Notes on the Tomcat server on my laptop for my Servlets Class 10-20-2005 =================================================================================== Following the instructor's notes (Lecture Notes 2.doc) on installing Tomcat, * I downloaded and installed the Java JDK, version 1.5.0_03 (the notes said to download the SDK, not just the JRE -- So is JDK=SDK?) * The class notes said to add C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\bin to my PATH by modify ones C:\autoexec.bat, but the better way to do this is - Right-click on "My Computer" and Select "Properties" (or Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System) - Select the "Advanced" tab - Select "Environment Variables..." - Highlight PATH - Select "Edit..." - Add that directory and OK out of everything. * I downloaded and installed Tomcat 5.5.9, the latest at the time, installing it at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5. * The class notes said to insure the JAVA_HOME environment variable was getting set to CATALINA_HOME (C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5) but I didn't do this. It didn't seem like it was necessary. * To change the port the local tomcat server would run on from the default of 8080, to 80, I modified the Connector element in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml and restarted tomcat by finding and launching the "Monitor Tomcat" program (Start -> Programs -> Apache Tomcat 5.5 -> Monitor Tomcat aka "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\bin\tomcat5w.exe") * In order "to tell Tomcat to check the modification dates of the class files of requested servlets and reload ones that have changed since they were loaded into memory", the notes had me edit C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml and add "a DefaultContext subelement to the main Service element and supply true for the reloadable attribute." They also said the easiest way to do this is to find the following comment. and insert the following line just below it: The problem is, this comment wasn't there, so I wasn't sure where to put this one line. After googling this, I learned that you had to modify the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\conf\context.xml file, adding reloadale="true" to the tag, and adding another tag, like so, WEB-INF/web.xml WEB-INF/classes * The notes also said "The ROOT context is the default Web application in Tomcat, it is convenient to use when you are first learning about servlets. The default Web application is already enabled in Tomcat 4.0 and some versions of Tomcat 4.1. But, in Tomcat 4.1.24, it is disabled by default. To enable it, uncomment the following line to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml Again, I didn't know where to put this, so I put it right after my line. I still don't know what this means or how to test this to verify I did it right. * The notes said to "Turn on the Invoker Servlet". What's this??? "The invoker servlet lets you run servlets without first making changes to the WEB-INF/web.xml file in your Web application. Instead, you just drop your servlet into WEB-INF/classes and use the URL http://host/servlet/ServletName. To enable the invoker servlet, uncomment the following servlet-mapping element in install_dir/conf/web.xml. Note that the filename is web.xml, not server.xml, and do not confuse this Tomcat-specific web.xml file with the standard one that goes in the WEB-INF directory of each Web application." The notes had me uncomment these lines invoker /servlet/* to C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\web.xml But I also found these lines invoker org.apache.catalina.servlets.InvokerServlet debug 0 2 higher up in the web.xml file and it seemed I should uncomment these as well. Again, I don't know how to test this change. I am now able to point a browser at http://localhost and see the Tomcat home page. I saw this note on there, "For security reasons, using the administration webapp is restricted to users with role "admin". The manager webapp is restricted to users with role "manager". Users are defined in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml" I was going to modify C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\tomcat-users.xml but I decided to wait 'till I needed it. Things are getting too confusing already. =================================================================================== Notes on Servlets Homework #2 (Assignment 2.doc). It had me write a servlet, which I did, but then had a hell of a time figuring out 1) how to assemble it: Ones PATH should include "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_03\bin" and ones CLASSPATH should include "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\common\lib\servlet-api.jar" (to see what it's set to under DOS, echo %CLASSPATH%). That way, you can just say cd "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Java-Servlets-Class" javac 2) which directory to put the resulting class file: I put it in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\servlets-examples\WEB-INF\classes 3) and how to call it from the browser to run it. http://localhost/servlets-examples/servlet/ServletsHomework2 You would think I could just change from http://localhost/servlets-examples/servlet/ServletsHomework2 to http://localhost/Java-Servlets-Class/servlet/ServletsHomework2 and I could then put the compiled applet at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\Java-Servlets-Class\WEB-INF\classes but this didn't work. At least not when I last tried it, but doing it now and recycling tomcat, this does indeed work. I must have been very confused last time. So http://hostname/directories/list/servlet/servlet-name gets translated into http://hostname => C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps /directories/list => \Java-Servlets-Class /servlet => \WEB-INF\classes /servlet-name => \ServletsHomework2.class =================================================================================== Notes from when I Installed the tomcat server on my laptop on 6-6-2005. Go to then the "Downloads" link, then the "Tomcat"link, This page offered three versions of Tomcat, Tomcat = Servlet + JavaServer Pages (JSP) Version 3 = Version 2.2 + Version 1.1 Version 4 = Version 2.3 + Version 1.2 Version 5 = Version 2.4 + Version 2.0 <-- We use 5.5.7 on the site today Since I wanted the latest, I went down the "Tomcat 5" path, One problem is, Tomcat 5 requires version 5 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and I have Java 2 RTE (and SDK) 1.4.2 installed. The README and Release Notes say I can also download jakarta-tomcat-[version] in addition to the base distribution for using tomcat with a Java 1.4 environment. There are more details in the Release Notes that say this compatability package adds jmx.jar (Java Management Extensions API) and xercesImpl.jar (Xerces XML Parse) and I see these files on the site under /dfs/prod/ipn/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.7 at bin/jmx.jar and common/endorsed/xercesImpl.jar (There's another xercesImpl.jar at webapps/ipncommerce/WEB-INF/lib, but I don't understand why there's two and why they're different. Doesn't matter.) Back at that "Tomcat 5" page, I downloaded the main install file following the "5.5.9 exe" link, and the compatability package following the "5.5.9 Compat zip" link. When I tried to install the main Jakarta file, - It interestingly, defaulted the "HTTP/1.1 Connector Port" to 8080, and had an "Administrator Login" defaulting to "User Name" = admin and "Password" = ) - It also asked me for the "path of a J2SE 5.0 JRE installed on your system:" (which I didn't have) which defaulted to C:\Program Files\Java\j2rel1.4.2_08), so I aborted and got a version 5.0 of the Java RTE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To get JRE v 5, go to, follow their Downloads -> Java 2 Standard Edition link, ************************************************************************ * So that's what J2SE stands for, Java 2 Standard Edition, which as I * * found out later, is in contrast to J2EE=Java 2 Enterprise Edition, * * whose "API's includes several technologies that extend the * * functionality of the base J2SE API's". * ************************************************************************ then their "J2SE 5.0" link, then what? Do I need to download both their JDK 5.0 and JRE 5.0? Oh, well. The JDK first, I suppose. Maybe the JRE is in there. Followed the "Download JDK 5.0 Update 3" link, under their "Windows Platform" section, followed the "Windows Offline Installation" link to get a 56 MB, jdk-1_5_0_03-windows-i586-p file that interestingly enough, was missing its .exe extension, so as it was, I couldn't execute it 'till I renamed it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now when installing Tomcat, it finds the path to the J2SE 5.0 JRE just fine, that is, C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.5.0_03. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the compatability package (the "5.5.9 Compat zip" link), was kind of strange. You get a zip file that has everything based off of a jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 directory, namely jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9\license jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9\notice jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9\release-notes jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9\bin\jmx.jar jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9\common\endorsed\xercesimpl.jar jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9\common\endorsed\xml-apis.jar What are you suppose to do with these? I renamed the Tomcat license file found in the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5 directory, to tomcat.license, unzipped the above 6 files into a temporary directory, then moved all to that C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5 base directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't see anything anywhere that tells you so, but to see what I just installed, go to http://localhost:8080 Interesting links on that page include - the documentation at http://localhost:8080/tomcat-docs - JSP Examples at http://localhost:8080/jsp-examples - Servlet Examples at http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples =================================================================================== Notes from when I installed the tomcat server in Japan on 2-11-2002. Tomcat comes from the Apache Software Foundation, It's part of Apache's Jakarta Project, which has dozens of SubProjects, one of which is Tomcat. Here are the links I followed to get to tomcat, This page offered two versions of Tomcat, Version Which Supports Notes 4.0.2 Servlet version 2.3 & JSP version 1.2 Sander says this is too new. 3.3.2 Servlet version 2.2 & JSP version 1.1 What I'll Use. For reference, here are other versions of tomcat I came across, Version Notes 3.2.4 Old Version in Maintenance-Only Mode 3.2.3 What Sander Last Used, on giraffe for example. On Sander's advice, I'll install the newest level 3, version 3.3.2, not level 4. Sander says for Java things, you don't need to get the source and compile it yourself ("It's a pain," he says). Best is to follow the "Binaries" link, then the "Tomcat 3.3 (Updated to 3.3.a)" link, then the "jakarta-tomcat-3.3a.tar.gz" link, to get the binary tar.gz file. cd /afs/d/software/base gzip -d < /u/jasper/jakarta-tomcat-3.3a.tar.gz | tar xf - cd scp1 -p jakarta-tomcat-3.3a.tar.gz jasper@ips01i:/dfs/download Then in Japan, as jasper, cd /dfs/prod/ips mkdir servlets cd servlets gzip -d < /dfs/download/jakarta-tomcat-3.3a.tar.gz | tar xf - To set up all the working directories, ln -s jakarta-tomcat-3.3a jakarta-tomcat cd jakarta-tomcat-3.3a rmdir logs Removing the empty logs directory, so we can replace that with ln -sf /ips/logs logs ln -s /ips/tmp/work work which did not exist before, cd conf ln -s /ips/tmp/ ln -s /ips/tmp/iis_redirect.reg-auto iis_redirect.reg-auto ln -s /ips/tmp/mod_jk.conf-auto mod_jk.conf-auto ln -s /ips/tmp/obj.conf-auto obj.conf-auto ln -s /ips/tmp/tomcat-apache.conf tomcat-apache.conf ln -s /ips/tmp/ none of which existed before. su - ipsadmin cd /ips ln -s /dfs/prod/ips/servlets servlets mkdir /ips/tmp/work chmod g+w /ips/tmp/work to insure ipsrun can write into /ips/tmp/work. Created an /ips/bin/tomcat script that can be used to start & stop (shutdown) the tomcat server. It was #!/bin/ksh # # Start and stop the tomcat server. This replaces the & # scripts that are distributed with tomcat. # runnode="ips06i" runuser="ipsrun" if (( $# != 1 )) then echo "Usage: $0 start or shutdown" exit 1 fi if [[ $(hostname -s) != $runnode ]] then echo "The tomcat server runs only on node $runnode." echo "Nothing was done." exit fi if [[ ${whoami} != $runuser ]] then if [[ $1 = "start" ]] then su - $runuser '-c . /home/inst1/sqllib/db2profile; export LIBPATH=$HOME/../inst1/sqllib/lib; export TOMCAT_HOME=/ips/servlets/jakarta-tomcat; export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java130; export TOMCAT_OPTS=-Djava.compiler=off; $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/' else su - $runuser '-c . /home/inst1/sqllib/db2profile; export LIBPATH=$HOME/../inst1/sqllib/lib; export TOMCAT_HOME=/ips/servlets/jakarta-tomcat; export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java130; export TOMCAT_OPTS=-Djava.compiler=off; $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/' fi else . /home/inst1/sqllib/db2profile export LIBPATH=$HOME/../inst1/sqllib/lib export TOMCAT_HOME=/ips/servlets/jakarta-tomcat export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java130 export TOMCAT_OPTS=-Djava.compiler=off if [[ $1 = "start" ]] then $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ else $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ fi fi Modify /dfs/prod/ips/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.3a/conf/server.xml, changing