Notes On Installing VM/ESA Release 2 I decided to have 7 CP mods, 5 from Yorktown and 2 for Almaden only. They are Mod # Function ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 AUTOLINK. 4 Diag x1AC for AUTOLINK WORKFOR. 13 Add to pre-logon message showing LOGON HERE. 14 TRANSFER SECRETELY. 19 PUF. 32 Special passwords of LOCKED & LOCKOUT. 33 Mount Command ('till I can get rid of it). There are also 9 CMS mods, 1 from Yorktown and 8 for Almaden only. They are Mod # Function ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- 47 Common SYSPROF EXEC updates. 73 Make FUL a synonym for FULIST (was F in VM/XA). 74 DMSNGP. 75 Generic Node Name Facility. 76 Default COPYFILE & DISK to OLDDATE. 78 Don't Re-access Y-disk at IPL time if y-stat is old. 79 Local SYSPROF EXEC updates. 85 GENIPLER Updates. 86 Replace NOTE & SEND with INOTE & ISEND. ======================================================================== VMFSETUP ALMADEN CP or CMS or GCS ... to access correct disks. ======================================================================== For locally modified macro and copy files, I created a new CP maclib, ALMCP. For the maclib build list, I created a $EXEC with associated updates and AUX files. To rebuild the load list, EXECUPDT ALMCP (CTL HCPALM SID RENAME ALMCP EXEC E = EXC03200 E (03200 is the last update) \------------->>> The filemodes in this file all ERASE ALMCP UPDATES >>> assume you're operating from ERASE ALMCP UPDLOG >>> the MAINT userid and did a >>> VMFSETUP ALMADEN CP (or CMS). I got the 5 Yorktown mods (1-19) from Yorktown and applied them first in order to stay synchronized with them. If they ever change these mods, we should be able to easily pick up the changes. I also replaced PID's one level of local updates (LCL) with two (TJW & ALM). The HCPALM CNTRL file describes these two levels as well as including the ALMCP MACLIB. ======================================================================== To inform SES of these changes, I created our own PPF override file, ALMADEN $PPF. To make use of these changes, you must first "compile" the PPF by VMFPPF ALMADEN CMS VMFPPF ALMADEN CP The result is a useable PPF called ALMADEN PPF. ======================================================================== When adding a mod, you must keep SES informed. To add a mod, you must add an entry in the appropriate VVT (VVTTJW or VVTALM). The VVT is essentially a MUXFILE (for those who remember the Master AUXFILE system), duplicating the information in all the AUX files. There is a command interface to the VVT, but you can edit it as well. The command to add a mod to the VVT is, VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMB20 VVTALM E (identifies the ALM CP VVT) TDATA :PART ALMCP EXC (identifies the mod'd part) :MOD LC03200.A03200EX (identifies the update) 6VMVMB20 is the appid for CP (A20 is CMS). There's one line in the VVT for each mod'd part. The :MOD. tag, which can be as long as necessary, describes in reverse order (i.e. the first update in the :MOD. tag is the last one applied) each mod to that part. The VVT entry also tells SES what the updated part's filetype is when SES goes to use that part. In the example shown, the filetype will be "EXC03200". SES wants the updated part (the maclib build list in this example) to be ALMCP EXC03200, not ALMCP EXEC as in days past. For the GENIPLER updates, I typed in (after a VMFSETUP ALMADEN CMS), VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMA20 VVTALM E TDATA :PART GENIPLER TXT :MOD LC08504.A08504AS VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMA20 VVTALM E TDATA :PART GENIPLER TXT :MOD LC08503.A08503AS VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMA20 VVTALM E TDATA :PART GENIPLER TXT :MOD LC08502.A08502AS VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMA20 VVTALM E TDATA :PART GENIPLER TXT :MOD LC08501.A08501AS VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMA20 VVTALM E TDATA :PART GENIPLER TXT :MOD LC08500.A08500AS ======================================================================== The other important part of SES you must keep updated is the "Service Build Status Table." For CP, these is 6VMVMB20 SRVBLDS on the Apply disk. The build status table tells SES the status of each object in a build list. An example line is :BLDLIST.HCPOM1 :OBJECT.HCPVMDBK :STAT.BUILT.04/26/93.14:48:12.MAINT which says the HCPVMDBK copy file in the HCPOM1 MACLIB needed to be built, and since the status is "BUILT", has been built on that date and time. ======================================================================== SES has a nice feature of being able to tell you when a certain part needs to be rebuilt. If HCPVMDBK for example ever changes, SES will tell you to rebuild HCPOM1 and since HCPVMDBK is in the ALMCP build list as well, SES will tell you that ALMCP needs to be rebuilt too. You can use this feature to tell you what to do after local changes as well, but this is optional. Usually when you change a part locally, you know what you have to change. If you do choose to use this SES feature though, all you have to do when you modify a part is to update the "Select Data" file. For CP, this is 6VMVMB20 $SELECT on the Apply disk (the $SELECT file MUST be on one of the Apply disks. Don't create a new one and put it on the local mod disk, like I did.) This file is how SES knows that a part has been updated and when. The entry cooresponding to the above change to HCPVMDBK is :APPLYID. 04/20/93 15:00:00 HCPVMDBK COPY This says that HCPVMDBK COPY was serviced on 4/20/93 at 15:00:00. SES looks at the Build Status Table and for all the maclibs that have HCPVMDBK in them, compares the build date with the Select Data file date. If the build date is before the serviced date, SES tells you that that maclib needs to be rebuilt. For local service, add lines to the top of the $SELECT file and run VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP (STATUS The status of all parts that need to be rebuilt will change to 'SERVICED'. You can then either build them via SES VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP (SERVICED which will build all parts that need to be built and update the Build Status table, or manually via whatever means is appropriate (see below) and update the Build Status table yourself, e.g. for the CP nucleus, VMFSIM MODIFY 6VMVMB20 SRVBLDS * (identifies the table) TDATA :BLDLIST CPLOAD :OBJECT BLDLIST (identifies line/part) :STAT BUILT.04/28/93.14:14:14.MAINT (what to change it to) Needless to say, editing the Build Status table is a lot easier. The reason you need to know all this even if you don't plan on putting local updates in the $SELECT file, is if you receive service. VMFAPPLY will update the $SELECT file, so you'd better understand this in case you have to build something manually. ======================================================================== To rebuild the CP load list, (After updating HCPMDLAT MACRO and VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP ALMCP (ALL) VMFHASM HCPLDL ALMADEN CP COPY HCPLDL TXTmodid to CPLOAD EXCmodid XEDIT CPLOAD EXCmodid and comment out everything up to the &CONTROL OFF Update the Build Service Table (6VMVMB20 SRVBLDS) for HCPMDLAT, HCPLDL, and CPLOAD EXCmodid. See ---\ ********************************************************** | * Since the CP load list is built manually by the * | * process above, HCPLDL isn't in any build list. * | * Since it's not, if you put HCPLDL in the $SELECT file * | * like you're suppose to, SES will put the following * / | * line in the Build Status Table indicating that */ | * something must be done manually to make HCPLDL TXT *-----/ * usable. Once you do the above, you should update that *\ * line to BUILT status. * \ * :BLDLIST.UNKNOWN :OBJECT.BLDLIST * * :STAT.MANUAL.04/22/93.15:34:12.MAINT * * :PARTID.HCPLDL TXT * ********************************************************** ======================================================================== To reassemble a module, VMFHASM modname ALMADEN CP. or for the expanded listing, VMFHASM modname ALMADEN CP (DISK SYSPARM EXP To rebuild a message repository, VMFNLS HCPMES REPOS ALMADEN CP. ********************************************************** * These two commands verify the VVT and AUX files are * * in synch. If they're not, you get an error message * * and the part doesn't get built. * ********************************************************** To rebuild a maclib, VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP ALMCP (SERVICED ********************************************************** * Or if you didn't update $SELECT & thus none of the * * parts of the ALMCP maclib have "serviced" status in * * the Build Status table, you can force VMFBLD to * * rebuild by using the ALL option instead of SERVICED. * ********************************************************** The VMFHASM, VMFNLS, and VMFBLD commands will all update the Build Status Table to BUILT with the current date and time. ======================================================================== To rebuild the nucleus, VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP CPLOAD (SERVICED ********************************************************** * Or again, if the CPLOAD BLDLIST part doesn't have a * * SERVICED status in the Build Status Table, you can * * force the nucleus to be built by using the ALL option * * instead of SERVICED. * ********************************************************** The following message can be ignored CSECT'S WITH SIZE GREATER THAN CONDITIONAL PAGE BOUNDARY @MAPSTRT 019130 HCPGEN 001450 HCPZSC 00535C VMFBLD will generate CPLOAD MODULE on the 493, K-disk. You put that module on CP's "Config" disks, currently RESKY's CF1 & CF2 disks. To do this on a running VM/ESA system, you need to tell CP to release one disk, link to it yourself & update it, drop the link, & tell CP to reaccess it again. The commands you need are CP QUERY CPDisks - To query what CP has accessed. CP CPACcess RESKY CF1 A RR - To access a disk as fm=A. CP CPRELease A - To release fm=A. It also generates a CPLOAD $NUCEXEC file on your a-disk which is the updated CP load list with all the filetypes filled in. You can use this file the next time you generate a nucleus if no modules filetypes have changed with the command VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP CPLOAD * FASTPATH (ALL ======================================================================== To put the UCR override in place, OVERRIDE XA OVERRIDE (IMMEDIATE ======================================================================== To refresh the online directory for the second-level system, Way 1) DIRM USER BACKUP XEDIT USER BACKUP on DIRMAINT's 193 disk, change the VMA line in the $DIRCTL$ to DIRECTORY 863 3380 ES2RES ... --- ------ FILE USER DIRECT LINK ES2RES 100 863 W DIRECTXA (assuming you have CMS9 IPL'd so you're getting the ESA DIRECTXA module) Way 2) GIME DIRMAINT 196 E XEDIT $DIRCTL$ DIRMPART, changing it as above, and file it on your a-disk RR DIRMAINT 195;USER DIRECT XEDIT USER DIRECT, changing the first line to have fm=A LINK ES2RES 100 863 W DIRECTXA (assuming you have CMS9 IPL'd so you're getting the ESA DIRECTXA module) ======================================================================== To format system volumes, use ICKDSF Release 14 or higher. This is what I used for RESKY. CPVOLUME FORMAT UNIT(860) NVFY VOLID(RESKY) MODE(ESA) NOFILLER - TYPE((PERM,0,18),(DRCT,19,38),(PARM,39,68),(PARM,69,98), - (SPOL,99,1098),(PAGE,1099,2498),(TDSK,2499,2654)) Notice that the two 30-cylinder parm disks had to be specified separately even though they're next to one another. That's because cylinder 0 of each parm disk has a different allocation value than the rest of the extent. To list the allocation map, CPVOLUME LIST UNIT(860) NVFY ======================================================================== To write the StandAlone Loader on the config disk, get a write link and say SALIPL 7C0 (E 1. ======================================================================== When I updated the DMSIDEWK MACRO for CMS, I 1) Added a line in the PPF file for the ALMCMS MACLIB (change the ALMADEN $PPF override file and ran VMFPPF ALMADEN CP, then VMFPPF ALMADEN CMS to create ALMADEN PPF). CMS finally renamed the DMSABN & DMSERR ASSEMBLE files to avoid the naming conflict with the macros by the same name, so you don't need 2 control files (AUXALM & AUXMALM) anymore. It's about time. 2) Created an AUX file and update (that's the easy part). 3) Created a format 3 ALMCMS EXC00000 build list for the ALMCMS MACLIB. I got lazy with ALMCMS. For ALMCP, I did it right by having an $EXEC source file, creating 2 separate AUX files with 4 updates, putting the right stuff in the $SELECT & VVT, running EXECUPDT, etc. With this, we've got only 1 macro, so I took a shortcut. 4) Updated 6VMVMA20 $SELECT G with :APPLYID. 07/08/93 13:43:26 DMSIDEWK MACRO 5) I updated 6VMVMA20 VVTALM with VMFSIM LOGMOD 6VMVMA20 VVTALM E TDATA :PART DMSIDEWK MACRO :MOD LC07500.A07500MA 6) Then VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS (STATUS to change the status of the ALMCMS MACLIB to SERVICED. This also changes the status of the DMSOM MACLIB to SERVICED which will cause DMSOM to be rebuilt in the next step, so I changed those lines in the 6VMVMA20 SRVBLDS file to BUILT. 7) To rebuild the maclib, VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS (SERVICED. This'll (re)build the maclib and change its status in the status file to BUILT. ======================================================================== To update a CMS module, 1) Created an AUX file and update (that's the easy part). 2) Updated 6VMVMA20 $SELECT G with :APPLYID. 05/24/94 08:33:33 DMSINA TXT 3) I updated 6VMVMA20 VVTALM with :PART.DMSINA TXT :MOD.LC07300.A07300AS 4) Assemble it with VMFHASM DMSINA ALMADEN CMS 5) To rebuild the CMS nucleus, logon to MAINT and type VMFSETUP ALMADEN CMS VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS CMSLOAD (SERVICED When you do this from your id, you get error messages 'cause it wants the 3A6 & 490 disks in write mode. I suppose I could bugger the PPF file around so this would work from any id, but I didn't bother. ======================================================================== To service CMS, logon to MAINT, attach the tape to you, and VMFSETUP ALMADEN CMS VMFMRDSK ALMADEN CMS APPLY Merges the 3A6 disk to the 3A4 disk. VMFREC PPF ALMADEN CMS (CP=2A6 to 2A4) VMFAPPLY PPF ALMADEN CMS VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS (STATUS To see which parts need to be built. VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS CMSLOAD (SERVICED To rebuild the CMS nucleus, or (ALL to force it to be rebuilt regardless of its status in 6VMVMA20 SRVBLDS. Rick, next time try VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS CMSLOAD * FASTPATH (ALL Similar things for CP. ======================================================================== To rebuild the CMS Message Repository, VMFNLS DMSMES REPOS ALMADEN CMS To rebuild the CMS Parsing Data Base, VMFNLS DMSSPA DLCS ALMADEN CMS Creates DMSSPA TXTnnnnn & DMSSYS TXTnnnnn, which go in the CMS nucleus. ======================================================================== To rebuild some of the other parts of CMS, Help Files: VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS DMSBLHLP (SERVICED S-disk Execs: VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS DMSBL490 (SERVICED ======================================================================== SALIPL notes. To get to the SALIPL screen, - - - On a Second Level System, - - - IPL 680 LOADPARM 009 (if 009 is your console address) ======== \------- Not PARM. They're two different things. - - - On the real hardware, - - - On the 4381, put 009 in the "MVS LoadParm" field, then IPL. On the 3090, put 009 in the "MVS LoadParm" field, then IPL. See the Real System Operation book to see what you can do at the SALIPL screen. For example, you can - Change the MODULE NAME: from CPLOAD to anything else you'd like. - Hit PF9 to see the list of files on the Parm disk. - Type PROMPT in the IPL PARAMETERS field to tell CP to prompt you at IPL time with the Start ((Warm|Force|COLD) (DRain) (DIsable) (NODIRect) (NOAUTOlog)) or (SHUTDOWN) prompt. - Type CONS=009 in the IPL PARAMETERS field to tell CP to come up at that terminal address instead of what's defined in the config file. - Hit PF10 to IPL. ======================================================================== To build the CMSSMALL nucleus, 1) Put the following files on MAINT's 3C4 disk, the Local Mods disk. - SLC L600000, SLC L800000, & SLC L900000. - CMSSMALL EXC00000, which is the CMSLOAD EXEC with modified SLC statements. 2) Created a MAINT 090 disk of 20 cylinders, formatted it and recomped it to 14 cylinders (FORMAT 123 W 14 (recomp). 3) Modified ALMADEN $PPF to insert ./INSERT BUILD6 AFTER BUILD6S 090 * Small CMS disk ./END after the BUILD5 49D line in the :MDA section, and add ./INSERT CMSLOAD AFTER CMSSMALL VMFBDNUC BUILD6S TXT TXC ( BLDREQ DMSBLVMT ./END in the :BLD. section. Ran VMFPPF ALMADEN CMS & VMFPPF ALMADEN CP to rebuild ALMADEN PPF. Put both files on MAINT's 51D disk, the SES disk. 4) VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS CMSSMALL (ALL to build the small nucleus. This needs the 090 disk linked and accessed in write mode. I dunno why, it doesn't write anything to it. All this does is create an IPL-able nucleus in your reader that you gotta IPL. 5) - SP R HOLD (Just in case you screw up) - Insure you don't have a 123 disk linked. This is where it will try to write the nucleus. - IPL 00C - When you get the DMSINQ082E IPL device error; reenter message, enter 090. - You then get the msgs DMSINI083E Nucleus CYL/BLK 100 is unacceptable for IPL device 090; 4 CYLs/BLKs are required, and 6 are available starting at CYL/BLK 14 DMSINQ607R Rewrite the nucleus? Enter 1 (YES) or 0 (NO) enter 1 (YES). - For DMSINQ608R IPL device address = , enter 090 again. - For DMSINQ609R Nucleus (CYL or BLK) address = , enter 14. - To save the load map, SP P CLOSE * NOH and receive it onto the 090 disk. 6) To IPL this nucleus, IPL CMS(9) to get linked to the right disks, LINK MAINT 090 090 RR and IPL 090. 7) To actually get the D00000-DFFFFF area unused, you may have to IPL 090 CLEAR PARM NOSPROF and ACC (NOPROF. ======================================================================== For SYSPROF EXEC updates, COPY SYSPROF $EXEC Q = = A (UNPACK EXECUPDT SYSPROF (CTL DMSALM SID ======================================================================== Notes on the 9405 RSU Install on tape EX0139. RSU = Recommended Service Upgrade, which refers to the tape itself. PSU = Product Service Upgrade, which refers to the process of installing service. To load the tapes, follow the Installation & Service book, Chapter 2, which was replaced/updated with a memo on the SUP tape, which was 6VMVMK20 MEMO on MAINT's 51D disk after you did the VMFINS, but I'm getting ahead of myself. - A backup was done by DDR-copying ES2RES cylinders 2-2654 onto DASD 1117, which was free and is still labeled EA1117. - Logon to MAINT and attach EX0139 as 181. - VMFINS INSTALL INFO To load the memos and other stuff on the 51D disk. Reviewed memos, noticed that Chapter 2 was replaced, so followed the new stuff, which as far as I could tell, was exactly the same. - Checked disk sizes and had to increase the 6D2 & 6A6 disks. - Had to add a 190 & 19D disk 'cause the load procedure required them to be R/W. DDR copied the CMS9 190 to MAINT 190 & removed all the TOOLS-related stuff and restoring the 6 locally-modified files (DEFAULTS, NOTE, SENDFILE, & TELL EXECs, DISK MODULE & PROFNOTE XEDIT), thus making the MAINT 190 disk represent the PID contribution to the production 190 disk. Did the same thing for the 19D disk, that is, I made MAINT's 19D disk represent PID's contribution to the production 19D by DDR copying MAINT's 49D disk to MAINT's 19D. - Merge the apply disks for each component. VMFMRDSK ALMADEN CP APPLY (SETUP 2A6->2A4->2A2 Includes DV VMFMRDSK ALMADEN CMS APPLY (SETUP 3A6->3A4->3A2 Includes Rexx VMFMRDSK ESA VMSES APPLY (SETUP 5A6->5A4->5A2 VMFMRDSK ESA GCS APPLY (SETUP 6A6->6A4->6A2 VMFMRDSK ESA TSAF APPLY (SETUP 7A6->7A4->7A2 Includes AVS You have to use the ESA PPF 'cause the ALMADEN PPF doesn't have all of the components. - For each of VMSES, CP, CMS, CP, DV, GCS, TSAF, & AVS, do (substitute one of the above for "cmp" in each command below) Check for already-applied reach-ahead service that's not included in this RSU. * VMFSIM COMPTBL 6VMVMK20 SRVAPPS * cmp = D TDATA :PTF (APPLIST REAPP Load the service. * VMFINS INSTALL PPF ESA cmp (NOMEMO NOLINK Reapply the already-applied reach-ahead service that was not included on the RSU tape. * VMFAPPLY PPF ESA compn (SETUP After you do this for VMSES, ACCESS 5E6 B to start using the new stuff you just loaded. This is needed until you do the COPYFILE of the 5E6 files to 5E5 below. This command caught the fact that I was about to back-level DMSDDL, so it was a good thing I ran it. I don't recall installing reach- ahead service, but maybe I did. I also don't recall getting anything flagged two steps ago. - Re-apply all local service. I didn't bother checking out which modules *had* to be rebuilt, I just went ahead and redid everything. For CP, VMFSETUP ALMADEN CP VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP ALMCP (ALL Got me the error msg VMFUTL2190E VMFUTL2190E Invalid file type abbreviation FBA for part * in object =.FBA in build list HCPBLSAM EXC24165 due to the new VMSES, so I accessed 5E6 B and retried it. That got me VMFBLD2185R The following source product parameter files have been serviced: 6VMVMB20 $PPF VMFBLD2185R When source product parameter files are serviced, all product parameter files built from them must be recompiled using VMFPPF before VMFBLD can be run. VMFBLD2185R Enter zero (0) to have the latest levels of the source product parameter files copied to your A-disk and exit VMFBLD so you can recompile your product parameter files with VMFPPF Enter one (1) to continue only if you have already recompiled your product parameter files with VMFPPF I entered 0 & rebuilt the ALMADEN PPF file via VMFPPF ALMADEN CMS and VMFPPF ALMADEN CP. Now, the VMFBLD ran (finally!). I still got the above msgs, but I could now enter 1. Had to rework local HCPVMDBK updates, both PUF & Mount, because of UM23908/G54337HP using areas reserved for future IBM use that PUF was using, instead of the VMDUSER1 areas reserved for customer use. Probably 'cause Rich was hoping this would become part of the product. Retried the VMFBLD command and now(!) it finally worked ok. - Re-assemble all modules with local updates (21 of them). VMFHASM HCPAUP ALMADEN CP Same thing for AUT, CFM, COM, CSC, CSG, HVB, LGA, LGN, LGO, LOG, LON, PCL, PUF, QUY, REQ, RER, RPI, UDR, USP, & 1AC. I was able to drop Jeff's HCPITM update that fixed PID bugs. I had to rework the HCPLGA updates and since I was there, I combined the W01901AS & W01902AS updates into 1, renaming it W01903AS and changed the AUXTJW file accordingly. I also redid the A03200AS update, renaming it to A03201AS and changing the AUXALM file. (I didn't do this for the HCPVMDBK update 'cause I didn't think about it and didn't want to go back and redo it). Renaming and combining the updates forced me to fix the 6VMVMB20 VVTTJW and 6VMVMB20 VVTALM files, too (so maybe it wasn't such a good idea to rename & combine - oh, well - It wasn't that much trouble). Move all this results of all this from the a-disk to the 2C4 E-disk. There were no updates to HCPDIR, so I didn't bother assembling that and recreating the DIRECTXA MODULE. - Recreate the load list. VMFHASM HCPLDL ALMADEN CP This caused an error 'cause the 6VMVMB20 VVTVM file didn't have an entry for HCPLDL. I added one. COPY HCPLDL TXT03300 to CPLOAD EXC03300 XEDIT CPLOAD EXC03300 and comment out everything up to the &CONTROL OFF - VMFNLS HCPMES REPOS ALMADEN CP to rebuild the message repository. - VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP CPLOAD (SERVICED to rebuild the CPLOAD MODULE and put it out on the Config disks. For CMS, the four items that changed were DMSCPY, MES, SPA & SSY. VMFHASM DMSCPY ALMADEN CMS VMFNLS DMSMES REPOS ALMADEN CMS VMFNLS DMSSPA DLCS ALMADEN CMS Move everything to the 3C4 E-disk. VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS CMSLOAD (ALL to rebuild the CMS nucleus. TOOLS TO CMS9190 SHUTDOWN RW CMS9 190 I C SPOOL E CLOSE ACC 123 W RECEIVE = CMS LOADMAP W (REP DW TOOLS TO CMS9190 START ======================================================================== To rebuild the PROPLIB LOADLIB, logon to MAINT & VMFSETUP ALMADEN CMS VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CMS DMSBLPRP (ALL The updated PROPLIB LOADLIB will be on MAINT's 490 disk, it's L-disk. ======================================================================== ----- VMESAMAN FORUM appended at 12:50:06 on 94/12/21 GMT (by AWHAKIM at EOSVM) Subject: Total absence of documentation of SVM saved segment Ref: Append at 12:28:42 on 94/12/21 GMT (by AWHAKIM at EOSVM) on DFSMSVM FORUM on IBMVM. We have just wasted many, many hours in at least 3 locations trying to track down a hang in DFSMS/VM. In the end, the Change Team pointed us to the DMSSVM shared segment. "What's that?", I said. There is only one reference to it in the VM/ESA Master Index, and that is to a one-line item in the Service Guide telling you how to rebuild it. An information Apar has been put on Retain (VM56542), but that isn't much help. It appears that the segment is used not only by DFSMS/VM, but also by various VM Licensed Products such as Passthru. As such, it needs to be documented clearly in one of the mainline VM/ESA manuals, as well as the DFSMS/VM ones. Perhaps the CMS application Development Guide, where the SEGMENT command is discussed. And I find it very odd that it is not included in the output of QUERY SYSNAMES. It appears to be of the same level of importance as CMSBAM, etc. Alan Hakim, IBM ISSC Ltd. VM Support, Portsmouth, UK. ========================================================================