RETAIN coordinator is Sharon Skipwith, SSKIPWIT at SFOVMIC6, dept RC3A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RETAIN stands for REmote Technical Assistance Information Network. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to use RETAIN. From VM, pvm retain1, select rta, login using your serial number/password and optionally -change to change your password. For example, 517760/abcde or 517760/abcde-change Current password is 517760/C97GKJ (It used to be D3VF8U Last Changed 12/09/99) (Before that it was K6JWH Last Changed 2/23/99) * * * Password retry limit is 3 !! Don't lock yourself out. * * * PVM RETAIN or PVM RETAIN2 * * * * * * * STLVM10 5 or RTA or CCDN, then =RTA (RTA in caps) 517760/pw or 517760/pw-CHANGE to change your password. PF1-Return gets you outa their NEWS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - To search on a keyword, N;SSF/DS/AC PC/P;keyw1 ABENDPRG007 - - or for AIX, N;SSF/PC/AC PC/P;keyw1 ABENDPRG007 - - To read an APAR item, N;-/R VM-----/fpo - - To read a PTF item, N;-/R UM-----/fpo - - To read an incident, N;1/R -X---,B49R 5336519 q:n | r:n - - (was 397,369) - - To search on AIX bugs, use p; - - To search on DCE bugs, use p; - - To search on VM/ESA R2 bugs, use p;568408401 R209 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ n; to get back to the main menu n;ssf/ds/ac pc to search the VM software data base n;ssf/ds/ ?? to search the program product data base p;arg1 arg2 .... to search p;* arg3 ... to add another search argument to the last search t to go back to the search title page after a successful search tn gets you to page n of the search title page +n When looking at an incident, will page you forward or back n pages -n PF8 Gets you out of BROWSING mode To logoff, n; logoff ::p The sections of an APAR are SUMMARY TEXT SUBMITTER RESPONDER INTERESTED PARTY PIN The sections of a PTF are SUMMARY TEXT CUSTOMER COVER LETTER PIN