Subject: Sending mail from AIX to the external Internet Even though it is not possible to establish a direct TCP/IP connection from an AIX system at Almaden to the external TCP/IP Internet, it is still possible to send mail from an AIX system to the Internet. This requires going through two gateways: 1) The ALMADEN gateway (also known as XAGENT), which converts mail from TCP/IP network to VNET. 2) The VNET-INTERNET gateway (also known as the CSNET gateway), which sends VNET mail to the external Internet. Here are the steps for setting up an AIX system to send and receive Internet mail: 1) You must be registered to use the VNET-INTERNET gateway. If you are not registered, use the External Network Access Registration Form, available at the Operations counter (G1-400), to register. 2) Make sure that you are registered to use the ALMADEN gateway. If mail that is sent by VM users to "youruserid at ALMADEN" goes to your AIX userid, you're set. If it goes to your VM account, then you need to: a) Log on to your VM account. b) Issue the command: SMSG NET CMD ALMADEN FORWARD ADDALIAS aixuserid aixnode SMTP Replace "aixuserid" with the AIX userid that you want to send mail from, and "aixnode" with the AIX machine name that you want to send mail from. For example, to send mail from, you would use: SMSG NET CMD ALMADEN FORWARD ADDALIAS ELMER FUDD SMTP c) Wait 2 hours for this command to take effect. 3) Install a special version of the sendmail configuration file by logging in as root on AIX (or doing "su" command) and doing the following commands: cd /usr/adm/sendmail <-- If AIX/RT cd /usr/lib <-- If AIX/6000 mv cp /local/lib/sendmail/ . sendmail -bz ps -ae | grep sendmail kill nnnn (where nnnn is the number in the first column of the ps -ae response) /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q30m 4) Make sure you can send mail to VM users. Send yourself some mail to your VM userid, just to check. From AIX, you might type: mail vmuserid@almvmd < /etc/rc where "vmuserid" is you VM userid. 5) Send mail to an Internet address while you are logged onto VM. Log onto VM in one window. In an AIX window, type something like: mail < /etc/rc This will attempt to send mail to "". Within two minutes, you should get a message in your VM window indicating that the file was received by the CSNET gateway, and "shortly" after that (1 minute to 3 days later) you will get a message indicating that the mail was actually delivered to the addressee's system. -- Tom Engelsiepen