use Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2.3 with a patch that includes APAR IY77367. o On Linux(R) and UNIX(R) platforms, execute permissions might have to be set on all the *.sh files used for installation. o (Managed systems running Windows XP) The Shutdown and Reboot task might fail on systems that are running IBM Director Agent if a user is not logged in to the system. 5.0 CORRECTIONS TO THE DOCUMENTATION ------------------------------------- None 6.0 CHANGE HISTORY ------------------- o IBM Director Agent UIM for Tivoli Enterprise(TM) Framework 4.21 to 5.10 - Support for TEC events sent from IBM Director Server - Support for TEC events from iSeries(TM) and pSeries(R) machines running Level 1: IBM Director Core Services o IBM Director Agent UIM for Tivoli Enterprise(TM) Framework 4.20 to 4.21 - New Power Supply monitor for Tivoli Distributed Monitors - Includes fixes for APARs IC43049, IC43050, and IC43288 o IBM Director Agent UIM for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 4.11 to 4.20 - Added support for IBM Management Processors SNMP trap support - Added support for Tivoli Windows Event Log adapter - Added support for IBM Director Agent running on Linux - New monitors for Tivoli Distributed Monitors o IBM Director Agent UIM for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 4.1 to 4.11 - Added support for Software Distribution of IBM Director Agent version 4.11 - Updates to handle events from multinode servers o IBM Director Agent UIM for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 3.1 to 4.1 - Changed to non-Plus install method - Added Tivoli Monitoring Support o IBM Director Agent Plus Module for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 1.3 to 3.1 - Added support for Framework 3.7.1, Inventory 4.0, Distributed Monitoring 3.7, and Tivoli Enterprise Console 4.0 - Added support for Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP o IBM Director Agent Plus Module for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 1.2 to 1.3 - Corrected the following files to support ServeRAID(TM) SNMP traps: o UMStecad_snmp.baroc o UMStecad_snmp.cds o UMStecad_snmp.oid - Removed unnecessary options from the installation window - Corrected the uninstallation option - Added support for native Tivoli Enterprise Console events o IBM Director Agent Plus Module for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 1.11 to 1.2 - Corrected the installation status report from an IBM Director Agent remote installation to Software Distribution on Windows 95 and Windows 98 endpoints - Corrected the file UMStecad_snmp.baroc to correctly label Netfinity(R) Director traps in the Tivoli Enterprise Console - Corrected the reboot (restart) option for the IBM Director Agent file package to Windows 95 and Windows 98 endpoints o IBM Director Agent Plus Module for Tivoli Enterprise Framework 1.10 to 1.11 - Corrected the inventory to Oracle database - Added support for receiving Tivoli Enterprise Console events from Netfinity Director SNMP traps - Added Geographic information to inventory - Added System slots, DMI, and Alert on LAN(TM) settings to inventory - Added Asset ID(TM), BIOS details, SNMP agent configuration to inventory 7.0 SUPPORT WEB SITES ---------------------- The following Web pages provide resources for understanding, using, and troubleshooting IBM Director and systems-management tools: o IBM Director Web site on ibm_director The IBM Director Web site on has links to downloads and documentation for all versions of IBM Director. Information on this site includes: o IBM Director 5.10 - downloads and documentation o IBM LM78 and SMBus device drivers for Linux(R) o Readme files o Extensible Markup Language (XML) files for use with the Software Distribution task o IBM Director Hardware and Software Compatibility document, which lists supported eServer(TM) and xSeries(R) systems, as well as all supported operating systems. It is updated every 6 to 8 weeks. o Printable documentation for IBM Director, which is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) in several languages Check these Web pages regularly for updated readme files and documentation. o IBM Director Information Center eSSW.ic.diricinfo_1.2.0.1/fqm0_main.html Updated periodically, the IBM Director information center contains the most up-to date documentation available on a wide range of topics. o IBM ServerProven(R) page The ServerProven(R) Web page provides information about xSeries, BladeCenter(R), and IntelliStation(R) hardware compatibility with IBM Director. o IBM Support page This is the IBM Support Web site for IBM hardware and systems- management software. For systems-management software support, click "Systems management." o IBM Systems Management Software: Download/Electronic Support page dwnl.html Use this Web page to download IBM systems-management software, including IBM Director. Check this Web page regularly for new IBM Director releases and updates. o IBM Servers This Web site on links to information, downloads, and IBM Director extensions such as Remote Deployment Manager, Scalable Systems Manager, Server Plus Pack, and Software Distribution (Premium Edition) for IBM servers: o IBM BladeCenter o IBM iSeries(TM) o IBM System p5(R) and pSeries(R) o IBM xSeries o IBM System z9(R) zSeries(R) 8.0 NOTICES AND TRADEMARKS --------------------------- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some jurisdictions do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: Alert on LAN Asset ID BladeCenter eServer IBM IntelliStation iSeries Netfinity pSeries ServerProven ServeRAID System p5 System z9 Tivoli Tivoli Enterprise Tivoli Enterprise Console Tivoli Management Environment TME Virtualization Engine Wake on LAN xSeries zSeries Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.