These are some examples from Spruce one day. Physical Volume Logical Mount Volumes Group Volume Point (type) -------- ------ ------- ----- hdisk0 rootvg hd1 /home hd2 /usr hd3 /tmp hd4 / hd5 /blv (boot) hd6 (paging) hd7 /mnt (dump) hd8 (jfslog) hd9var /var hdisk1 vicea lv02 /vicepa loglv00 hdisk2 --none-- hdisk4 datavg lv05 /inst.images hdisk5 loglv03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical Volumes = Actual disk drives. Volume Group = Collection of physical volumes. Logical Volume = How a volume group is split up. Mount Point = How & where a logical volume is used. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands to view all this. lscfg -l hd* To see all the physical volumes, their SCSI address and capacity. lspv pv_name For each physical volume to see which volume group a physical volume is assigned to (if any). lsvg -p vg_name to go the other way, that is, to see which physical volumes are assigned to a particular volume group. As in the case of datavg, this will tell you hdisk4 & hdisk5 are assigned. lsvg -l vg_name to see which logical volumes are carved out of a particular volume group, and their mount points. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New with AIX 4.1 are "fragments" and "fragment sizes". For example, on the news server, fox, Roy has the /var/spool/news file system set up for 1K fragment size and 2048 bytes per inode. Normally filesystems have 4K fragment sizes (i.e. don't fragment a block) and 4K bytes per inode. Essentially, Roy expects a bunch of tiny files in /var/spool/news. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To see if a file system is Large File Enabled, as root(!!!) use lsfs -q, e.g. on rhino, lsfs -q /home/inst1/db_mount_ssa/db1fs Name Nodename Mount Pt VFS Size Options Auto Accounting /dev/db1lv -- /home/inst1/db_mount_ssa/db1fs jfs 209715200 rw yes no (lv size: 209715200, fs size: 209715200, frag size: 4096, nbpi: 32768, compress: no, bf: true, ag: 64) ======== Look at this part here. bf=Big File (Enabled) ------------------/