A hand from playing home bridge with 2 teams and IMPs scoring.
July 26, 1992

We are Vulnerable, They are not

 East(Frank)   South(me)    West(Mark)   North(Jon Cox)
------------   ---------    ----------   --------------
1 NoTrump(1)   Pass         2 Spades(2)  Double(3)
Pass           3 Diamonds   Double       3 NoTrump
Pass           4 Hearts     Double       Pass
Pass           Pass

(1) 10-12 HCP at this vulnerability
(2) To Play
(3) Intended for penalty, but the standard meaning is take out,
    which is how I took it.  Besides, we're doubling them into game
    and I don't have any defense.  For result merchants, the contract
    was 2 spades down one at the other table, for plus 50.

Opening Lead: 10 of Clubs

                Q  A  A  Q
                J  Q  Q  7
                9 10
                6  5
  K  K  K 10    3            A  3  9  A
 10  J 10  9                 4  2  7  K
  8  8     2                 2     6  8
  7                                2  6
                -  9  J  J
                   7  8  5
                   6  5  4
                   4  4  3

  This is a cute hand.  Notice how every card is well-placed.  All the
red honors in west's hand are under north's tenaces.  Both of south's
jacks are working.  East doesn't have any heart higher than south's 9
to ruff spades with.  West's hearts can't be used to ruff diamonds.

  The defense started with the club 10 to west's king, and a spade was
returned, ruffed by south.  A diamond was finessed, spade ruffed,
a diamond to the ace, spade ruff, diamond ruff, west pitching a club,
and the fourth spade ruffed with south's last trump, the 9, east
pitching a club.  We now have

                Q  A  -  Q
  K  K  -  9                 -  3  9  A
     J                          2     8

                -  -  J  J
                      8  5

  The jack of diamonds, west ruffing else I throw the second club away,
overruffed in dummy.  I now exited with the club queen to the ace,
coming to

                Q  A  -  -
  K  K  -  -                 -  3  -  8
     J                          2

                -  -  8  J

  A heart gives me the free finesse, losing the spade queen at the
end, and the club forces west to ruff (else I'll through the spade
loser away), overruffed by dummy.  Now the trump ace, and the spade
loser winds up making four.  Cute hand.