The common 3814 things to do are From those small, funny-looking, black, push-button consoles, To logon, LOG ID 1 ENTER To view matrix, VIEW_XPT ENTER To enable a path, ENABLE CU x CH x ENTER then, EXEC ENTER To disable a path, DISABLE CU x CH x ENTER then, EXEC ENTER From the 3277-type consoles, To logon, logon as OPER. The password is OPERATOR. ABOUD is a privileged logon id, but Dana didn't give us that password. For a dual 4x4, i.e. * * * * * * * * <------ This set of 4x4 is SWITCH1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <---- and this is SWITCH2. * * * * * * * *