To zap CP online, you need to know if the module you want to zap is resident or pagable. To determine that, see if it is above or below DMKCPE. I.E. LOCATE CP DMKxxx - The module you want to zap. LOCATE CP DMKCPE - Is your module above or below ?? If above, the response from the locate command will look something like DMKSND =12A6E8 The first three hex characters, 12A in this case, is the page number the module is in. Use those three hex digits in the lock command, LOCK SYSTEM 12A 12A MAP Make sure you say map!! If you don't, CP will lock the module in main storage, but not tell you where it is. You need to know where it is in order to set your origin correctly. Now, to set your origin, if the module is resident and you have origin set to auto, your locate command already set your origin (an asterisk appeared in the response from your locate command, i.e. *DMKIOS = 00D188. If resident and you don't have origin set to auto, you gotta do an ORIGIN D188 If the module was pagable, your origin must be set to where the page got locked in main storage. When you did the lock command with the map parameter, CP responded with VIRTPG REALPG 12A000 1F3000 Your origin command should be ORIGIN 1F36E8. The "1F3" came from the CP response of your lock command. The "6E8" came from the last three hex digits of your locate command. If those digits are not "000", then this CP module shares its page with other CP modules. Now, you're ready to DCP and/or STCP to your heart's delight.