The file "IBM12112GR15R4.EXE " is a self extracting ZIP file. The file "IBM12112GR15R4.EXE ", contains Bluetooth PC Card II and Bluetooth UltraPort driver files. These drivers support Microsoft Windows 98 SE, Windows 2000, Windows Me, and Windows XP. This is driver release level 1.2. Instructions for using this file. Step 1: Download file (IBM12112GR15R4.EXE) from the Web site to the local Hard drive. Step 2: Find the downloaded file using: Start > Run > Browse. Go to the location where the downloaded file is located. Select the file, click "Open", click "OK". File should self extract to C:\Bluetooth1_15_02. Step 3: Using: Start > Run > Browse, go to C:\Bluetooth1_15_02 folder and select setup.exe. Click "Open", Click "OK". Install Shield Wizard should appear. Follow the instructions to install the Bluetooth software.