To use CLAIM, logon to WWCLMVM1 as RJASPER and type CLAIM. Once inside CLAIM, select 1 (Labor). The two "Work Items" are DSALMADE for normal days, and FPNDSMNP for "non-productive" work days like vacation, sick days, etc. There's also ALMPATSR for the Patent Server project. Type "o" to "open" a work item. From there, you select how many hours you spent doing any of the listed "Activities". The ones I've chosen to have available for DSALMADE are - Strategy and Standards Development - Installation/Rollout - Specialized Support (aka house calls) - Training (For when you train others) - Help Desk - Hardware Maintenance - Software Support - Employee Education (When you take classes) for FPNDSMNP, - Personal Business - Personal Education - Vacation - Designated Holiday - Optional Holiday - Illness