Branch Office Tidbits Rich Di Iuro in Watson is our branch office contact. T/L 8-862-2861. Some of our customer numbers are 4600627 - VM 4607811 - MVS 4601013 - User Services 5336519 - workstation support - D Defrees 5482071 - AIX See PRODUCT LIST on BROFF1's 191 disk for others. A PID contact that Phyllis uses to ask branch office type questions, is the Boulder tie line, 8-323-3800. When you talk to them, they may ask questions like, what is the "machine type" and "model number" for a given program product. The program product number, say 5688-004 for SQL, is what they want. They call 5688 the "machine type" and 004 the "model number", just like any piece of hardware, say a 3090-600. There are also 5-digit "serial numbers" for software. Our SQL for example, had a serial number of 00790. To change from one release of SQL to another then, what we do is MES that machine. We "remove feature code 5872" (3480 cartridge for SQL release 1.0), and "add feature code ????" (3480 cartridge for whatever next release we want).