How to run ALMVMT, our second level XA system. Wayne has the second level system set up on SHXA01. To rewrite the nucleus, Optional. You may want - LINK SHXA01 100 8E1 MW to not specify this and - VMFBLD ALMVMT CP (NOSETUP PUNCH NOCHECK <-- let SES do its check. - I C CLEAR (should get wait state 9010) It'll be a good verifica- tion for the real system. To replace the directory, use VMY's directory. - RR DIRMAINT 1B0 - X SYSBACK VMY - Change the first line to DIRECTORY 8E1 3380 SHXA01 - FILE VMT DIRECT A - LINK SHXA01 100 8E1 MW - DIRECTXA VMT (MIXED NOMIXMSG You should get rc=5. Ignore the msg RESTRICTED PASSWORD FILE NOT FOUND. To IPL, - DEFINE STOR 16M (or just use your ALMVMT EXEC B) - LINK SHXA01 100 8E1 MW - LINK SHXA02 100 8E2 MW - TERM CON 3270 (else you get wait state 1010) - DEFINE GRAF 01E - I 8E1 This is how SHXA01 is layed out. CURRENT ALLOCATION TYPE CYLINDERS Minidisk ALMVMT System Use ............... ............ ............................. PERM 0000-0000 SP2MAINT 101 Volid, IPL Bootstrap, etc. DRCT 0001-0002 " Original directory cylinder PERM 0003-0016 " 3-12: Nucleus 13-14: Checkpoint 15-16: Warm Start PAGE 0017-0040 " Paging DRCT 0041-0050 " Secondary directory allocation SPOL 0051-0127 " Spooling PERM 0128-0538 Other mdisks ... TDSK 0539-0558 SP2MAINT 102 TDISK PERM 0559-0884 Other mdisks ... This is how SHXA02 is layed out. CURRENT ALLOCATION TYPE CYLINDERS Minidisk ALMVMT System Use ............... ............ ............................. PERM 0000-0783 Other mdisks ... SPOL 0784-0884 SP2MAINT 102 More Spool space.