VMSERVE runs the VMSERVE EXEC from VMSERVE's 192 disk. Reads VMSERVE PROFILE. To authorize yourself, put in a USER statement. USER userid 5 (I dunno if 5 is the highest privelege level or not) Runs from VMSERVE TIMES on the 192 disk (not the 194 disk). Runs DGTIME every 5 minutes. DGTIME EXEC is on the 194 disk and uses the DELEGATE ACTIVE file on the 193 disk, not the one on the 194 disk. To add a line in that file, SMSG VMSERVE DELEGATE ALMVMD. This will start forwarding your reader files to ALMVMD. To do this for somebody else, first authorize yourself in the DGALMADD EXEC, then issue SM VMSERVE ADDUSER dest_node for_user There is no query function. You also cannot change a destination. If there's already a line for the user in the DELEGATE ACTIVE file, the request is ignored. There are also no error messages when this happens. There is a delete function, but you gotta use the DELEGATE EXEC and I'm not sure it works.