To add new devices to Almaden systems, VMA - Create another update for ALMVMA IOCP on the SETUP CP disks and 3081 put it in the ALMVMA AUXVMA AUX file. - Determine the active IOCP by either calling the operator and asking them or by going out the console, finding the correct configuration frame, and looking for yourself. On 3081s, there are four IOCPs, A0-A3. I've also been putting documenting them in the ALMVMA AUXVMA file. - To look yourself, - Terminate the SAD frame by hitting the key. - Then "f iocdsm" (or, if you forget, "f config", and "A3" to go to the IOCDS management frame). - The ">" means that IOCDS is the active one. - The "WP" means this IOCDS is write protected. - To un-write-protect, "R,An" where n = 0-3. - To restart SAD, type in "sad". - To actually update the hardware IOCP, logon to the system you're >>>>> updating and say VMGIOCP ALMVMA (WRTAn n = 0-3 for a 3081 This writes the IOCP to the Piccolo file via a special hardware diagnose. If you wanted to only syntax-check the IOCP, leave off the WRTAn option. It takes about 6 minutes to write the IOCP. **If the IOCP you're writing to is write-protected, you'll get ICP402I MSSFCALL RETURNED AN UNEXPECTED RESPONSE CODE OF 46F0 HEX **One day I got ICP402I MSSFCALL RETURNED AN UNEXPECTED RESPONSE CODE OF 41F0 HEX which turned out to be a coding error, PROTOCOL=S4, which the the 3081 doesn't support. VMD - Create another update for ALMVMD on the SETUP CP disks. 3090 Similar to the 3081, but to terminate the SAD frame, hit - To look yourself, - Terminate the SAD frame by hitting the key (the key that's in the PF15 position). - Then "f iocdsm" (or, if you forget, "f config", and "A3" to go to the IOCDS management frame). - The IOCDS's are numbered differently. On a 600-E, you cannot change the starter IOCDS, A0. That leaves A1-A3 for customer use. On the 600-S, this may not be true anymore. I'm not sure. - The highlighted line is the active IOCDS. - The "selected" IOCDS has the "->" next to it. - To un-write-protect, you must first "select" it by typing in "In", where n = 2-4, corresponding to A1-A3. - Then "A3" to un-write-protect. - To restart SAD, "f sad 1". On a new 600-S, never-before-written-to IOCDS's have "NOT DEFINED" next to them, instead of "WRITE PROTECT". This can be confusing when you go to un-write-protect a IOCDS. When it says "NOT DEFINED", it *is* un-write-protected. You don't have to do anything. Go ahead and write into it. The limit is 4096 for #CHPIDS + #SUBCHANNELS. As of 04/19/90, they were 128 + 3760 = 3888. It takes 4 minutes to write the IOCP. **One day I got IOP402I MSSFCALL RETURNED AN UNEXPECTED RESPONSE CODE OF 01F0 HEX which was a write protect error. **That same day I got IOP402I MSSFCALL RETURNED AN UNEXPECTED RESPONSE CODE OF 0067 HEX which I never figured out. **The next day I got IOP405I SERVICE CALL RETURNED AN UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE OF 0067 HEX which was a write protect error. Now I wonder about the previous day's error msg. Did I write it down wrong? VMN: 4381 - In 370-mode, you don't have IOCPs. You have UCBs. Go in 370-mode to the operator's console and update the UCBs, re-IML, and re-IPL. VMY: 4381 - Create another update for ALMVMY on the SETUP CP disks. in XA-mode - The 4381 does not have the special hardware diagnose instruction like the 3081 and the 3090 do. To update the IOCP, you must move the updated IOCPALMY file to tape by (in XEDIT, make the next line the current line & STACK 4) UPDATE ALMVMY IOCP G ALMVMY CNTRL G (CTL FILEDEF IN DISK $ALMVMY IOCP A (PERM FILEDEF OUT TAP1 (RECFM F LRECL 80 BLOCK 80 PERM MOVEFILE IN OUT - Then go to the operators console to write the IOCP. The procedure is written up (poorly) in the Operator's Runbook. My list of things to do are - Shutdown VMY. - ReIML in 370 mode (QLIW1 & QLIM). - Insure PU0 is selected. Look in the bottom left hand corner at the PU1 & PU0. PU0 should have the ">" next to it. If it doesn't, type in QT until it does. Failure to do this will cause the tape drives to be unavailable when you start the IOCDS program, because the tape drives are only attached to PU0 (CHPID 05). - Specify the tape drive (QFOIDT0cuu). You need the leading zero on the cuu. - Start the IOCP program to write the IOCP (QFOIS). - Answer Y to the "Errors detected, save data set?" msg if the errors are only for unreferenced CHPIDs (Q...Y). - Answer Y to the "Do you wanna write" prompt (Q...Y). - Answer D0 or D1 for the which IOCDS prompt (Q...YDn). - Go back to ESA mode (QLIW2). - Swap the IOCDS (QLIDn). - ReIML (QLIM). - ReIPL VMY (QLP). A royal pain, isn't it?