Notes on S.E.S. (Serviceability Enhancements Support) for VM/XA SP2 There's an ALMADEN $PPF override file that should work for whatever you're doing. I qualify that statement with "should" because I made changes after doing all of this, in the interest of cleaning up, and I didn't go back and test it all. There are three $PPF override files. 1) ALMADEN $PPF on SP2MAINT's 191 disk. This is only used when you're logged onto the SP2MAINT virtual machine to VMFREC and VMFAPPLY service. The only thing this file overrides is to define the TASK disk, which is the SES Tools (5E5) disk. 2) ALMADEN $PPF on SP2MAINT's 5E5 disk, the SES Tools disk. This is to be used when you're logged onto your own userid and have done a SETUP (our own, local SETUP EXEC, not IBM's - The SETUP EXEC that uses VMGALM NAMES). This override file is used when you VMFASM or VMFHASM or VMFBLD for the production system. 3) ALMADENX $PPF on SP2MAINT's 5E5 disk. This is just like the ALMADEN $PPF file on the same disk, but it's intended to be used when working with the test system. It knows about the CMS Alternate Local1 (395) and the CMS Alternate Apply (692) disks. If Wayne ever sets up CP like I've got CMS set up, this override file can be changed to know about the CP Alternate disks as well. ======================================================================== To load a COR tape: - Logon to SP2MAINT. The PROFILE EXEC will access the 5E5 disk, which has the latest SES tools, as your B-disk. - Insure the Local1 disk string (395 -> 691 -> 391) is ready. The 391 disk has production-level fixes on it. The 395 disk has test fixes on it. The 691 disk has fixes that might be in test or production. You tell by looking at the ALMADEN $PPF file. If the LOCAL2 string in the :CMS. section has 691 in it, then it's part of the production CMS. If it only has 391 in it, then it's still in test mode. Get the Local1 string how you want it, realizing that when you do the VMFREC, the 395 disk will be merged to the 691 disk. - VMFREC INFO (COR. Gets information about this COR tape from tape file #1. Also checks your version of SES (which it knows about from the $LEVEL $TAPE file on the 5E5 disk) with the version on tape file #1. - VMFREC ALMADEN CMS (COR. To load the service on the tape onto the CMS Alternate Local1 (395) disk. - VMFAPPLY ALMADEN CMS (COR. To apply the service. ======================================================================== To load a PUT tape: - Logon to SP2MAINT. - VMFREC INFO Gets information about this COR tape from tape file #1 and checks your version of SES (just like it did for COR tape processing). - VMFREC 56643082 CMS (COR. To load the tape onto the CMS Alternate Local1 (395) disk. - VMFAPPLY 56643082 CMS (COR. To apply the service. ======================================================================== For or For XA 2.0 XA 2.1 - To edit, XX fn or XEDIT fn ASSEMBLE (CTL DMSXA ALMCMS or XEDIT fn MACRO (CTL DMSMXA ALMMCMS or XEDIT fn ft (CTL HCPCFG ALMCP - To assemble, For 2.0 CMS, VMFHASM fn ALMADEN(X) CMS (DISK EXP NOSETUP For 2.1 CP, VMFHASM fn ALMVM_ CP (DISK EXP NOSETUP - To build a MACLIB, for 2.0 CMS, VMFMAC DMSSP DMSMXA or for 2.1 CP, VMFMAC ALMCP ALMCP - To create the loadlist, For 2.1, VMFHASM HCPLDL ALMVM_ CP (NOSETUP RENAME HCPLDL ALM03000 G = TEXT A (or whatever the latest HCPLDL text deck is) UTILITY CPLOAD ---> Results in CPLOAD EXEC A, w/o ft's - To build a nucleus, For 2.0 CMS, VMFBLD ALMADEN(X) CMS CMSLOAD (NOSETUP PUNCH NOCHECK or CMSSMALL For 2.1 CP, VMFBLD ALMVM_ CP (NOSETUP PUNCH NOCHECK - To use DMSSPA, VMFNLS DMSSPA DLCS ALMADEN CMS (NOSETUP (creates DMSSPA & DMSSSY TXTODATE, both of which go in the nucleus) - To use DMSSPAB, which is for upper case english, which we don't use, VMFNLS DMSSPAB DLCS ALMADEN CMS (NOSETUP (creates DMSSPAB & DMSSSYB TXTODATE, both of which would go in the nucleus) - To rebuild DMSMES, VMFNLS DMSMES REPOS ALMADEN CMS (NOSETUP or VMFNLS HCPMES REPOS ALMADEN CP (NOSETUP More later .....