The mailroom printers are P3816C1A & P3812C1B. ======================================================================= To print something as-is, say OUT / (ASIS. Don't say OUT / (PROC ASIS. ======================================================================= The source for all the OUT stuff is on the disk you get by saying GIME PSSOURCE ==> 3800MSTR's 197 disk. The printers in the C1 mailroom are - P3812C1A Cut-sheet, No Duplex - P3812C1B The fast printers in the user area are - 3827UA 90 pages/minute fanfold. Say ROTATE for listings. - P3820UA - 3800W - 3820 ======================================================================= Some info I got one day from Lorraine at the help desk (7-3232). To print at another node: Here are the instructions: Here's how to print on a Yorktown 3812: * Query a 3812 in Yorktown using the Q3812 EXEC. Get the node and userid of the controlling SLUICE machine, and the printer name. For example, SLUICEV2 at YKTVMV and V3812A. * Issue the OUT command as if you were going to print on some 3812, say SLU3812, but add TO(node uid) PNAME(name). For example, OUT fn ft fm (ON SLU3812 TO(YKTVMV SLUICEV2) PNAME(V3812A) * If you want to print on a Yorktown 3816, follow the same directions except: -- Use Q3816 to find the information about the printer. -- Specify an SLU3816 as the "ON" device. ======================================================================= I also talked to Paul Mowry about printing on the San Jose 3820's. He said, look in QPRINT NICKHELP to find the printer node and name. All their 3820's start with SJ20, for example, SJCVSC2 and SJ20051B. Then SPOOL PRINT FORM name TO NET TAG DEV PRT node SYSTEM and PSF fn LIST3820 PSF is a module on their T-disk. It looks like some piece of Print Service Feature, program product number 5664-198. All of this is untested.