STB Dual Ergo MC (until I can check the card-ID, that's what I am calling it!)
I'm trying to get ahold of the files that would go with this. If you have information, documentation or the software for this adapter, please contact me!

U10, 11 - PALs
U15 - STB 250-0012-001 (possible MCA bus interface? Also seen on the single-display Ergo/MC.)
U16, 17 - PALs
U20, 21 - ERGO/MC 1.1 (Video BIOS)
U22, 34 - Samsung KDA0476CN-80 RAMDAC
U24, 43 - Tseng Labs ET4000AX Video Accelerator
U28-U42 - Siemens HYB514256BZ-70 (video RAMs)
Y1 - 14.31818 MHz "Color Burst" signal oscillator (looks to be shared between the two ET4000AX)
P1, P2 - DB15 VGA monitor connections
My outline does need some fine tuning. I'm working on it.
Thoughts so far (guesses, really):
I am not sure how much VRAM each ET4000AX has. Just taking a wild guess, I wouldn't rule out the possibility that there is 2MB VRAM for each one. While that does seem like a lot of VRAM to have on an MCA video card, this looks to have been pretty high end hardware.
As for color capability, I have my doubts that it will do high or true color. The RAMDACs appear to be capable, but I have dim memories of someone telling me that only the ET4000/W32 or W32i chips supported high/true color.
All VRAMs and both RAMDACs are socketed. This card has all its VRAM sockets populated. Were these items intended to be upgradeable?
Guess What? It's Dead!
It doesn't appear that much more about this card will be known. I have tried to power it up in a number of different systems and have found that the systems won't come up with this card in place. Also, the IC at U15 turns extremely hot, which suggests it (or something connected to it) has failed.
If you have one of these cards, and it works, please tell me about it!
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