Bus Master Data Transfers
Images derived from "Figure 4.3" page 140 of Micro Channel Architecture: Revolution in Personal Computing, Pat A. Bowlds, ISBN0-442-00433-8

NOTE: I might add a bit more text, but that depends on if anything significant exists that would make a difference... LFO 

Type 1: Transfer between a memory slave and an I/O slave via system master  

Type 2: Transfer between a memory slave and an I/O slave via DMA controller
(system master free to do other tasks)

Type 3: Transfer between a memory slave and a Bus Master
(system master free to do other tasks)

Type 4: Transfer from one I/O slave to another (Combination of Type 1 and Type 2)

Type 5: Transfer between I/O slave and a Bus Master

Type 6: Transfer between two Bus Masters (Type 6 is a special case of Type 3)