---- Extracted from PMR 6X601 in FE1 MYQMARK on JASPER's 01D disk. ---- There are 3 independent clock facilities in a CPU, the TOD Clock & Clock Comparator, the CPU Timer, and the Interval Timer. TOD Clock - 64-bit Unsigned number Bit 51 = 1 microsecond Bit 31 = 1.048576 seconds Counts Up Set = SCK = B204 Store = STCK = B205 Clock Comparator - Same Format as TOD Clock Interrupt x'1004' when TOD Clock > CC and CR0, bit 20 (0000 0800) is on Set = SCKC = B206 Store = STCKC = B207 CPU Timer - 64-bit Signed number Bit 51 = 1 microsecond (same as TOD Clock) Bit 31 = 1.048576 seconds Counts Down Set = SPT = B208 Store = STPT = B209 Interrupt x'1005' when bit 0 is on (negative) and CR0, bit 21 (0000 0400) is on Interval Timer - 370 Mode only. Does not exist in XA mode. 32-bit Signed number Bit 23 = 1/300 of a second = 3333.333... microseconds Bit 31 = 13.0208333... microseconds Counts Down Set = Store into Location x'50' Store = Query location x'50' Interrupt x'0080' when it goes negative and CR0, bit 24 (0000 0080) is on Don't confuse (like I did, wasting a few days) the Interval Timer units (13+ microseconds) with the O.S. term, Timer Units, which is double (26+ microseconds). Using the O.S. simulation macros, STIMER(M) and TTIMER(M), you can specify and get time in what they call "Timer Units". They are not the same units as the Interval Timer. In the CMS SP/4 DMSSVT source, where they handle TTIMER, they simply double the interval timer to return their O.S. timer units. In CMS SP/4, they use the interval timer. In CMS SP/5.5, they don't, even if you're in 370-mode, they still use the Clock Comparator.