- - - The following was extracted from informational APAR II04846. - - - Corrective service must be applied manually for EREP. There's no exec to do this. For 'PUT' application, there is an exec supplied with the PUT tape to do this function. Because of the file structure, the PUT exec will not work to apply 'Corrective Service'. ** Please note --- When installing PUT service and executing 5654260C, it is assumed you already have linked to the disk where EREP resides. To successfully apply corrective service, you should understand the parts involved in the EREP system and their function. They are - CPEREP MODULE. This is the VM interface code for EREP. EREP'S code is common with MVS. CPEREP converts various MVS functions to VM functions and is distributed as part of CP, HCPIFC (it was DMSIFC under VM/370). - HCPREA TEXT. This is a service module for CPEREP MODULE and is distributed as HCPREA TEXT. It also is a part of CP (it was DMSREA under VM/370). - 5654260C CURLEVEL is on the MAINT 201 disk. This is your control file which should indicate the current level of your EREP system. - I5654260 SRVLOG34 on the MAINT 201 disk. This is a history of the maintenance done to the EREP system. - ERPTFLIB TXTLIB on the MAINT 201 disk. This is a text library containing accumulative maintenance to the EREP system. - ERFTRLIB TXTLIB on the MAINT 201 disk. This is a text library containing the latest feature applied to the EREP system. - EREPLIB TXTLIB on the MAINT 201 disk. This is a text library containing the base code for the EREP system. - ERPTFLIB TLBnnnnn shipped with the PTF, where nnnnn is the PTF number being applied. This file will replace ERPTFLIB TXTLIB on the MAINT 201 disk. - 5654260C PFLnnnnn shipped with the PTF, where nnnnn is the PTF number being applied. This file will replace 5654260C CURLEVEL on the MAINT 201 disk. In general, the following is the procedure that should be followed when applying corrective service. - Download the PTF to your A disk using VMFPLC2. - Browse the 5654260C CURLEVEL file and the 5654260C PFLnnnnn file. Compare the product identifier to make sure they are equal. Compare the dates to make sure the date of the PTF is later than the date of the current maintenance level of the system. For example, 5654260C CURLEVEL SERVICE 00 EER3400 90.161 5654260C PFLXXXXX SERVICE 00 EER3400 90.364 In this case, the PTF should be applied. If either the product id does not match or the PTF is less than the current level of the system, the PTF should 'NOT' be applied. - Copy 5654260C PFLnnnnn to 5654260C CURLEVEL with the replace option. - Copy ERPTFLIB TLBnnnnn to ERPTFLIB TXTLIB with the replace option. - Edit I5654260 SRVLOG34 and add a line which is meaningful to you which indicates what you have just done. - You may wish to erase the PTF files from your A disk or archive them. ========================================================================= Raw EREP Data Format (in XAEREPIO RECORD on EREP's 191 disk) What | For XA | Example --------------|-------------------|------------------ TODCVT Date | Columns 11-18 | x'A5978533E3EFD000' (8-bytes) | | = 4/24/92 9:51:34 | | VOLID if DASD | Columns 29-34 | | | Sense Bytes | Columns 37-60 | | | Device Address| Columns 125-126 | | | ========================================================================= EREP Accumulation File Format (EREPVMA DATA on the EREP 191 disk) What | For XA | Example --------------|-----------------|------------------ | | Julian Date | Columns 10-12 | x'92312F' (yyjjjF) | | | | Time | Columns 13-16 | x'00014128' (hhmmssxx) | | = 00:01:41.28 | | If DASD error from first-level machine, Device Address| Columns 25-26 | x'4210' VOLID | Columns 27-32 | 'DUSR93' Sense Bytes | Columns 39-62 | If DASD error from second-level machine, Userid | Columns 25-32 | 'ALMVSA ' OBR Code | Columns 55-56 | x'2320' Device Address| Columns 59-60 | x'FF13' VOLID | Columns 65-70 | 'PUB808' Sense Bytes | Columns | In some other cases, Device Address| Columns 123-124 | x'2A2B'