The news server is fox. Root's password was stoppress on 7/24/95. The news groups are under /var/spool/news, for example, /var/spool/news/ibm/arctalk/vmtoissc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use Jeff's xrn script (in ~/bin) to invoke trn, pointing it to the new news service on fox. It does so by setting the NNTPSERVER environment variable to If you invoke trn, you get the old, IBM-only news server,, which is on spruce. There's also, which is on juniper, but fox is a combination of the 2. .newsrc is the file where trn keeps track of which newsgroups you're subscribed to and where you are in each file. Since in the xrn script, Jeff has DOTDIR=~/News, the .newsrc file that trn uses when you invoke it via xrn is ~/News/.newsrc. Inside that file, a colon after the newsgroup name says you're subscribed to it. An exclamation point says you're not. There are 4 levels you could be at, each with their own identifying prompts and commands. Each has the h-key as their help. Newsgroup Selection level: What you're in when you first enter trn. Prompts: ******** nnn unread articles in ibm.ibmunix.isthere--read now? [+ynq] ******** End of newsgroups--what next? [npq] Commands: q=quit trn x=quit trn & restore .newsrc u=unsubscribe c=catch up (marks all articles as read) n,p=next/previous newsgroup with unread news. N,P=next/previous newsgroup L=list current .newsrc +=go to Thread Selection level m=move newsgroup Thread Selection level: Prompts: --Select threads--All [Z>] Commands: q=goes back to Newsgroup Selection level for next newsgroup Q=goes back to Newsgroup Selection level for this newsgroup letters/numbers=select that thread <>=page back/forward Up/Down Arrows=Move cursor around threads Left/Right Arrows=Page up/down CR=start reading selected threads (goes to Article Selection level) k=kill current thread (the one the cursor's on) D=Delete (mark as read) unselected articles on this page. Starts reading if there are selected articles, else goes on to next page of thread selections. J=junk (mark as read) all selected threads L=rotates between 3 different display types U=toggles between showing read or unread threads Article Selection level: Prompts: End of article nnn (of nnnn)--what next? [npq] End of newsgroup ibm.ibmunix.isthere (nn articles still unread) Commands: q=go back to Newsgroup Selection level for next newsgroup Q=go back to Newsgroup Selection level for this newsgroup +=go back to Thread Selection level ^L=refresh screen (say after a help command) c=catch up (marks all articles as read) k=kill current subject (marks as read) Paging level: Like more, used when displaying articles, but only noticed when the article doesn't all display on one screen. Prompts: --MORE-- (nn%) Commands: Space=display next screen-full CR=display one more line b=display previous screen-full ^L=refresh screen j=junk this article (mark it as read)