To make wholesale updates to the directory, DIRM DISABLE To stop others from updating things DIRM USER BACKUP To create USER BACKUP on DIRMAINT's 193 Bring DIRMAINT down. Edit USER BACKUP however you wish. Save as USER INPUT on DIRMAINT's 195 disk. INITLZ - Which is a standalone utility to be run from DIRMAINT. Bring DIRMAINT up. DIRM ENABLE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Our DIRMAINT source is available by doing a SETUP DIRMAINT. 1) After editing the directory, do these commands to "reset" DIRMAINT. DIRM INITLZ DIRM SORT DIRM CMS ERASE USER PREINITL DIRM CMS ERASE USER PRESORT 2) The format for using automatic minidisk allocation when adding is MDISK 191 3380 AUTOG cccc SHARED MR MDISK 191 FB-512 AUTOG bbbbbb USER MR (for ALMVMJ) 3) The line form for some commands are DIRM AMD userid vaddr devtype start size volser (SYS * DIRM AMD userid vaddr x AUTOV size volser (SYS * DIRM AMD userid vaddr x AUTOG size groupname (SYS * 4) To replace a file like EXTENT CONTROL on DIRMAINT's 191 disk, Get a copy of the file, modify it, and store it on your a-disk. DIRM FILE EXTENT CONTROL DIRM RLDData To reload the modified file. 5) To add one of the userids for the full-pack minidisks, you'll get an extent error when you try adding the userid. To avoid this, DIRM EXTNchk OFF To turn off Extent Checking DIRM ADD userid DIRM EXTNchk ON To turn it back on. DIRM DIRECT