The full-pack DDR backups are done by the SYSBACK virtual machine. SYSBACK 191 = SYSPROG Disk 192 = SYSBACK's running code 193 = 191 Disk Use TAPELIB to see tape usage. EG PF11 to create report, volid=S*, owner=SYSDDR*, maybe description=volid*. The description field contains - The volid being backed up, - A date and time stamp, - And a sequence number. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To restore from one of these sets of backup tapes, you have to use Roy's HCPDDR MODULE on the SYSPROG disk. The DDR MODULE on the S-disk doesn't copy the full 2655 cylinders of a K-box. It only does the first 1770. I've gotta fix that. You can preload the 3480 stacker with all the tapes if you wish. The only trick is the INPUT command. It's gotta be IN 181 3480 (SKIP 1 SLSKIP <--- SKIP 1 gets past the standard label on the first tape. The SLSKIP is Roy's change to DDR to skip the SL OUT cuu 3380 on all *subsequent* tapes. SLSKIP RESTORE ALL does not skip the SL on the first tape and SKIP 1 does not skip it on subsequent tapes. You need both. >>>>> Don't forget to <<<<< >>>>> XLINK FORMAT cuu volser <<<<< >>>>> before putting it online. <<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes on building the IPL-able version of DDR (IPL DDR). Symptoms of problem: DDR would fail with a program check when dumping with the COMPACT option. There would be a L R15,=V(DMKDNC) followed by a BALR R14,R15. This resulted in a branch to location 0, program check. The problem was that the IPL DDR deck was missing some pieces. Previously, DDR was a complete program. The only piece was DMKDDR. Now, with the COMPACT option, there are four other peices to DDR, DMKDNC, DMKDDC, DMKDNT, and DMKDDT. These pieces represent the compaction code. Previously, all one had to do to build IPL DDR was to edit the DMKDDR text deck and slap a 3-card loader on the front. Now, things aren't so easy. You cannot just put the 3-card loader on the front of DMKDDR TEXT, because you're missing the other pieces. And you cannot just concatenate the 5 text decks together, because the 3-card loader does not resolve external references. There was also a problem (according to Jeff Hittman) with the standard 3-card loader, the old problem with the load halfword instruction and the 65K address limit. Now, to build DDR, you need to use the PRELOAD MODULE, documented in the Installation Guide. Here's what you do. SETUP CP42 - Or whatever the current SETUP is. PRELOAD DMKDDRSA DMKEL4 - DMKDDRSA is a 5-line LISTFILE-type EXEC, with the 5 pieces listed in it. Identical to the load lists used in the VMFLOAD command. DMKEL4 is our current CNTRL file. XEDIT DMKDDRSA TEXT - The result of the above PRELOAD command. GET DDR LOADER - Uses ICM, not LH. FILE IPL DDR - Ready to use. Easy, wasn't it? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - As of 11/19/93 & VM/ESA, the mechanism was VMFBLD PPF ALMADEN CP HCPMLOAD DDR (ALL (Calls VMFBDMOD EXEC) or under the covers in non-SES terms, /* */ 'LOAD HCPDDR (ORIGIN 20000 NOUNDEF CLEAR NOAUTO' 'INCLUDE HCPDNC (NOAUTO' 'INCLUDE HCPDDC (NOAUTO' DDR is AMODE 24. 'INCLUDE HCPDNT (NOAUTO' VMFBDMOD also uses the FILETYPE ft 'INCLUDE HCPDDT (NOAUTO' load/include command option. You would modify HCPMLOAD EXEC to add another module to DDR. To assemble, VMFHASM HCPDDR ALMADEN CP (SYSPARM EXP DISK.