As of 1-17-97 (at least), we are in a new division, division #5. Our division name is IBM Global Services. We used to be ISSC, which was division #7. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Our department number is VAVC. It used to be BWXK. ------------------------------------------------------------------- When I diddled around with my pager with Pat Jones, our accounting information was Major #871, Minor # 0345, Project #D310. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordering Vehicles and Processes Remain Unchanged January 23, 1997 All ordering vehicles and processes for IBM Global Services, United States remain unchanged regardless of the recent organization announcements. For example, following are the ordering vehicles Division 05 and 07 employees have been using and should continue to use: -- CPOPS (Common Purchase Order Preparation System) -- MSREQ (M&S Requisition Ordering System) -- NBOSW (IBM software ordering AEFORM) -- NBOHW (IBM hardware ordering AEFORM) NOTE: PCWARES is not an ordering vehicle for IBM Global Services employees in Division 05 and 07. If you have questions, contact Maureen Brannigan at ISSCVM(MABRANN), tie line 826-4277 or (914) 766-4277. -------------------------------------------------------------------