File Name: 1.2areadme.TXT IBM NetBAY Remote Console Manager Code Update Readme.txt VERSION: Application 1.2a 02/17/03 Contents: --------- 1.0 Supported Products 2.0 Software Release Notes 3.0 Resolved Issues 4.0 Update Procedures 5.0 Web Sites and Support Phone Number 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 7.0 Disclaimer 1.0 Supported Products 1.1 PRODUCTS THAT SUPPORT THIS CODE: 1735R16 32P1651 2.0 Software Release Notes IBM RCM Software RELEASE NOTES Software version: 1.2a This firmware solves the following problems: 2.1 Fixed the following Foreign Language Keyboard issues: - When an operator entered certain keystrokes on a remote client workstation through an international keyboard (e.g.: German), the character that should have appeared on the remote target device did not appear correctly. In addition, keystrokes for primarily European keyboards, such as the ALT-GR were not trasmitted properly. 2.2 Novell Macro Primitives support - The following new macro primitives have been added to support the creation of macros for Novell target devices. * Alt-Left-PRESS * Alt-Left-RELEASE * Alt-Right-PRESS * Alt-Right-RELEASE * Ctrl-Left-PRESS * Ctrl-Left-RELEASE * Ctrl-Right-PRESS * Ctrl-Right-RELEASE * Shift-Left-PRESS * Shift-Left-RELEASE * Shift-Right-PRESS * Shift-Right-RELEASE 3.0 Known Issues (to be resolved in VCS version 2.0): 3.1 NumLock "on" blocks all alpha input from keyboard for Video Viewer for French, Italian, and Spanish keyboards 3.2 In the Database Export dialog, when you type in a file name, then change the file type, the name becomes blank. The typed in name should remain in the file name field after changing the file type. The workaround for this is to select the type of file first (*.tsv or *.csv), then enter the file name. 4.0 UPDATE PROCEDURE: 4.1 Select the appropriate file for your system to launch the software upgrade: setup.exe for Windows or setup.bin for Linux. 5.0 WEB Sites and Support Phone Number 5.1 IBM Support Web Site: 5.2 IBM Marketing eserver Web Site: 5.3 If you have any questions about this update, or problems applying the update go to the following Help Center World Telephone Numbers URL: 800-IBM-SERV (800-426-7378) 5.4 IntelliStation web site: 6.0 Trademarks and Notices 6.1 If you use IBM trademarks, include the following lead-in: The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: Follow it with a list of the IBM trademarks that are in the README file. Make sure that IBM is in the list. 6.2 Some trademarks must be acknowledged with specific statements. If you use these trademarks in the README.TXT file, include the appropriate separate attribution statement after the list of IBM trademarks. ex: C-bus is a trademark of Corollary, Inc. ex: Java and HotJava are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ex: Intel trademarks or registered trademarks are trademarks of Intel Corporation. 6.3 Include the following statement to acknowledge any other non-IBM trademarks you might have used. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. 7.0 Disclaimer 7.1 THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. 7.2 Note to Government Users Include the following note after the disclaimer paragraph. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.