Notes from applying PUT 8805 service to SQL. SQLVMA, SQLVMB, SQLBMC are the production data base machines. SQLMAINT is the maintenance userid. Its minidisks are - 193 contains text files used to build the ARISQLLD LOADLIB and miscellaneous EXECs. Nobody links to this disk normally, the only time this disk is used is when you install SQL or apply service. SQL calls this the "Service" disk. - 195 is the disk everybody links to, users and the SQL data base machines. It contains the EXECs and the heart of SQL, the ARISQLLD LOADLIB. SQL calls this the "Production" disk. - 293 used to stage or backup the SQLMAINT 193 disk. - 295 used to stage or backup the SQLMAINT 195 disk. To apply service, you can run the 5688004 EXEC from your own userid. The EXEC will link to the appropriate disks. What I did was to copy the 193 and 195 disks to the 29x disks, position the tape (VM5202) on tape file 29 via a TAPE FSF 28, and invoke the 5688004 EXEC, specifying SQLMAINT's 29x disks as the disks to apply service to. The EXEC loaded the files and regenerated the LOADLIB. All that was left to do was copy the ARISQLLD LOADLIB and whatever other files might have been changed to the 195 disk.