MCGA Video Subsystem
84X0672 IBM PS/2 Model 25 Technical Reference, First Edition (June 1987) Page 49-90 Physical Text Mode Memory
Organization ? NOTE: You
can find the Model 25 Tech Ref online, so this page is not
anything earth-shattering. I do have some further books
coming in and I -MIGHT- have some further
clarifications... I did a pin out for the 72X8300 [Video
Memory Controller] and the 72X8205
[Video Formatter], but that was SIMMply transcribing
data from the Model 30 schematics.
Folks, I don't understand the storing of text in RAM. Character
Definition Tables
As on the EGA and VGA, bit 3 of a
character’s attribute byte does double duty as part of the
9-bit character code as well as the high-order bit of the
character’s foreground attribute. If you want to use the
same colors for both 256-character sets, you can call INT
10H function 10H to store the same set of color values in
the second eight video DAC color registers as you do in
the first eight. You can also call INT 10H function 10H to
mask bit 3 out of alphanumeric attribute decoding (see
Listing 10-8).
With all of the subsystems discussed in
this chapter, you can vary the displayed height of
alphanumeric characters by programming the CRT Controller
to display characters the same size as the characters
defined in character generator RAM. Thus, to display
8-by-8 characters on a 350-line display, you place 8-by-8
character definitions into character generator RAM and
then program the CRTC to display characters that are 8
pixels high.
Figure 10-17.
A tiled graphics window in an alphanumeric mode.
Subsystem The video subsystem is resident on the system board and consists of: • Video memory controller gate array • Video formatter gate array • 64K bytes of multi port dynamic memory • 8K bytes static RAM character generator • 256-by-18-bit color palette with three 6-bit digital-to-analog converters (DAC). At the BIOS level (interrupt hex 10), the Type 8525 maintains compatibility with the IBM Color Graphics Adapter (CGA). The video modes are compatible with those modes supported by the color graphics adapter with two modes added. The additional modes are the 320-by-200 graphics with 256 colors available and the 640-by-480 graphics with two colors available. Block Diagram
Figure 1-21. Video Subsystem Block
Display Support The video subsystem supports a 31.5 kHz analog color display or 31.5 kHz analog monochrome display. The system senses the type of display and matches the initialization to it. The polarity of the vertical synchronization signal to the display determines the number of horizontal scans, either 400 or 480. The number of scan lines in relation to the polarity is:
the system senses the presence of a monochrome display, it
sums the colors and outputs the video signal to pin 4
(green) of the video connector on the system board. NOTE: Using only one color
gun results in a sharper picture on CRTs, as there is no
possibility of convergence error. I can't prove it, but an
LCD wouldn't have a convergence issue -LFO Text Modes In the text modes, the character box size is 8-by-16. The character font table is loaded into the character generator. All 16 scan lines are programmed into the character generator. Graphics Modes In the graphics modes, the character font table is used to create the character PELs. For most graphics modes, the character box is an 8-by-8 character box that is double-scanned to create an 8-by-16 character; however, all 16 scan lines of the 8-by-16 box are not programmable. The 640-by-480 graphics mode is the exception. It uses an 8-by-16 character box and a separate font table. In this mode, 30 character rows are displayed. Figure 1-22. Video Mode Summary
Display Formats In alphanumeric (text) modes 0 through 3, two bytes define each character on the display screen. The even byte accesses the character generator to create the PEL data. The odd byte defines the color of the PELs. Sixteen colors are available for foreground, and eight colors are available for background when blink is enabled (default). Blink is controlled in the EGA Mode Control register, hex 3D8. The format of the two bytes is shown in the following:
Figure 1-23. Alphanumeric Format
The following are the bit definitions of the attribute byte. Bit 7 selects a blinking character, or if blinking is disabled, selects palette addresses above hex 07 for the background color. Figure 1-24. Attribute Byte
In modes 4 and 5, the bit pair C1 and C0 selects one of four colors for each PEL. Figure 1-25. Modes 4 and 5
There are two color sets: color set 0 and color set 1. For information about the colors selected, see "CGA Border Control Register, 3D9," later in this section under "Video Formatter Registers." In modes 6 and 11, one bit defines each PEL, with the most significant bit defining the first PEL. The foreground color maps to the color in the CGA Border Control register if the B&W bit in the CGA Mode Control Register is 0. If the B&W bit is 1, the foreground color maps to palette address hex 07. The background color always maps to address hex 00. Figure 1-26. Modes 6 and 11
In mode 13, a byte defines each PEL. This allows a choice of 256 colors for each PEL. Video Storage Organization
The following is the memory mapping for text modes 0 through 3. Figure 1-27. Text Modes 0 through 3
The following is the memory mapping for graphics modes 4 through 6. In modes 4 and 5, each byte defines four PELs. In mode 6, each byte defines eight PELs. Figure 1-28. Graphics Modes 4 through 6
The following is the memory
mapping for graphics modes 11 and 13. In mode 11, each
byte defines eight PELs; in mode 13, each byte defines
one PEL. Figure 1-29. Graphics Modes 11 and 13
Video Registers The video memory controller gate array responds to I/O addresses 3D4 and 3D5. The video formatter gate array responds to I/O addresses 3D8 through 3DF. The color palette is programmed through the video formatter at addresses 3C6 through 3C9. All registers are readable. The following pages describe the memory controller registers, the video formatter registers, the color palette registers, and the character generator. Sample programs of a font load and palette load are also included. Video Memory Controller Registers
The video memory controller contains an index register and 22 data registers. Two I/O commands are required to write to one data register: writing the desired index value to address hex 3D4, and then writing the data to address hex 3D5. Memory Controller Index Register, Hex 3D4: This register is read/write, and points to the specific data register addressed through hex 3D5. Figure 1-30. Video Memory Controller
Index Register
The following is a list of the 22 data registers and their functions.
Horizontal Total Register, Index 00: This register contains the total number of characters in the horizontal scan interval. The number consists of both displayed and nondisplayed characters. This register determines the frequency of the 'horizontal sync' signal. Horizontal Characters Displayed Register, Index 01: This register determines the total number of characters to be displayed during the horizontal video scan interval. This register is loaded with a value of hex 27. The hardware calculates the correct value based on the mode selected. Start Horizontal Sync Register, Index 02: This register specifies the character position count at which the 'horizontal sync' signal becomes active. Sync Pulse Width Register, Index 03: This register specifies the pulse widths of the horizontal and vertical synchronization signals. The horizontal pulse width is programmed in units of character clocks. The vertical pulse width is programmed in units of the horizontal synchronization period. This register is programmed to match the display specifications. Figure 1-31. Sync Pulse Width Register
Vertical Total Register, Index 04: This register contains the 8 least significant bits for the total number of scan lines in the vertical scan interval. The most significant bit is the inversion of bit 6 of the Mode Control register. The total number consists of both the displayed and nondisplayed scan lines. This register and the Vertical Total Adjust register determine the frequency of the 'vertical sync' signal. Vertical Total Adjust Register, Index 05: This register is used to adjust the total number of horizontal scan lines in the vertical scanning interval. It allows for an odd number of horizontal lines (525 for 60 Hz). The minimum value for this register is hex 02. Figure 1-32. Vertical Total Adjust
Vertical Characters Displayed Register, Index 06: This register contains the 8 least significant bits for the number of scan lines displayed in the vertical scan interval. The most significant bit is the inversion of bit 6 of the Mode Control register. Start Vertical Sync Register, Index 07: This register contains the 8 least significant bits for the vertical scan line count. It determines when the 'vertical sync' signal becomes active. The most significant bit is the inversion of bit 6 of the Mode Control register. Scan Lines per Character Register, Index 09: This register determines the number of horizontal scan lines in a character row. In text modes, the value is hex 07. In graphics modes 4 through 6, the value is hex 01, and in modes 11 and 13, the value is hex 00. The hardware calculates the proper value based on the mode selected. Figure 1-33. Scan Lines per Character
Cursor Start Register, Index 0A: Bits 3 through 0 in this register determine the horizontal scan line count at which the cursor output becomes active. The value in this register should be lower than the value in the Cursor End register. The minimum is 0. The hardware will double-scan the cursor to produce the proper cursor display for a 16-scan-line character box. When bit 5 is 1, the cursor is not displayed. Figure 1-34. Cursor Start Register
Cursor End Register, Index 08: This register determines the horizontal scan line count when the cursor output becomes inactive. The value should be greater than the value in the Cursor Start register. The maximum is 7. Figure 1-35. Cursor End Register
Start of Screen High Register,
0C: This register contains the 8 most
significant bits for the starting memory address of the
video display buffer. Sixteen address bits determine the
starting address. This register is initialized to a value of hex 00. Start of Screen Low Register, Index 0D: This register, together with the Start of Screen High register, gives the starting address of the display buffer. For all modes, this register is initialized to a value of hex 00. Cursor Position High Register, Index 0E: This register contains the four most significant bits for the cursor location. Figure 1-36. Cursor Position High
Cursor Position Low Register, Index 0F: This register contains the eight least significant bits for the location of the cursor. A value of hex 00 in both of these registers will locate the cursor in the upper left corner. The cursor is not supported in any graphics mode. Mode Control Register, Index 10: Writing to this register selects the type of display and clock times, and selects some of the graphics modes. Figure 1-37. Mode Control, Write
Write Bit 7 When set to 1, the
Inhibit Write bit prevents any writes to the horizontal
and vertical registers. After a mode set, BIOS sets this
bit to 1 to prevent applications designed for other color
graphics adapters from altering those registers. Bit 6 The inverse of this bit is used as the ninth bit of the vertical compare circuits and must be set to 0. Bit 5 Reserved. Bit 4 This bit selects the
dot clock and must be set to 1 [25.175 MHz] Bit 3 When set to 1, this bit allows the circuitry to calculate the correct horizontal register values for the 80-by-25 text modes. This bit should be set to 1 for all modes. Bit 2 Reserved. Bit 1 When set to 1, this bit selects mode 11. Bit 0 When set to 1, this bit selects mode 13. Bit 2 in the Extended Mode Control register must also be set. During certain operations, the circuitry calculates some of the internal signals and returns the values to the Mode Control register. Figure 1-38. Mode Control, Read
Read Bit 7 This bit indicates the state of bit 0 in the CGA Mode Control register. When set to 1, this bit indicates that 80-by-25 mode is selected. Bit 6 Reserved. Bit 5 When this bit is 1, it indicates that the clock is not divided by 2, and the resolution is 640 PELs wide. When it is 0, the resolution is 320. Bit 4 When this bit is 1,
it indicates that the dot clock is 25.175 MHz. Bit 3 When set to 1, this bit indicates that the mode is a text mode. Bit 2 When set to 1, this bit indicates that the scan lines are double-scanned. Bit 1 When set to 1, this bit indicates that mode 11 is selected. Bit 0 When set to 1, this bit indicates that mode 13 is selected. Interrupt Control Register, Index 11: This register controls IRQ2 output to the interrupt controller. It also shows the status of the interrupt. The output drivers are tri-stated (bit 7) to allow a Read of the Display Sense register. Figure 1-39. Interrupt Control Register
Bit 7 When set to 1, this bit disables (tri-states) the output drivers and selects the Display Sense register to be read at index 12 instead of the Character Generator Interface and Sync Polarity register. Bit 6 When set to 1, this bit indicates that the memory controller is causing an interrupt. This bit is read-only. Bit 5 When cleared to 0, this bit enables the interrupt. Bit 4 When cleared to 0, this bit holds the interrupt latch clear. Bits 3-0 These bits are reserved and should be 0. Character Generator Interlace and Sync Polarity Register, Index 12: This register controls the character font tables and the horizontal and vertical synchronization signals, HSYNC and VSYNC. To read this register, bit 7 of the Interrupt Control register must be 0. Figure 1-40. Character Generator
Interface and Sync Polarity Register
Bit 7 When written as a 1, this bit loads the character generator. When read as a 0, the bit indicates that the load has finished. To start the load, this bit is first cleared and then set to 1. Bit 6 When set to 1, this bit causes the character generator to load the display memory during normal display time. When clear, the display memory is loaded only during the vertical blanking interval. Bit 5 This bit selects the font page that is used as font table or that the character generat9r loads. When set to 1, font page 1 is selected; when cleared to 0, font page 0 is selected. Bit 4 When this bit is set to 1, 512 character codes are displayable in the text modes. Bit 3 of the attribute byte then determines the font page when displaying the character. When this bit is set to 1, only eight foreground colors are supported. When this bit is cleared to 0, only 256 character codes are displayed, and bit 5 of this register determines the active font. Bit 3 Reserved = 0. Bit 2 When set to 1, this bit enables HSYNC and VSYNC outputs to the display. Bit 1 When set to 1, this bit causes VSYNC to be positive polarity. Bit 0 When set to 1, this bit causes HSYNC to be positive polarity. Display Sense Register, Index 12: This register contains the sensed levels of the monitor sense 1 and 0 signals at pins 13 and 14 of the display connector. This information is used by BIOS to properly initialize all video registers to match the display. To read this register, bit 7 of the Interrupt Control register is set to 1. These levels are used to determine the type of display attached as shown in the following. The bit is set when the polarity is positive. Figure 1-41. Monitor Sense Bits
Character Font Pointer Register, Index 13: This register contains a pointer to the character font table. The only valid pointer values are hex 00, 10, 20, or 30. The pointer value doubled and the hex value A0000 make up the segment for the font table. The character value doubled is the offset into the table. See "RAM-Loadable Fonts," later in this section. Number of Characters to Load Register, Index 14: This register determines the number of characters to load into the RAM-loadable character generator during one vertical retrace interval. This register is used only in the text modes. Video Formatter Registers
The video formatter registers at I/O addresses hex 3D8 and 3D9 duplicate the functions of the 6845 registers in the color graphics adapter. Registers are added at addresses hex 3DD through 3DF for Type 8525 initialization requirements. The video formatter registers at addresses hex 3C6 through 3C9 control the color palette. Register
3D8 CGA Mode Control 3D9 CGA Border Control 3DA CGA Status 3DB Reserved 3DC Reserved 3D0 Extended Mode Control 3DE Reserved 3DF Reserved 3C6 PEL Mask 3C7 Palette Read Address 3C8 Color Palette Address 3C9 Color Palette Data CGA Mode Control Register, 3D8: This register contains the mode control information for color/graphics compatible functions.
Figure 1-42. CGA Mode Register
CGA Border Control Register, 3D9: This register contains the border color information and selects the alternate color palette for modes 4 and 5. Although analog displays do not have borders, the border color information selects the alternate foreground color for modes 6 and 11, and the background color for modes 4 and 5. Figure 1-43. CGA Border Control
Bits 7,6 Reserved Bit 5 When set to 1, this bit selects color set 1 for modes 4 and 5. Bit 4 When set to 1 (default), this bit selects an intensified color set for modes 4 and 5. Bits 3-0 These bits select the palette address for the border color information used by modes 4, 5, 6, and 11. The following figure shows the effects of this register and the bit pair C1,C0 and how the two color sets map into the color palette. Figure 1-44. Modes 4 and 5 Color
CGA Status Register, 3DA: This register is read-only and contains the status information for the color graphics adapter. Figure 1-45. Status Register
Extended Mode Control Register, 3DD: This register controls the selection of the type of display and the advanced color support. When cleared to 0, bit 7 indicates that a readable DAC is installed; when set, it indicates that the DAC is not a readable type. Bit 2 must be set to 1 to select mode 13. Figure 1-46. Extended Mode Control
Color Palette Registers Three registers are used to access the color palette: a mask register, a read address register, and a write address register. The color palette has 256 18-bit data registers and an 8-bit address register. Each data register is divided into three 6-bit data areas, one for each color. To load each data register takes three outputs in the sequence of red, green, blue. When accessing the palette, the interrupts should be disabled to prevent the sequence from being interrupted. The palette supports both a single-register write operation and a burst load operation. To maintain software compatibility, programmers should use the BIOS interface when loading the color palette. BIOS supports two calls for setting and two calls for reading the color registers. The calls are through interrupt 10H with (AH) = hex 10. The value in the AL register determines the specific operation: 10 - Set individual color register 12 - Set block of color registers 15 - Read individual color register 17 - Read block of color registers Single Register Load: The address for the specific color register (0 - 255) is loaded into the BX register. The DH, CH, and CL registers contain the red, green, and blue values, respectively. In the following example using the BIOS interface, the yellow color value is loaded into the palette address normally assigned to white. If the Set Mode call has been initialized to restore the color palette to its default state, the mode must be set before changing the color palette. ;-----Set
up the video mode MOV
AX,0004H ;
Set mode to mode 4 INT 10H
; Video BIOS interrupt ;-----Read
color 14 to get the red, green, and blue values for
yellow MOV
AX,1015H ;
Read individual color register MOV BX,0EH
Read color register 0EH INT 10H ;
Video BIOS interrupt
Return with DH = red value
CH = green value
CL = blue value ;-----Set
color 15 to the red, green, and blue values of yellow MOV
AX,1010H ;
Set individual color register MOV BX,0FH ;
Set color register 0FH INT 10H
; Video BIOS interrupt Burst Load: This second call supports setting a block of color registers. Using this call, 1 to 256 color values can be set or read with a single BIOS call. The BX register contains the address for the first register to be set, and CX contains the number of registers. ES:DX point to a table of color values, where each table entry contains the red, green, and blue values for a color. The following example sets the first 16 colors in the color palette. ;-----Set
colors 0 thru 15 with a set block of color registers
Return address for DOS PUSH CS POP ES
Establish ES addressing for table MOV AX,
1012H ; Set
block of color register call MOV BX, 0
Start with color 0 MOV CX, 16
Set 16 color registers MOV DX,
ES:DX point to color table INT 10H
Make the video BIOS interrupt RET SET_BLK_EX
; Black 00 DB
; Blue 01 DB
; Green
02 DB
; Cyan 03 DB
Red 04 DB
; Magenta
05 DB
; Brown 06 DB
; White 07 DB
; Gray 08 DB
; Lt blue
09 DB
; Lt green
; Lt cyan
08 DB
; Lt red 0C DB
; Lt magenta
; Lt yellow 0E DB
; Bright White
0F CODE ENDS END PEL Mask Register, 3C6: This register is initialized to a value that does not affect the color selection, hex FF. This value should not be changed because mask operations are not supported on the Type 8525. Palette Read Address Register, 3C7: This register contains the pointer to one of 256 palette data registers and is used when reading the color palette. Reading this port returns the last command cycle to the palette. The description of bits 1 and 0 is in the following table. All other bits during a read of this port are reserved. Figure 1-47. Last
Palette Command
Color Palette Address Register, 3C8: This register contains the pointer to one of 256 palette data registers and is used during a palette load. Color Palette Data Register, 3C9: This register contains a 6-bit value that yields one of 64 color levels. To write a color, the address is loaded into the Color Palette Address register. Three writes to this register are needed for each palette address: the first is the red color information, the second is the green, and the third is the blue. To read a color, the address value is written to the Palette Read Address register, followed by three reads of this register. The first returns the red color information, the second returns the green, and the third returns the blue. Figure 1-48. Color Palette Data Register
Video Initialization Tables
The following figures show the video register values used by BIOS for the various display modes. Figure 1-49. Memory Controller
Figure 1-50. Video Formatter
Initialization Table
Figure 1-51. 16-Color Compatibility
RAM-Loadable Fonts
In the text modes, the video buffer is divided into two data areas: the text area at address B8000 and the character font tables at address A0000. The text area consists of the character and attribute code for each position on the display. The font table consists of the character code and PEL data for each character in the set. Restrictions are placed on where the character font can be loaded into the video buffer. Four fonts are supported in text modes. The memory map below shows the areas (blocks) in the video buffer where the fonts are loaded. The font tables can be swapped in synchronization with the 'vertical retrace' signal with several output commands. A maximum of four fonts can be loaded into the font area, but only two can be loaded into and displayed from the character generator at anyone time. Two fonts are provided in ROM, an 8-by-8 font and an 8-by-16 font. The font loaded depends on the mode that is active at the time. Figure 1-52. Font Memory Map
The following is an example of how the character "E" is defined in an 8-by-16 character box. Figure 1-53. Sample Character
The following programming example uses the BIOS routine to load a font table into block 0. Because of differences in the hardware, the character generator is not loaded the same for all display adapters; however, the BIOS routines are the same for all video subsystems with RAM-loadable fonts. The Type 8525, for instance, supports only 8-by-8 and 8-by-16 character fonts, depending on the mode selected. TITLE Load
block 0 with character definitions from "SET_A" CODE SEGMENT
; Mode set BIOS call for mode 1 INT
l0H; MOV
; Load 256 characters into the block MOV
; Begin loading at offset zero MOV
; Load the characters into block zero MOV
; 16 bytes per character definition MOV
; Get the segment of the characters MOV
; ES = segment of character definitions MOV
; Character generator routines MOV
; User alpha load BIOS call MOV
BP = offset of character definitions INT
l0H RET EXl ENDP ;----8-by-16
definitions for "SET_A" SET_A LABEL
INCLUDE SET_A_CHARS SET_A_END EQU $ CODE ENDS END Block 0 now contains the 256 character definitions from file SET_A. To load block 1, change the block number, the character file pointer, and the pointer for the block to be loaded, as indicated below. EX2 PROC NEAR MOV
; Load 256 characters into the block MOV
; Begin loading at offset zero MOV
; Load the characters into block one MOV
; 16 bytes per character definition MOV
; Get the segment of the characters MOV
; ES = segment of character definitions MOV
; Character generator routines MOV
; User alpha load BIOS call MOV
BP = offset of character definitions INT
10H RET EX2 ENDP ;----8-by-16
definitions for "SET_B" SET_B LABEL BYTE
EQU $ Blocks 2 and 3 can be loaded in the same manner, until all four blocks contain character font information. The characters that were loaded into the blocks are not available for display until they are transferred to the character generator. The character generator is broken into two parts, or font pages. Each font page contains 256 character definitions. The character generator is loaded from the four blocks of 256 character definitions. A character set of 256 characters is loaded into the character generator by selecting one of the four blocks to be transferred. Two of the four blocks are selected for a character set of 512 characters. The Set Block Specifier call is used to transfer the blocks of character definitions to the character generator. The Set Block Specifier call uses the input parameter in BL to specify which blocks are loaded into the character generator. Only the low nibble (4 bits) of BL is used. Bits t and 0 specify which block to load into the first 256 positions of the character generator, or font page 0. The first 256 positions are the character definitions for characters 0 - 255. Bits 3 and 2 indicate which block to load into the second 256 positions of the character generator, or font page 1. The second 256 positions of the character generator define characters 256 - 511. If the two bit pairs are equal (bit 0 is the same as bit 2 and bit 1 is the same as bit 3), only font page 0 is loaded, which limits the character set to 256 characters. The following figure summarizes the bit patterns that indicate with which blocks the character generator is loaded. Figure 1-54. Block Specifier
To load block 0 into font page 0 and block 3 into font page 1, the following BIOS call is used. MOV
; Character generator routines MOV
; Set block specifier BIOS call MOV
; Character generator block specifier INT
10H Font page 0 now contains the character definitions from block 0, and font page 1 the character definitions from block 3. Because font page 0 specifies characters 0 through 255, and font page 1 specifies the characters 256 through 511, 512 characters are now available for display. The BIOS write character routines, however, accept the AL register as the character to be displayed. That allows a range of characters starting at 0 and stopping at 255, and appears to limit the number of characters to 256. The solution is to use a bit in the attribute byte to specify the font page (see "Programming Considerations" later in this section). Whenever a 512 character set is available, bit 3 of the attribute byte selects font page 0 (characters 0- 255) or font page 1 (characters 256 - 511). If bit 3 is 1, font page 1 is used; if the bit is 0, font page 0 is used. To display character hex 30, the following BIOS call can be used. MOV
AH,09H ;
Write attribute/character at cursor pos. MOV
; AL
= character to write MOV
; Display page 0 MOV
Display 1 character MOV
White character on black background INT
10H ;
Attribute bit off selects font page 0 To display character hex 130 (304), the following BIOS call can be used. Attribute bit 3 is still used as the intensity bit in alpha modes. MOV AH,09H
; Write attribute/character at cursor pos. MOV AL,30H
; AL = character to write MOV BH,00H
; Display Page 0 MOV CX,1
; Display 1 character MOV BL,07H
; Intense white character on black background OR BL,08H
; Turn on attribute bit 3 to select font page 1 INT 10H Alternate Parameter Table
A table in BIOS, SAVE_TBL, is used to maintain various tables and save areas. Each entry in this table is a doubleword. The format for this table is: Figure 1-55. Alternate Parameter Table
Entry Description 1
Video Parameter Table Pointer
This must point to the video parameter table in
BIOS. 2 Reserved
= 0 3 Alpha
Mode Auxiliary Font Pointer
This is a pointer to a descriptor table used
during a mode set to select
a user font in A/N mode. The table has the
following format:
Size Description
Byte Bytes
per character
Byte Block
to load, should be 00 for normal operation
Word Count
to store, should be hex 100 for normal operation
Word Character
offset, should be 00 for normal operation
DWord Pointer
to a font table
Byte Displayable
rows, if the value is FF, the maximum calculated
value will be used; otherwise, this value is
Byte Consecutive
bytes of mode values for which this font
description is to be used. The end of this stream
is indicated
by a byte code of FF. 4 Graphics
Mode Auxiliary Pointer
This is a pointer to a descriptor table used
during a mode set to
select a user font in graphics mode. The table
has the following
Size Description
Byte Displayable rows
Word Bytes
per character
DWord Pointer
to a font table
Byte Consecutive
bytes of mode values for which this font
description is to be used. The end of this stream
is indicated
by a byte code of FF. 5 - 7 Reserved
as all 0'5. Normally, the auxiliary pointers, the third and fourth entries, are set to all zeros. The Mode Set looks at these values and, if they are zero, goes to the BIOS font table. If they are not zero, the Mode Set loads the user font pointed to by the auxiliary pointer. The pointer for SAVE_TBL exists at 40:A8. To use your own table, create two tables, SAVE_TBL and, optionally, the font descriptor table. Then set the pointer to point to the new SAVE_TBL. Programming Considerations
Interrupt Usage: The Type 8525 video subsystem can be programmed to create an interrupt at the end of each vertical display refresh time. An interrupt handler must be written by the application to take advantage of this feature. The vertical retrace interrupt is on IRQ2. (This interrupt does not support interrupt sharing). The programmer can poll the Interrupt Control register, port 3D5 index 11, to determine whether the video caused the interrupt. The IRQ2 status bit indicates that a vertical retrace interrupt did occur; it does not indicate that the video is still in retrace. To find the status of the 'vertical retrace' signal, check the CGA Status register, port 3DA. The Interrupt Control register also has 2 bits that control the interrupt circuitry and 1 bit that controls the output of the video formatter. To enable the interrupt 1. Clear bit
4 to clear the interrupt latch. 2. Clear bit
5 to enable the interrupt. 3. Set bit 4
to enable the latch. 512 Character Set: When using a 512 character set on the Type 8525, the following procedures are recommended to maintain consistent colors. 1. Set the
block specifier, (AX) = 1103H. 2. Set the
colors for 512, (AX) = 1000H (8X) =0712H. 3. Reload
the first eight colors into the palette. Note: The character hex 20 (normally a space) is used to fill the blank area of the screen. Therefore, it is recommended that character hex 20 be a blank space. Color Palette: When the character generator is loaded during the vertical blanking interval, a maximum of 240 characters can be loaded in 80-column modes and 120 characters in 40-column modes. To prevent screen flicker, the color palette should be accessed only during the vertical blanking interval. Also, when the palette is being accessed, certain timing requirements must be observed. The following diagrams show these timing requirements.
Figure 1-56. Write to Palette Address
Figure 1-57. Read Palette Address
Figure 1-58. Write Color followed by a
Figure 1-59. Write Color followed by a
Figure 1-60. Read Color followed by a
Figure 1-61. Read Color followed by a
Connector [System Board]
The display connects to a 14-pin connector on the system board. The following are the pin numbering and signal assignments for the video connector. Figure 1-62. Display Connector