To FORMAT a device, in this case one of the 2305 drums, look at the PAGE* VOLDATA files on the systems disk. - Run DSF to check out IPLIT DSF9 the HDA (if necessary). CONSOLE CONSOLE INIT UNIT(xxx) NVFY CHK(3) VAL VOLID(xxxxxx) - IPL the FORMAT/ALLOCATE IPLIT FMT42 program. - Format the volume first. FORMAT This writes 4K records 8D0 on all the cylinders 2305-2 except cylinder 0, starting cylinder number (first) head 0. That gets the ending cylinder number (last) special IPL format. PAGE13 - Then allocate it. ALLOCATE This writes the CP 8D0 allocation map on 2305-2 cylinder 0, head 0, PAGE13 record 4. PAGE 000 095 END - Then SDF it. The SDF SDF FORMAT 8D0 PAGE13 records are on cylinder 0, head 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The minimum you can do is to format cylinder 0, allocate it all PERM, then SDF it.