The easiest way to switch ones mail to Lotus Notes, is to use the NOTESIFY EXEC instead of the ADDRESS EXEC. All one needs to do with NOTESIFY is to type in your full Notes id, "Rick Jasper" in my case (not RJASPER, which is my short name, i.e. the file name on my .id file) Notesify does the rest. For the curious (me), what NOTESIFY did in ADDRESS-terms, was Send notes: to RICK_JASPER______________________________________ (userid) at ALMLNSG0.ALMADEN.IBM.COM_________________________ (system) via SMTP (protocol) ALMLNSG0 is the Lotus Notes Gateway. My mail server is actually ALMNMI01, but the mail server isn't necessarily setup to receive SMTP mail. If you want your mail on Lotus Notes, send it to ALMLNSG0 regardless of which mail server you're using.