I used the following exec one day to read in this guy's tape, blocked 80*40 = 3200, in ASCII. The A2E is an EXEC that I found on the VMTOOLS disk. /* DOIT EXEC - Enter number of files you wanna read in. */ arg n . if n = '' then n = 1 'TAPE REW' do i = 1 to n 'FILEDEF IN TAP1 (BLKSIZE 3200 LRECL 80 RECFM FB' 'FILEDEF OUT DISK TAPEFILE' i 'A (RECFM F LRECL 80 BLKSIZE 80' 'MOVEFILE IN OUT' if rc^=0 then exit rc 'EXEC A2E TAPEFILE' i 'A' if rc^=0 then exit rc /* Most of his files had lines in it giving the filename & filetype. */ 'EXECIO * DISKR TAPEFILE' i 'A (FINIS FIND ?FILENAME=?' if rc^=0 then exit rc pull . pull "FILENAME= '" fn "." ft "'" 'RENAME TAPEFILE' i 'A' fn ft 'A' end In case you lose it, here was the A2E EXEC. /**********************************************************************/ /* */ /* ASCII TO EBCDIC FILE CONVERTER version 1.1.2 */ /* */ /* No responsibility taken - use at your own risk. */ /* Malcolm Lasky ... IBM Australia ... LASKY at SYDVM1 */ /**********************************************************************/ arg arg_string 'makebuf' push '00 00' /* NUL (Null) */ push '01 01 ++' /* SOH (Start of Heading) */ push '02 02 ++' /* STX (Start of Text) */ push '03 03 ++' /* ETX (End of Text) */ push '04 37 ++' /* EOT (End of Transmission) */ push '05 2D ++' /* ENQ (Enquiry) */ push '06 2E ++' /* ACK (Acknowledge) */ push '07 2F ++' /* BEL (Bell) */ push '08 16 ++' /* BS (Backspace) */ push '09 05 ++' /* HT (Horizontal Tabulation) */ push '0A 25 ++' /* LF (Line Feed) */ push '0B 0B ++' /* VT (Vertical Tab) */ push '0C 0C ++' /* FF (Form Feed) */ push '0D 0D ++' /* CR (Carriage Return) */ push '0E 0E ++' /* SO (Shift Out) */ push '0F 0F ++' /* SI (Shift In) */ push '10 10 ++' /* DLE (Data Link Escape) */ push '11 11 ++' /* DC1 (Device Control 1) */ push '12 12 ++' /* DC2 (Device Control 2) */ push '13 13 ++' /* DC3 (Device Control 3) */ push '14 3C ++' /* DC4 (Device Control 4) */ push '15 3D ++' /* NAK (Negative Acknowledge) */ push '16 32 ++' /* SYN (Synchronous) */ push '17 26 ++' /* ETB (End of Transmission Block) */ push '18 18 ++' /* CAN (Cancel) */ push '19 19 ++' /* EM (End of Medium) */ push '1A 3F ++' /* SUB (Substitute) */ push '1B 27 ++' /* ESC (Escape) */ push '1C 1C ++' /* IFS (Interchange File Seperator) */ push '1D 1D ++' /* IGS (Interchange Group Separator)*/ push '1E 1E ++' /* IRS (Interchange Record Seperator*/ push '1F 1F ++' /* IUS (Interchange Unit seperator) */ push '20 40 ++' /* SP (Space) */ push '21 5A ++' /* ! (Exclamation point) */ push '22 7F ++' /* " (Double quote) */ push '23 7B ++' /* # (Number sign, Hash) */ push '24 5B ++' /* $ (Dollar sign) */ push '25 6C ++' /* % (Percent sign) */ push '26 50 ++' /* & (Ampersand) */ push '27 7D ++' /* ' (Apostrophe, Single quote) */ push '28 4D ++' /* ( (Left parenthesis) */ push '29 5D ++' /* ) (Right parenthesis) */ push '2A 5C ++' /* * (Asterisk) */ push '2B 4E ++' /* + (Plus sign) */ push '2C 6B ++' /* , (Comma) */ push '2D 60 ++' /* - (Minus sign, Hyphen) */ push '2E 4B ++' /* . (Period, decimal point) */ push '2F 61 ++' /* / (Slash) */ push '30 F0 ++' /* 0 (Zero) */ push '31 F1 ++' /* 1 (One) */ push '32 F2 ++' /* 2 (Two) */ push '33 F3 ++' /* 3 (Three) */ push '34 F4 ++' /* 4 (Four) */ push '35 F5 ++' /* 5 (Five) */ push '36 F6 ++' /* 6 (Six) */ push '37 F7 ++' /* 7 (Seven) */ push '38 F8 ++' /* 8 (Eight) */ push '39 F9 ++' /* 9 (Nine) */ push '3A 7A ++' /* : (Colon) */ push '3B 5E ++' /* ; (Semicolon) */ push '3C 4C ++' /* < (less-than sign) */ push '3D 7E ++' /* = (Equal sign) */ push '3E 6E ++' /* > (Greater-than sign) */ push '3F 6F ++' /* ? (Question mark) */ push '40 7C ++' /* @ (At sign) */ push '41 C1 ++' /* A (Uppercase A) */ push '42 C2 ++' /* B (Uppercase B) */ push '43 C3 ++' /* C (Uppercase C) */ push '44 C4 ++' /* D (Uppercase D) */ push '45 C5 ++' /* E (Uppercase E) */ push '46 C6 ++' /* F (Uppercase F) */ push '47 C7 ++' /* G (Uppercase G) */ push '48 C8 ++' /* H (Uppercase H) */ push '49 C9 ++' /* I (Uppercase I) */ push '4A D1 ++' /* J (Uppercase J) */ push '4B D2 ++' /* K (Uppercase K) */ push '4C D3 ++' /* L (Uppercase L) */ push '4D D4 ++' /* M (Uppercase M) */ push '4E D5 ++' /* N (Uppercase N) */ push '4F D6 ++' /* O (Uppercase O) */ push '50 D7 ++' /* P (Uppercase P) */ push '51 D8 ++' /* Q (Uppercase Q) */ push '52 D9 ++' /* R (Uppercase R) */ push '53 E2 ++' /* S (Uppercase S) */ push '54 E3 ++' /* T (Uppercase T) */ push '55 E4 ++' /* U (Uppercase U) */ push '56 E5 ++' /* V (Uppercase V) */ push '57 E6 ++' /* W (Uppercase W) */ push '58 E7 ++' /* X (Uppercase X) */ push '59 E8 ++' /* Y (Uppercase Y) */ push '5A E9 ++' /* Z (Uppercase Z) */ push '5B AD ++' /* - (Left square bracket) */ push '5C E0 ++' /* \ (Back slash) */ push '5D BD ++' /* - (Right square bracket) */ push '5E 5F ++' /* ^ (Logical NOT) */ push '5F 6D ++' /* _ (Underscore) */ push '60 79 ++' /* ` (Grave accent) */ push '61 81 ++' /* a (Lowercase a) */ push '62 82 ++' /* b (Lowercase b) */ push '63 83 ++' /* c (Lowercase c) */ push '64 84 ++' /* d (Lowercase d) */ push '65 85 ++' /* e (Lowercase e) */ push '66 86 ++' /* f (Lowercase f) */ push '67 87 ++' /* g (Lowercase g) */ push '68 88 ++' /* h (Lowercase h) */ push '69 89 ++' /* i (Lowercase i) */ push '6A 91 ++' /* j (Lowercase j) */ push '6B 92 ++' /* k (Lowercase k) */ push '6C 93 ++' /* l (Lowercase l) */ push '6D 94 ++' /* m (Lowercase m) */ push '6E 95 ++' /* n (Lowercase n) */ push '6F 96 ++' /* o (Lowercase o) */ push '70 97 ++' /* p (Lowercase p) */ push '71 98 ++' /* q (Lowercase q) */ push '72 99 ++' /* r (Lowercase r) */ push '73 A2 ++' /* s (Lowercase s) */ push '74 A3 ++' /* t (Lowercase t) */ push '75 A4 ++' /* u (Lowercase u) */ push '76 A5 ++' /* v (Lowercase v) */ push '77 A6 ++' /* w (Lowercase w) */ push '78 A7 ++' /* x (Lowercase x) */ push '79 A8 ++' /* y (Lowercase y) */ push '7A A9 ++' /* z (Lowercase z) */ push '7B C0 ++' /* - (Left brace) */ push '7C 4F ++' /* | (Logical OR) */ push '7D D0 ++' /* - (Right brace) */ push '7E A1 ++' /* - (Tilde) */ push '7F 07 ++' /* DEL (Delete) */ 'copyfile' arg_string '(trans noprompt replace' copyfile_rc = rc 'dropbuf' exit copyfile_rc