FCOPY on the 19E disk has been modified to default to olddate. To change the version that comes from James Oswald, use his FCOPYZAP EXEC & XEDIT programs, which come in his FCOPYZAP PACKLIB. Here's what you do. 1) Have FCOPYZAP PACKLIB on your a-disk. There may be a way to do steps 2) & 3) without doing this, but I didn't try to find it. 2) Say FCOPY FCOPYZAP PACKLIB (LIST. This puts you into a FILELIST- type screen showing the members of this PACKLIB. There are only two members, FCOPYZAP EXEC and FCOPYZAP XEDIT. 3) Type SELECT on both lines for each member to un-PACKLIB them onto your a-disk. This is why you needed to do step 1). If you didn't, you would get an error doing this step. 4) Invoke the FCOPYZAP EXEC. 5) Select option 2. This XEDITs the FCOPY MODULE, zaps it, and stores the modified FCOPY MODULE on your a-disk. At least, that's what it did when I first did this. When I upgraded FCOPY in 1/92, it kept me in XEDIT with the file FCOPYXA MODULE C1. I had to file it away as FCOPY MODULE A2. I also fixdate'd it back to its original date so I can know what version I got.