Dr. Dahlstrom, Prior to last week, which was the school's Easter holiday break, Adam has had maybe 1-2 full days of school in the previous three weeks. He has been out of school, more than he's been in. When he does go to school, he usually fades around noon and asks to come home. We need to do something for him. Adam says the Prevacid helps, even though I don't see it making that much difference in his lethargy. Even last week when there was no school, you'd think he would have been full of energy, but no. He was dragging all week long. But if it helps him stay in school, I want him to take the Prevacid during school. To do this, I need you to fill out this school form and fax it into his school, Los Paseos. Your prescription was 15mg, twice a day. We give him one dose of Prevacid in the morning. I want to give him the second dose around noon to last him the rest of the school day. Can you please fill out the enclosed form, filling in your diagnosis (ulcers?) and directions (oral?), and sign it? Please fax the completed form to Los Paseos Elementary School 121 Avenida Grande San Jose, CA 95139 Fax: (408) 281-4021 Please give me a call at work, (408) 960-7529, when this is faxed in, and I will drop off the medicine at his school. I would like this to get done this morning so Adam can have his noon dose today. Thank you in advance for taking care of this. Rick Jasper