Notes On Installing a NATVM Program Product There are two service machines defined for NATVM (IBMTOOLS & IBMBUILD) as well as other minidisk-placeholder machines which all start with a $ (eg $MAINT & $VMBACKU). IBMTOOLS & IBMBUILD both run TOOLSRUN from IBMTOOLS's 192 disk (they don't use our TOOLSRUN stuff on the TOOLSHED disk), which is itself tools-controlled. I decided to only install 5 of the 11 disks NATVM suggests since we only want VMTAPE & VMBACKUP. IBMTOOLS controls Tools DiskName Owner Vaddr Disk Description -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ IBMTR IBMTOOLS 192 Distribution Software (TOOLSRUN, etc) IBMSUP IBMTOOLS 230 System Programmer Tools (NATVM & NVMBUILD, etc) ITSSVM IBMTOOLS 500 Conference Disk IBMBUILD controls Tools DiskName Owner Vaddr Disk Description -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ DELTA IBMBUILD 200 Product Staging Disk IBMDOCS IBMBUILD 400 Softcopy Documentation ========================================================================= How to get a product. 1) GIME IBMTOOLS 230 (the IBMSUP disk). 2) NATVM 3) Select "Deliverable (DIF) List" under the "Deliverable & Product Information" heading. You're now looking at the list of NATVM products. PF4 will show you the "Actions" you can do against any product. The interesting actions are V => Display this DIF and the related PIF entries M => Display source and target minidisk information C => Display source/target minidisk content relationship G => Issue an "IBMBUILD GET fn ft (APPLY request" (no menu) I => Disply the IBMBUILD request menu T => PRODBLD - Creates exec to processs and load target minidisk N => NVMBUILD - Creates dirmaint directory and exec for minidisk creation 4) For the "VMBACKUP/E" product, I went to the IBMBUILD menu by typing an "I". 5) Select "GETDIF Get the DIF file for this product" and "GETDOC Get the install document for this product" 6) When the DIF file arrives ($VMBACKU DIF), read it in. 7) Go back to the "Deliverable (DIF) List" menu and type "N" to get to the IBMBUILD request menu. The first time you do this from a userid, you have to answer a few questions so it can build a NVMBUILD PROFILE. I used the PRODUCT DIRMAINT minidisk allocation group. This step creates 2 files, $VMBACKU DIRECT & $VMBACKU EXEC. 8) Modify the skeleton directory entry, $VMBACKU DIRECT to conform to local standards and DIRM ADD the id. This created the $VMBACKU userid with 5 minidisks, 1101-1104 and 11FF. 9) When the id is online, run the $VMBACKU EXEC to format the minidisks. Type $VMBACKU FORMAT. 10) Since we don't have RACF installed, modify the $VMBACKU EXEC to do the AUTOLINK authorizations to allow IBMBUILD to link to the minidisks you just created (RACF CONTROL authority = AUTOLINK M). This is under the 'PERMIT' section. You want something like 'EXEC AUTOLINK FOR $5684160 AUTH 1100 M USER' arg1 Then do the $VMBACKU PERMIT. 11) Go back to the "Deliverable (DIF) List" menu and type "G" to tell the IBMBUILD tools machine to "get" the "Deliverable" and to put stuff on the appropriate disk(s). This step filled the 5 $VMBACKU minidisks with 1101: 5 Cyl 3380 31 Files 41% Misc. VMBACKUP stuff 1102: 16 Cyl 3380 344 Files 79% Code, Help, Screens, $VMBREXX 1103: 10 Cyl 3380 770 Files 56% User's Help 1104: 17 Cyl 3380 326 Files 66% VMTAPE Exits?? 11FF: 5 Cyl 3380 9 Files 4% VMBACKUP MODULE, DIF, PIF, Inst Gd 12) Go to the 11FF disk and review the PIF, DIF, & memos for further installation instructions. ========================================================================= This is the NATVM DISKS file I found on RAJ's disk. Not sure where it came from, but it might have handy data. *------------------------- Disks controlled by IBMTOOLS -------------------------------------- DISK STAGE IBMTOOLS 120 NONE Staging disk for IUO tool updates ; Staging disk for AUTOBUMP DISK IUOTEST $MAINT 800 NONE IUO tools testing disk. ; Test disk for AUTOBUMP DISK IUOGEN $MAINT 19A NONE Main production tools disk ; Target disk for AUTOBUMP DISK IUOAUX $MAINT 19B NONE Auxiliary production tools disk ; Target disk for AUTOBUMP DISK YDISK $MAINT 19E NONE Production Y disk ; Target disk for AUTOBUMP * DISK SUNRISE IBMTOOLS 100 NONE Early versions of VM National Platform IUO tools DISK -IBMTR IBMTOOLS 192 NONE VM National Platform Distribution Software DISK -IBMSUP IBMTOOLS 230 NONE VM National Platform System Programmer Tools DISK -ITSSVM IBMTOOLS 500 NONE VM National Platform Conference Disk * * The next 3 disks are not used if AUTOBUMP is used (note all are commented out). * *DISK IBMGEN IBMTOOLS 200 NONE VM National Platform General IUO tools (Target IUOGEN) *DISK IBMAUX IBMTOOLS 210 NONE VM National Platform Auxilliary IUO tools (Target IUOAUX) *DISK IBMYDISK IBMTOOLS 240 NONE VM National Platform YDISK tools (target $MAINT 19E) * *------------------------- Disks controlled by IBMBUILD -------------------------------------- * List of delta disks currently defined at NATVM DISK -DELTA IBMBUILD 200 NONE VM National Platform Product Staging Disk DISK -IBMDOCS IBMBUILD 400 NONE VM National Platform Softcopy Documentation