Sandy says she always has to create this link on web server machines using Net.Data, but IMO, this is the wrong thing to do. /usr/lib/libdb2.a -> /usr/opt/db2_08_01/lib/libdb2.a Seems to me that somehow the web servers should get /usr/opt/db2_08_01/lib/libdb2.a in their LIBPATH, but this isn't what was done and now this "abomination" is too ingrained to change. (sigh) ===================================================================================== You can call a Net.Data macro directly from a web browser. For example, normally one gets a detail view by this URL http://.../details?patent_number=US06000000__ The equivalent to that is http://.../cgi-bin/db2www.cmd/v4/patfmt.d2w/report?patent_number=US06000000__ so to test a test-version of patfmt, you can http://.../cgi-bin/db2www.cmd/v4/patfmt.d2w.test/report?patent_number=US06000000__ ===================================================================================== You can see the SQL that is used to select stuff from the database for a detail view, by setting the &SHOWSQL=YES on in the URL. In Southbury, this must be &SHOWSQLl=YES (that's Big-el, Little-el). ===================================================================================== Some of Sander's debugging techniques for performance problems. - To insert a timestamp, use Net Data's @DTW_rTIME() function. E.G.
The time at Step 1 is @DTW_rTIME()
- You can also turn on SQL tracing to see SQL code by setting SHOWSQL on & off. E.G. @DTW_ASSIGN(SHOWSQL,"YES") @AddToCart(cartname, where_clause_insert, insertresults) @DTW_ASSIGN(SHOWSQL,"NO") - You can spit out text whenever you want. To dump variables, use $(var_name). To get a new line, append a
. No quotes needed. For example, Before anything, patent_display="$(patent_display)"
Rick, DTW_rSUBSTR(patn_in,"4","1") is @DTW_rSUBSTR(patn_in,"4","1")
- Simple variable assignment is @DTW_ASSIGN(target_var, source_var) ===================================================================================== A trick to get Net.Data to work with DB2 version 7, is to create the following link, ln -s db2_07_01 /usr/lpp/db2_06_01 In Japan, when using any Net.Data module, we were getting the following messages, Net.Data is unable to find the execute process address for DLL /usr/lpp/internet/db2www/lib/dtwsqlshr.o addition error information Unable to find execute process address for %s. followed by DTWF046E: Net.Data detected an invalid language environment DTW_SQL at line number 1945. I don't understand the error message at all, but they went away and everything started working after making the link. I found this out by doing an AIX trace.