Bootdisks for IBM Microchannel Machines
Linux comes encapsulated in a variety of distributions. For the most important
distributions, bootdisks are available to install the system on a computer.
Here is my collection of bootdisks that I found or that I made (everything
under construction, for now!).
The (gzip-edition) is the raw bootdiskimage compressed by gzip.
You can decompress it using gzip -d file or using the
gunzip tool. Under MS-DOS/WINXXXX you can use rawrite to
copy it on a 1.44 MByte 3.5 inch diskette. Under UNIX systems, please use
dd if=bootimage of=/dev/fd0, if the 3.5 inch drive
represents drive A:.
Troubleshooting for Downloads
- Netscape Navigator (Mozilla): To download the files, do not
click on the file-links, but do the following instead:
Just move your mouse above the link and click the right button. From the
popup-menue select save link as .... After some seconds you will be
prompted to enter or to select a filename to store the bootdisk image.
- MS Internet Explorer: In standard configuration, clicking on the
bootimage files will prompt you for saving the file. If not, do the following:
Move your mouse over the link and press the right mouse-button. Afterwards,
select from the popupmenue the option Save target as ... or
Ziel speichern unter .... This should correctly save your file.
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Last changes: 30 November 2000
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