To load the CMS component (5664-167C) from a PUT tape, - Logon to JASPER0 (a non-priviledged userid I set up - Attach the tape as 181 expressly to load PUT tapes) - VMFPLC2 LOAD * * C - VMSERV ------------------------------------------------------------------- - The VMSERV EXEC must run from the C-disk (it checks). - It accesses the 194 disk as the a-disk to use as a work area. - The VMPUT PRODUCTS file (on the 191, c-disk) has one entry in it, the one required for CMS. It's a wide, 1-line file containing this: 5664167C PASS PASS PASS 090 293 393 09D PASS 193 PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS NORESP CMS (The 090 and 09E disk is normally the 19x, but I changed it to 09x so as to not interfere with CMS's normal 19x disks. JASPER0 has a 090 and a 09E disk.) - I later decided to go ahead and load the whole 5664-167C product (CP, CMS, IPCS, and GCS), rather than just CMS, so I changed the VMPUT PRODUCTS file to say, 5664167C 194 294 394 090 293 393 09D PASS 193 193 496 497 595 596 193 NORESP which are the normal defaults except for the two 09x disks. - The VMSERV EXEC loads the 5664167C EXEC onto the a-disk (the 194 disk), then invokes it. - To run the 5664167C EXEC manually (i.e. not have VMSERV call it), do TAPE REW TAPE FSF 16 (the tape index of 5664167C in SERVICE DISKMAP) 5664167C RESTART GCS (or CP or CMS or IPCS) - The 5664167C EXEC does a STATE * TXTAP A (when the 194 disk is the A-disk), and if it finds any AP text decks, when it loads the CP text decks (tape file #9), it loads all the text decks (FT = *). Else, all you get are the UP text decks (FT = TEXT). - In the product memos, it lists what files are on what tape file, but the memo uses relative tape files. See the SERVICE DISKMAP file that the VMSERV EXEC builds to help translate relative tape file numbers to absolute tape file numbers. - When the EXECs run, it assumes that the disks are already linked in write mode. It does no linking on its own. The disks and tape files involved are: For CMS: Tape | | File | Goes onto disk | Which is the ------+--------------------+------------------------- 11-15 | &CMASTG = &5 = 293 | CMS Service Staging Area 16 | &CMSRC = &6 = 393 | CMS Source Staging Area 17-21 | &CMSDSK = &4 = 090 | CMS S-disk 22-24 | &CMBSTG = &9 = 193 | CMS Base Staging Area 25 | &INSTALL= * = PASS| Install Disk 26 | &HELP = &7 = 09D | CMS Help Disk 27 | &IOCP = &8 = PASS| IOCP Disk * = Tape file 25 is the install EXECs and tools which are only loaded if you're in "interactive mode", meaning that you invoked the 5664167C EXEC manually (not from VMSERV). For Other Things: Tape | | File | Goes onto disk | Which is the ------+--------------------+------------------------- 3- 6 | &CPASTG = &2 = 294 | CP Service Staging Area 7 | &CPSRC = &3 = 394 | CP Source Staging Area 8-10 | &CPBSTG = &1 = 194 | CP Base Staging Area 11-27 | ... Described above ... 28-31 | &IPASTG = &11= 496 | IPCS Service Staging Area 32 | &IPSRC = &12= 496 | IPCS Source Staging Area 33-35 | &IPBSTG = &10= 193 | IPCS Base Staging Area 36-38 | &GCBSTG = &14= 596 | GCS Service Staging Area 39 | &GCISTG = &15= 193 | GCS disk for IPCS files - The global variable &GLOBAL7 in the 5664167C EXEC is used to determine if CMS needs to be re-saved. It gets set if DMSASD or DMSASM (the ASSEMBLE MODULE) gets any service, or if there's anything in tape file #21 (the CMS MODULES). If it's set during this install procedure, the 5664167C EXEC tries to rebuild the ASSEMBLE MODULE by ACCESS 090 A ACCESS 193 B/A and EXEC CMSGEND ASSEMBLE NOINV. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After loading the PUT tape, I - Copied PID's 193, 293, and 393 disks to CMSSP4's 106 disk. - Copied PID's 19D disk to CMSSP4's 19D disk. - Carefully merged the 190 disk changes.