When somebody is hung up as in ...so and so is LOGGOF/FORCE PENDING, one way to get him unhung if he's coming in through a logical device, is to have the LDEV owner drop the session. If PVM, find out which logical device it is (one way is to look at .....'s 191 disk, the fn ft file). Then SMSG PVM Q APPL L114 (use the first 2 words here) SMSG PVM DROP USER ALMVMX GRAF413 <-----------/ SMSG PVM Q APPL L114 Should be not found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When a virtual machine gets hung up, use DUMPRX to get some info from his VMBLOK, and from the I/O blocks associated with the failing device. Some useful commands might be, VMBLOK - To get the address of his VMBLOK, and summary info about him. At +x'58' are the VM R,D, O, and Q STAT bytes. Set to x'11004000' to free up user (virtual PSW wait, idle wait state, and running shared system) RIO device_address - To view the RCH, RCU, and RDEV BLOKs.