A November 24, 1997 news item ... The following IBM benefits forms are now available on the HR Home Page starting at http://w3.hraccess.ibm.com (or more specifically, at least on 3/31/1998, it was at http://w3.hraccess.ibm.com/us/hrforms/psinstruct.html, and I had to delete the first two lines in the lifpacf.ps file to get it to print on my 4029) o IBM Medical Plan o IBM Dental Plan o Health Care Reimbursement Account o Life Planning Account o MetLife Preferred Dentist Program o Special Care for Children Assistance Plan o Adoption Assistance o Voluntary Plan for Dependent Care o Group Life Insurance Waiver and Waiver Cancellation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- On 2/2/99, I downloaded the following from http://w3.hraccess.ibm.com/us/hrforms/psinstruct.html - HealthCareReimbursementAccountClaimForm.ps (heacracf.ps) - LifePlanningAccountClaimForm.ps (libpacf.ps) - VoluntaryPlanforDependentCareClaimForm.ps (ibmvpdc.ps) and put them in the HRForms subdirectory of my DFS home directory.