MACPAWIN.ZIP, README.TXT From Tim N. Clarke and README.TXT. MME uses the MIDI Mapper to support MIDI. In order for the M-AUDIO driver to support MIDI it must be configured to work with the Mapper. All modifications are saved in the file midimap.cfg. Because MME does not provide a means of merging data into this file the setup must be performed manually. Before configuring the Mapper considerations must be given as to the files that will be used with the synthesizer. MIDI Mapper: The MicroSoft *.MID format pre-dates the General MIDI file standards. Each Microsoft .MID file (e.g. CANYON.MID) contains two mappings - Basic (Channels 13-16) and Extended (Channels 1-10). NOTE: Basic - HIGHER, Extended - LOWER, General - ALL tracks. LFO Microsoft format Extended synthesizers [lower tracks, 1-10] has 16-note polyphony Base synthesizers [higher tracks, 13-16] has 6-note polyphony. Each version is complete with a percussion track. [which track?] General MIDI format All sixteen tracks are available for one song with 24-note polyphony. Track ten is used for percussion. [Important!] Create all three Mapper Setups "ACPA Base MIDI", "ACPA Ext. MIDI" and "ACPA Gen. MIDI", for selection dependent upon the types of MIDI files that you wish to playback. "ACPA Base MIDI" map set *must* only enable Channels 13 to 16 to the same output channels. NOTE: Most General MIDI files will not play at all. Full 6-note polyphony can be achieved. Microsoft files can be played. "ACPA Ext. MIDI" map set *must* only enable Channels 1 to 10 to the same output channels. NOTE: Extended synthesizers cannot achieve 16 note polyphony, but most General MIDI files will play as is. Microsoft files will also play as is. "ACPA Gen. MIDI" map set *must* route input Channel 16 to output Channel 10 to correctly assign the GM Percussion channel to the M-ACPA Percussion waveforms, otherwise it's a full 1-1 16-Channel map. NOTE: How is Input Channel 10 mapped to Output -IF- Input Channel 16 is mapped to Output Channel 10? LFO With the preceding implications in mind we recommend that you map the M-AUDIO MIDI synthesizer as an extended synthesizer. To configure the Mapper for an extended synthesizer follow the instructions below: 1. Start Windows. 2. Perform the driver installation instructions above. 3. Select the Control Panel icon from the Main Group. 4. Choose the MIDI Mapper icon from the Control Panel. Depending on the hardware configuration of your system, You might get a dialog box displayed at this point warning that the current MIDI setup references a MIDI device which is not installed in your system. The warning will ask if you want to continue. Click YES. 5. Under Show, select Setups and Click on New. 6. In the "New MIDI Setup" dialog box type a name you want to call this MIDI mapping (M-AUDIO) in the name field followed by a description if desired (IBM M-AUDIO mapping). Click OK. 7. A new dialog box labeled MIDI Setup: followed by the name you entered in the previous step will be displayed. Under the column labeled 'Port Name' place the mouse cursor on row one. Click on the down arrow to display the options that can be selected for the chosen port. For subsequent rows you must first click on the row to get the down arrow to display. Select the option 'IBM M-AUDIO MIDI SYNTH'. Repeat this process for ports two through ten. Click OK when finished. 8. The voicing for the M-AUDIO synthesizer has been mapped to correspond with that of General Midi mapping. All of the voices should have a one to one mapping, ie. voice 16 of the mapper should map to voice 16 of the synthesizer. This is the default mapping so nothing else has to be done. 9. These are the only modifications that are needed for the Synth module. Make sure that the name you selected is displayed in the name field on the "MIDI Mapper" dialog box. If it is not, click on the down arrow in the name field and select your name. If you are using Windows 3.0, click on OK to switch to your new Synth module. If you are using Windows 3.1, close the dialog box. Note: If you choose to map as a base synthesizer you will need to map channels thirteen through sixteen as the IBM M-AUDIO MIDI SYNTH and also change the destination of track sixteen to track ten. This will map percussion to the right track. WHAT? Base synth Input 16 mapped to Output 10? Base synth maps 13-16, so this seems to be logical. |