Fecker Telescope Articles.
There seems to be five articles by J.W. Fecker in volume 69.

A Precise Method of Focusing Telescopic Sights
BY J. W. Fecker, Optical Engineer

 American Rifleman, vol 69, No 16, 1 May 1922 - page 4

 OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS have been developed for sighting ordnance material in order to increase the accuracy with which a piece can be laid upon a given target. In order to derive the full benefit of this valuable invention, it is a prime requisite that the instruments be correctly adjusted. This adjustment may be divided into two parts.

First, the instrument must be so assembled that the lenses and sighting mark within the instrument are properly spaced and aligned.

 Secondly, the instrument must be attached and aligned to the gun so that the shot strikes upon the target when the sighting mark in the telescope is superposed upon the image of the target. I shall here deal with the adjustment of the first kind, as the second adjustment is already familiar to all users of telescopic sights.

 In order that a fixed telescope shall always point directly at a fixed target no matter what the position of the eye, it is essential that the image of the target, as formed by the objective and erecting system, is exactly in the plane of the cross wires or other sighting mark. The eyepiece must be so adjusted that its focal plane exactly coincides with the plane of the cross wires. This being done the eye may be moved clear across the field without there being any displacement of the image from the cross wires. If an instrument is not so adjusted, when the eye is moved away from the center of the lens, the cross wires and image separate, i.e., the cross wires appear to jump over to one side, producing what is called parallax, a defect which makes it impossible to duplicate shots, as a very slight displacement of the eye from the center of the lens causes the image and cross wires to assume different relative positions, with resulting displacement of the shots on the target.

 In adjusting any telescope with cross wires, the first operation is always to point the telescope to the clear sky or any uniformly illuminated surface, and move the eyepiece in or out until the position is found where the cross wires appear blackest and most sharply defined. In some telescopes the eyepiece is fixed and focusing is accomplished by moving the cross wires. In this case move the cross wires until position of maximum sharpness is obtained. The telescope should then be put in a steady rest and sighted upon the target, at the distance at which it is to be used, and it is important that the telescope be held firmly fixed.

 The scope is now focused upon the target by moving the objective lens in or out until the target is sharply defined. Due to the large range of accommodation of the human eye it is not possible to tell exactly when the position of best focus is reached by judging the image alone. The final setting of the objective is accomplished by the parallax method. The head is quickly nodded slightly up or down, or from right to left, and the image observed carefully to see if the cross wires appear to jump. The objective is now moved very minute distances in or out, until a position is found at which the cross wires jump the least. Now move the eyepiece in or out a very little at a time, until a position is found where the jumping or parallax entirely disappears. The optical system is now in correct adjustment, and the position of the eyepiece and objective should be securely clamped.

 When the sight is to be used on several widely differing ranges the adjustment may be made for the shortest range and the objective focused for the longer ranges and the position of the objective locking device marked carefully upon the tube with a very fine line and the range marked opposite.

 After the scope is once adjusted for any range the eyepiece should never be disturbed, all focusing for different ranges to be done by moving the objective only.

In some cases the shooter will meet with a. condition in which he will find one wire will show parallax, while the other will not move at all. This condition is caused by astigmatism, which may be either in the observer's eye, or in the lenses of the scope.

 In order to determine whether the astigmatism is in the telescope or the eye, observe carefully which wire has parallax, and rotate the telescope 90 degrees, and test for parallax. If the scope has astigmatism, the wire which appeared to jump the first time will remain quiet, while the other wire will show parallax. If the same wire appears to jump in both cases the trouble is in the shooter’s eye. Astigmatism in the eye can not be overcome by any amount of focusing.

It can only be corrected by the shooter having glasses fitted to his eyes to correct his vision to normal. A shooter who has astigmatic eyes must either wear his glasses when shooting, or have one of his spectacle lenses trimmed down and properly mounted in the eyepiece of his scope. A shooter who is near or far sighted only, can shoot with out his glasses, as he can focus the eyepiece for his eyes when adjusting the scope.

If the scope itself shows astigmatism, the only remedy is to have the lenses corrected.

This phenomena of one wire remaining apparently quiet and the other apparently jumping is known as cross parallax. It is caused either by the surface of some lens being cylindrical instead of spherical, or by strain in the glass. This latter may be caused by improper annealing, or some lens being mounted too tightly in its cell. Lenses should not be too closely mounted, as contraction of the mount in extreme cold will often strain the lenses sufficiently to cause cross parallax and affect the sharpness of the image.

This method of adjusting a sight seems very long and difficult when written thus at length, but in practice it is short and precise. An experienced observer can adjust a sight in a surprisingly short time, and during the war experienced adjusters frequently adjusted fifteen or more scopes per hour.

The Theory of the Telescopic Sight

By J. W. Fecker

American Rifleman vol 69, No. 21, July 15, 1922 - pages 3, 4


NOTE: I have tried to get the subscripts correct, but even though I think they are correct, I’m no optical scientist. If any reader can provide correction to the varied identifiers or other parts of this period article, please send me a note HERE so I can correct things.


NOTE—This is the first of a number of articles dealing with glass sights which Mr. Fecker, an optical engineer, has prepared. The second will appear in an early issue.


THE theory of the telescopic sight is practically the same as the theory of the terrestrial telescope. The only difference is that a set of cross wires is inserted in the optical system and the focal lengths of the lenses are so chosen that a long eye relief is obtained.


The telescopic sight consists primarily of an object glass, which forms a small inverted image of the object, an erecting system which turns the image right side up, and an eyepiece which magnifies the image formed by the objective.


Terrestrial telescopes are classified according to the means used for erecting the image, into prismatic and non-prismatic. The two different kinds each have their advantages and disadvantages. As the non-prismatic sight is the one most frequently used, this type will be described first.



The non-prismatic sight consists of an objective O, an inverting system I and an eyelens E. The objective forms an image at P, which is inverted both up and down and right and left, or, in other words, the objective gives complete inversion. The size of this image is equal to the angular size of the target as seen from the position of O, multiplied by the focal length OP1, of the objective. As the point P1 is at the focal plane of the objective, the cross wire may be placed at this point. The point P1, is the conjugate focal point of the erecting lens I, whose other conjugate point is the second image point P2. The points P1 and P2 are related to the lens I as given by the simple formula 1/IP1 + 1/IP2 = 1/F1 where F2 is the focal length of the erecting lens I. When IP1is equal to IP2 the image P, is exactly the same size as P2, but if IP1 is smaller than IP2, the image P2 is larger than P1, and the inverting lens helps magnify the image P1.


In order that the image P2 may be distinctly seen by the eyelens E, the point P2 must be in the focal plane of the eyelens. The cross wire may also be located at P2. The total magnification of the scope is the ratio of the focal length of the objective to the focal length of the eyepiece, multiplied by the ratio of IP2 to IP1.


At the point P1 or P2, a diaphragm is placed, which limits the field of view and also serves to support the cross wires.


The lens O is generally quite small, usually ½ to 9/16 inch diameter. The lens I must be of such size that it takes in the complete cone of rays of the objective, and the eyelens is chosen of such size that it allows the full field, as determined by the diaphragm, to be used when the eye is located at the proper position. The distance from the eyelens to the eye position is known as the longitudinal eye relief. The position of the eyepoint can be readily computed from the formula for conjugate foci as given for the erecting lens, when one remembers that the erecting lens I forms an image of the objective at some point between I and P2. This image of the objective, then becomes the one conjugate point for the eyelens, the other point being the position of the eye. At this second point is a small circle of light called the exit pupil, which is really an image of the objective as formed by the erecting lens and the eyelens. The diameter of this circle of light can be measured, and knowing the clear diameter of the objective, the magnification can be obtained directly by dividing the clear diameter of the objective by the diameter of the exit pupil.


The diagram, Fig. 1, represents the simplest form of telescope, but in practice the lenses are never single lenses, but systems of lenses. The simplest scope consists of a single lens for an objective, a pair of lenses for an erecting system, and a single lens for an eyepiece. None of these lenses are achromatic, and as a result this form of scope can be used only for low powers. When two single lenses are used for an inverting system, a diaphragm must be inserted between them, otherwise bad blurring of the image results. This type or sight is also made with two lenses for an eyelens. This type of sight with the non-achromatic lenses represents the cheapest form of sight which is built.


As a single lens always has more or less color error, due to the fact that a single lens cannot focus all the colored rays of light at the same point, achromatic lenses have been introduced to get a better image. These lenses consist of two lenses, one of crown glass and one of flint glass, whose radii of curvature and the glass of which they are made, is so chosen, that the residual errors of achromatism are too small for the eye to perceive. With an achromatic lens, the curves can also be so chosen as to eliminate curvature of field and distortion of image which are ever present in a single lens.



In the achromatic sight the objective consists of two lenses cemented together. The inverting lens may consist of one or two achromatic lenses. Where the construction calls for a short focus inverting lens of relatively large aperture, it is necessary to use two achromatic lenses which are exactly alike and turned back to back. A single short focus lens of large diameter cannot be used as an inverting lens due to its serious errors of coma, distortion and astigmatism, so in order to obtain the short focal length, two lenses, each of double the desired focal length are used, and placed as nearly in contact as possible. The focal length of such a combination is practically one-half the focal length of either lens.


In the same manner the eyelens may consist of one or two achromatic lenses. The size of the eye lens is determined by the size of the field, and with a long eye relief and large field the eyelenses become very large. To make a short sight with a very large field and long eye relief is indeed a severe test of the optician’s skill, for with increasing size of field, and the short focus lenses required to get a short sight, the residual errors of the optical system become very pronounced, and it is a problem to get a large field, flat through out, with image well defined over its entire area, free from distortion, color errors, or astigmatic errors, and to have it uniformly illuminated.


Such a sight is shown in Fig. 2. Generally speaking, the longer the focus of the different lenses, the easier it is to get long eye relief and also better definition, while the shorter the sight the more the optical difficulties increase.


Of the prismatic sights, there are but three general types in use. The simplest from an optical standpoint is the sight which uses Porro prisms to erect the image.



These are merely right-angled prisms with their hypotenuses placed together, and their main axes at right angles to each other. The objective completely inverts and forms an inverted image, the first prism inverts right and left, the second prism inverts up and down, so that the image which reaches the eyepiece is again erect and right side to. The other two prismatic sights employ a roof prism for erecting the image.



The first of these is shown in Fig. 4 and consists of two prisms. Prism A is a simple 60-degree prism. Prism B has a ridge or roof at its upper side. The reflections at C and D invert up and down. The double reflection in the roof faces E, invert right and left, so that the completely inverted image from the object is presented to the eyepiece as a completely erected image by the prism system.



The third type of prism sight has a prism made in one piece, of the type shown in Fig. 5. The reflections at A and B invert up and down while the double reflection in the roof at C inverts right and left. Both of the last two types of prism are very expensive to make. The roof angle must be corrected by hand retouching which is a slow operation requiring the greatest skill. The angle of the roof must be exactly 90 degrees, the surface must be optically fiat to the extreme edge and the faces of C must be at the proper angle to the faces A and B.


Prismatic sights have the advantage that they can be made much more compact and smaller than a straight sight of the same power and field. Their great drawback, however, is that it is practically impossible to hold prisms so that recoil will not affect them. If they are so securely mounted that they cannot shift, they are almost certain to shatter, while if mounted so that they do not shatter, they are sure to shift.


Telescopes with lens erecting systems can readily be made so that they are proof against any change from recoil, without danger of injury to the lenses.

Altering the Power of the Telescope
By J. W. Fecker

American Rifleman, vol 69, No. 22, Aug 1, 1922 - pg 8

IN the use of telescopic sights, shooting conditions are often such that it is desirable to use a different magnification than that of the sight as originally furnished by the maker. Where a sight is used mostly for indoor target shooting, where mirage and outdoor atmospheric conditions do not enter as a disturbing factor, it is often desirable to use a high power for shooting. The loss of light in the scope due to increased magnification can readily be overcome in indoor ranges by more efficient and better illumination of the targets. In outdoor shooting the light and atmospheric conditions are beyond control and a medium to low power is more desirable. There are various methods of changing the power of a telescope, which will be briefly described.

Before describing the different methods of changing the magnification a brief explanation of what determines the magnification of a telescope will make the methods described clearer.

All telescopes can be primarily divided into two classes. The invert or astronomical telescope and the erect image or terrestrial telescope. The latter type can be further subdivided into two classes, i. e., those in which the image is erected by prisms, and those in which the image is erected by lenses.

The figure represents the simplest form of terrestrial telescope in which F1, is the objective F2 the erecting lens, and F3, the eyepiece. In practically all rifle sights the distance a is less than b, and in this case the image A formed by the objective is smaller than the image B formed by the erecting lens. The erecting lens thus helps to magnify the image. This ratio of b over al is called the inversion ratio, and the total magnification of the telescope is equal to the focal length f1 of the objective F, divided by the focal length f3, of the eyepiece F3, multiplied by the inversion ratio b over a. In the case of an invert image telescope where there is no erecting lens, the magnification is f1 divided by f3. In a prismatic telescope the prisms simply erect the image but do not magnify.

If we now study the formula for magnification equals f1 divided by f3, multiplied by the ratio of b to a, we can immediately see three possible ways to increase the magnification. If f1 is increased the magnification increases. If the ratio b to a can be increased the magnification is increased, and lastly if f3 is made smaller, the magnification increases.

There is still a fourth possibility, that of using the same objective F1 but making its image larger by placing a concave lens between F1 and A. The concave lens then becomes a negative amplifier, and the resulting image A formed by F1, and this negative or concave lens is larger than if formed by F1 alone. In the case of the prismatic and invert image or astronomical telescope, the only two ways to increase the magnification is to increase f1, or decrease f3. In using the different methods of changing the magnification it is well to study their effect upon the mechanical and optical properties of the sight.

In any optical instrument there is always a definite relation between field and magnification. The apparent field of view, is equal to the product of angular field and magnification. If the magnification is increased the new field is equal to the apparent field divided by the increased magnification, the apparent field having remained constant. The illumination is also dependent upon the magnification, and as magnification increases illumination decreases as the square of the increase of magnification. Eye relief and length of scope are affected differently by the different methods and will be treated separately under each method.

Increasing the magnification of a scope by shortening the focus of the eyepiece entails the least change in the construction of the scope. The focus of the eyepiece can be shortened by making a new eye lens of shorter focus, or by adding another lens to the eyepiece, making the focus of the compound eyepiece shorter. If a new eye lens only is made, it is generally necessary to shorten the scope, but where it is desired to make no change in the scope proper, the best method is to add another lens to the eyepiece. This method will shorten the eye relief and make the cross wires appear heavier and will give best results only when all lenses of the scope are achromatic. Where objective and erecting lenses are not achromatic, the residual color errors become magnified upon increasing the magnification to the point where they may be quite objectionable.

To increase the magnification by increasing the inversion ratio, it is necessary to move both eyepiece and erecting lens. As the erecting lens is moved toward the objective, the image point B moves further away from the objective and the eyepiece must be moved out in order to focus on the image. If the cross wires are at B, they must move with the eyepiece, but they are not enlarged.

If the cross wires are located at A, they need not be moved, but their apparent width will increase with increasing magnification. To decrease magnification reverse the motions.

Increasing magnification by this method will decrease eye relief and increases the length of the scope. This method gives best results only with achromatic lenses. The method which gives most satisfactory results with scopes having non-achromatic lenses, is to replace the objective with an achromatic objective of longer focus. The increase in magnification is directly proportional to the increase in focal length of the objective.

The achromatic longer focus objective gives a much clearer and more distinct image even at the higher power, than the old non-achromatic objective This method will shorten eye relief and lengthen the scope but will not affect the apparent size of the cross wires. In scopes like the Stevens, where the objective lens is a considerable distance from the end of the tube a longer focus objective can be fitted with out increasing the over all length of the scope.

The last method, which consists of placing a negative lens inside the focus of the objective gives the same results as the third method. The negative lens should be achromatic to obtain best results.

Summarizing the different methods, the first method has the most advantages, the change is readily made from one magnification to another without changing the adjustment of the scope and there are no alterations on the scope itself. The lenses are readily available and can be made to give any reasonable magnification. The other methods require the fitting to be done by a skilled mechanic and optician and the change from one magnification to another cannot be readily and quickly made.

Cleaning and Assembling Telescopic Sights
vol 69, No. 23, Aug 15, 1922 - Pg. 19

SO much has been written by optical manufacturers about the danger of touching the lenses in a telescope, or attempting to clean them without sending them to the factory, that the average owner will use his scope as long as it is at all possible to see through it, rather than suffer the inconvenience of sending it to the maker for cleaning. Using a scope in which the lenses are not thoroughly clean is not conducive to the best results any more than using a dirty rifle barrel.

The dissembling and cleaning of a telescopic sight or spotting scope is a simple operation and there is no reason why any user can not do this himself, providing he uses due care and attention to small details.

The necessary tools are a small screwdriver, pencil and a large sheet of clean paper, a large open vessel of alcohol, some clean soft old linen and some soft tissue paper.

In taking the instrument apart, first remove the objective cell and objective and sketch on the sheet of paper just exactly how it fits into the instrument. In some makes of scopes the cell is only a straight tube, putting it in wrong end first will cause no end of trouble later. Whenever any cell or lens is removed, always mark the end which is to be put in first, before laying them down. After you have picked it up a few times you will probably have forgotten just which end should be put in the tube first.

If the lens is spun in its cell do not at tempt to remove it, but just clean it thoroughly with a soft linen rag moistened with alcohol. Be sure to remove all greases from the cell and lens surfaces and dry finally with the fine soft tissue paper. Any remaining lint or dust should be blown off. If the lens is mounted in the cell and held in by a threaded ring, it can readily be taken out for cleaning. In removing the lens from its cell, care must be exercised not to use force, and to have the lens come out perfectly straight. If the lens becomes tilted in its cell very carefully press from below on the lower side with a match stick, to straighten it up before proceeding further. There is great danger in chipping a lens when it becomes tilted in its cell, if much pressure is used, and it must be carefully pushed straight before attempting to push it out any further. An easy way to remove the lens from its cell is to turn the cell over and tap it on a table top covered with clean paper, and the lens will readily drop out squarely. Be sure to mark the lens on the edge with a pencil so that it is put in right side first. Only a lens with equal curves on front and back surfaces can be reversed in its mounts without definition being entirely lost.

To assemble the lens in its cell again, take a clean soft pine stick with a flat smooth end which will just go through the lens cell, wrap tissue paper over the end of the stick, and drop the lens cell, right side up, down over the stick. Set the clean lens on the fiat end of the stick, and carefully bring the cell up to the lens and lift the lens of the stick. A little shaking or tapping of the cell will allow the lens to slide readily down into the cell as the stick is withdrawn. In this manner the lens will set down squarely into the cell without danger of becoming tilted and wedged. The retaining ring can now be screwed down onto the lens and tightened just enough to hold the lens without rattling. NEVER screw the ring down as tightly as you can, as this will strain the lens and absolutely ruin the clearness of the image, as well as produce cross parallax.

Having now thoroughly cleaned objective and cell, wrap it in tissue paper and set aside until all the parts are cleaned.

The next operation is to remove the eyepiece and clean it thoroughly and replace it in its cell. In scopes where the eyepiece and erecting system are all enclosed in a long brass tube, the lenses, diaphragms, separating rings and reticule can all be pushed out of the tube and cleaned. In dissembling such an eyepiece, press on the outside lens with a soft pine stick covered with tissue paper, and cupped out in the center so that the stick bears only on the outer margin of the lens and not in the center. Pressure on the center of the lens may split it. Press the parts out very slowly and carefully and mark each piece with a number and arrow to indicate which face goes in first in assembling, and make a note and sketch of each. With this precaution you will have no trouble, but if you depend on memory you will have a game in assembling which will rival chess for variety and difficulty.

The cross hairs should never be touched with anything whatever. Any dust upon them should be removed by blowing on them and examining them with one of the eyepiece lenses to see when they are clean.

After all optics and reticule are removed from the sight tube, thoroughly clean it with alcohol to remove any grease, and push several clean cloths through it, finally following by the use of tissue paper. Any dust left in the tube or on the lenses will be sure to drop on the lenses, due to shock of firing, and will eventually get onto a lens where it is visible.

After all units are thoroughly cleaned, they can be put back into the tube in their proper order, and the sight focused upon the target for parallax, as described in my article in the May 1st issue.

While glass is always considered exceedingly hard, still it is very easily scratched or abraded and care must be exercised in handling the highly polished surfaces of a lens. NEVER lay a lens face down upon a table or box. Place it upon a clean piece of paper which has been wiped off to remove any dust. The fine dust which settles on everything contains a high percentage of silica, which will scratch the hardest glass. A lens should always be very lightly wiped at first to remove dust, then cleaned with a soft linen rag and alcohol.. An old soft handkerchief is as good as anything which can be used for cleaning lenses.

The above instructions for cleaning will apply to any telescope or sight and with care no one should have any difficulty in cleaning his telescope or rifle sight. There is no need for sending it to the maker or an optician unless the lenses are tarnished or corroded. This happens occasionally where they are exposed to salt water or chemical fumes and in this case lenses will have to be re-polished upon a lens grinding machine.

How to Make and Insert Cross Wires and Post Reticules
By J. W. Fecker

American Rifleman, vol 69, No. 24, Sept. 1, 1922 – pages 13, 25

 ONE of the most vital parts of a telescopic sight are the cross wires or other mark used to center the image in the field. If they are not satisfactory, the entire value of the instrument is lost, for its accuracy depends to a great extent upon the clearness of these sighting marks, and their effect upon the shooter's eye.

 There is no sighting mark which can be universally used. What is very well adapted for one particular shooter’s eye may be most unsuitable for the next person who tries to use it. In like manner, there is no sighting mark which is equally well adapted to indoor target shooting, outdoor range shooting or hunting in a dim, poorly lighted underbrush. For these reasons a shooter will often find the standard factory reticule unsatisfactory and is often tempted to try to change and make one to suit his own requirements, especially when the factory can not supply him with what he desires. He can readily do this if he has more than a little patience and is not tempted to give up too easily.

 There are various materials which can be used for cross wires. Very fine wire can be had in copper, silver, platinum and tungsten. In wire thinner than one thousandth of an inch diameter, the copper, silver and platinum tends toward a crystalline structure and is likely to break, when used on a rifle with heavy recoil. Fine spun glass can also be used, but it is not as good as metallic wire. Tungsten wire can be obtained as fine as one-quarter of a thousandth of an inch in diameter, and it is remarkably strong. The one thousandth tungsten wire will support 3 to 4 ounces without breaking. Silk fibre and spider threads are very good for cross wires. Spider threads are as elastic as rubber bands, and when properly inserted will not shoot out on any rifle.

The spider threads are not those taken from the web of the spider, but from its cocoon. Late in August and early in September the large yellow field spider with a black cross on its back spins its cocoon in the fields. It is most frequently found on golden rod and around blackberry bushes. This cocoon is about three-quarters of an inch in diameter and is a round brownish ball with a rather hard crust on the out side. It should be cut open and thoroughly steamed to kill the eggs inside. Between the egg sack and the outer shell is a fine cushion of reddish down. This is the part to be used for cross wires.

The tungsten wire can be obtained from any maker of incandescent lamps. Fine silver and platinum wire can be obtained from Baker & Co., Newark, N. J. .

 The reticule cell should be thoroughly cleaned before starting and should have the scores cut in for locating the wire. If no scores are cut in the cell, they can be cut in the following manner: Upon a large white sheet of paper, draw a circle 12 to 15 inches in diameter, and accurately lay off 4 points on circumference exactly 90 degrees apart. Put a pin through’ each point and stretch a fine thread over each pair of diametrically opposite pins, so as to give you two fine threads exactly at right angles to each other. Slip the reticule cell under these threads and accurately center it under the intersection of the threads using your eyepiece or other magnifier to set it as close as possible. With a fine needle make a dot where each thread crosses the edge of the cell, and take a very sharp knife and lay it diametrically across each pair of these points and press down, so as to leave a very fine sharp line across the cell. Use your magnifier freely to see that the knife edge is exactly over each dot before you bear down to cut the score. The scores should not be deeper than 0.003 to 0.005 inch.

 In a factory where reticules are made, the reticule is centered upon a stud, mounted on an index head, and the scores are cut with a very fine dividing cutter and accurately indexed so as to be exactly at right angles.

If spider line or silk fibre is to be used, first prepare two bent wires, a long black hair pin is just the right weight, by putting a small ball of beeswax on each end and spreading them so that the distance between ends is about one-quarter inch greater than the diameter of the reticule cell. With a long needle, pick out a loose end of thread and take a hold of it, letting the cocoon hang down. Wrap this end about 6 times around one waxed end of a wire, then turn over the wire so that the thread comes over the other end of the wire, and wind the thread around the other end about six times, and pull off the cocoon. You will have a fine thread of spider silk, firmly fastened to the two ends of the hairpin. It should now be hung some distance over a small vessel of boiling water, so as to steam the thread and make it absorb all the moisture it will hold. If the thread is not steamed, it may slack up later on a damp warm day. After the thread has been steamed 10 to 15 minutes, take the hair pin by the back end, and slowly and carefully lay it over the reticule cell so that the fine thread will fall as nearly as possible in one pair of scores.

Allow the back end of the hairpin to rest on the table, but the two open waxed ends should not touch the table. They must hang free, supported by the thread laying across the reticule cell. If they touch, place coins under the cell until the ends of the hairpin hangs free. The weight of the hair pin puts just sufficient tension in the thread.

With a magnifying glass and a long pointed needle push the thread over until it drops into the scores. When it is in both scores, place a very minute quantity of thin shellac or collodion in the scores to stick the thread down. The less material you use to stick the thread in with, the quicker and more securely it holds the thread. A large drop of shellac will dry slowly, and contracting as it dries, it will pull the thread with it until it breaks. The least possible amount of shellac is the best. After ten minutes cut the ends of the thread, and place a new piece on the hairpin and put it in the other pair of scores.

 Fastening the spider silk on the wire holder and laying it in the scores requires a little practice and patience, so do not be disappointed if you break the first dozen. Once you have it cemented on and dried you will have the finest and most uniform wire. This spider silk is about one ten thousandth of an inch in thickness, and when properly focused in the eyepiece it is as black and opaque as any heavy wire.

When using metallic wire, it should be soldered in the scores with a jeweller’s blowpipe, and placed in tension, by hanging a small weight on each end, the size of the weight depending upon the strength of the wire.

Care must be exercised to heat only the point where the wire touches the cell, very quickly, for if the entire cell becomes thoroughly heated before the solder sets, the wires will be slack upon cooling.

 Tungsten can not be soldered or brazed, and only spot welded with great difficulty even with elaborate welding apparatus. The only secure way to fasten it in place is to clamp it under a washer, held down by a small watch screw. After the screws are all turned down securely and the wire firmly held, put a little shellac over the wire and screw-head as an added precaution. Mounted thus tungsten wire will stand any shock. The only advantage tungsten wire has over spider thread is that it can be obtained in a variety of sizes, while spider thread is pretty uniform in thickness.

The making of a good post, either flat topped or pointed, is an equally ticklish job. Post reticules are made of thin steel or hard brass wire. The thickness depends upon the focus of the eyepiece. For short focus eyepieces, which magnify highly 0.005 to 0.007 of an inch, is about right. For long focus eyepieces with low magnification, 0.010 to 0.015 of an inch gives best results.

The first operation is to thoroughly straighten the wire. Drive about a dozen or fifteen 1 ½ inch nails into a board about one-quarter inch apart and stagger them about one-sixteenth inch, as shown in the sketch.


 Wind the wire in and out around the nails and slowly pull it through the row of nails. Repeat several times until the wire is straight and free from kinks. A little soap is a good lubricant for this operation. The alternate right and left bending will straighten the wire. After thus straightening it, examine it carefully with a magnifier and pick out a part which is particularly smooth and of uniform diameter, and cut it out of the piece. If you desire a square end post, clamp this wire firmly between two metal plates with square ends, so that the wire just barely sticks out beyond the plates, and using a very fine oil stone polish it down until the stone has polished the ends of the two plates thoroughly. Take the wire out and examine it with the magnifier. The end should be perfectly flat and square, with sharp, clean-cut corners. If not just right, place it between the plates again, and repolish the end. The finer the oil stone and the lighter the pressure, the sharper will be the square end on the post. With a little practice a very nice post can be easily made.

A pointed post is rather difficult to make without a speed lathe and a very small chuck. It can, however, be made by hand. To do this, take two small, narrow strips of metal and cut a shallow V groove in each, so that when placed together they will just clamp the wire securely in the groove. The wire is thus held like the lead in a pencil and holder and wire can be rubbed down to a sharp point, just as one would grind down a pencil on a stone. Considerable skill is required to produce a point which is sharp and uniformly round.

Having now made the post, the next step is to place it in the cell. The score for the post should be cut deep enough so that the post is half imbedded in the cell when it lays in the score. Then place the horizontal wire in its scores and fasten it. The post can now be laid in its score and the end allowed to rest upon the horizontal wire. The post should be slid back and forth until the end projects the desired amount above the horizontal wire. The post is now clamped in position with two small watch screws, or can be soldered with a blowpipe. The reticule should be carefully examined with a magnifier when completed and any dust or lint blown off the wires. A skillful operator can remove dust from a spider line with a sharp needle, but this is more often disastrous than not. With a little practice and patience, the average rifleman can soon achieve the necessary dexterity to make for himself any reticule he may wish, quickly and economically.