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IBM PC - Flash diskettes fail after viewing with "dir" command
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Performing a "DIR" command in the Windows 95 environment on a Flash BIOS update diskette or a PS/2 Reference Diskette may cause the diskette to become inoperative. This affects ALL PS/ValuePoint, IBM PC 300/700 Series and PS/2 systems.

Microsoft uses an 8 byte block on the diskette for labelling purposes in Windows95. When a "DIR" command is executed, this 8 byte block is written to by Windows 95.

The "Diskette Drive A:" Icon under the "My Computer" folder in Windows95 has the same affect as the "DIR" command.

IBM uses this same 8 byte block for Flash BIOS updates and PS/2 Reference Diskettes to ensure that the Flash is occurring in a stable environment. Once the 8 byte block has been written to by the Windows 95 "DIR" command, the Flash diskette or Reference Diskette will display an error indicating that "This is not a valid Flash Diskette" or "This is not the correct Reference Diskette for this system."

Recent releases of Flash BIOS updates instruct the user to read the "read me" file on the Flash diskette BEFORE beginning the update process. With the number of ways to name a "read me" file, the customer is likely to do a "DIR" to get the actual file name before viewing the file with an editor.

Inform Servicers and Customers to write-protect their Flash diskettes to prevent this problem from occurring.

Windows 95 is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.

PSY2, PSVP, PSY2PROG, PSVPPROG, IBMPC, PC 700, PC 300, PC700, PC300, D/T68XX, D/T65XX, D/T6575, D/T6585, D/T6576, D/T6586, D/T6875, D/T6885, D/T6876, D/T6886, D/T6384, D/T6382, D/T6387, D/T6381, D/T6472, D/T6482, D/T6484, D/T6492, D/T6494, D/T6598, D/T8640, D/T6571, D/T6573, D/T6581, D/T6583, PSY2DSKT, PSVPDSKT, SERVER, 95, 500, 520, 720, 310, D/T8641, D/T8642, D/T8639, D/T8595, D/T9595, 9595, 8642, 8641, 8590, 8595, 8639
Document ID:  DDSE-3QZR6F
Last Modified:  1999-09-13
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