To get the PSSP parallel commands (dsh, pcp, pls, etc) to work on a non-SP/2 machine, - Install the following PSSP filesets, ssp.clients << ssp.basic ssp.ha ssp.perlpkg ssp.pman ssp.sysctl ssp.sysman not needed >> - Authenticate as root.admin, say on the Contol Workstation, - You can /usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/bin/klist & insure your principal is root.admin@PATENT.IBM.COM. - You can /usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/bin/kinit root.admin if need be. - Add an instance of the rcmd principal, e.g. rcmd.ar0081e0, to the PSSP kerberos database, if it isn't already there. - Define a handy environment variable, target=ar0081e0 - To see if it's already there, you can /usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/etc/kdb_util dump junk_file grep "^rcmd $target" junk_file - To add it, /usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/etc/kdb_edit -n For "Principal name:", enter rcmd For "Instance: ", enter the hostname, $target Take the default at the ", Create \[y\] ?" prompt. Enter in some dummy password twice at the "New Password:" prompts. Take the defaults at the next 3 prompts, - "Expiration date (enter yyyy-mm-dd) \[ 2037-12-31 \] ?" - "Max ticket lifetime \[ 255 \] ?" - "Attributes \[ 0 \] ?" Hit enter at the "Principal name:" prompt to exit the kdb_edit program. - Generate a new /etc/krb-srvtab file by typing /usr/lpp/ssp/kerberos/etc/ext_srvtab -n $target - Copy the following four files to the client machine, e.g. scp -p /etc/krb.conf root@$target:/etc/krb.conf scp -p /etc/krb.realms root@$target:/etc/krb.realms scp -p $target-new-srvtab root@$target:/etc/krb-srvtab scp -p /.klogin root@$target:/.klogin - For AIX 4.3.2, you also need to chauthent -k4 -std You can check it with lsauthent. What this does is add the following entry into the CuAt ODM, which you can see with a odmget -q attribute=authm CuAt command. CuAt: name = "inet0" attribute = "authm" value = "131073,65536" type = "R" generic = "DU" rep = "s" nls_index = 31 - dsh didn't work on ar0072e0 until I made its /etc/krb5.conf file similar to those on ar0071e0 & ar0073e0. It had a 4 lines different, essentially a default_realm of null instead of I dunno why, but it worked after I changed/fixed it.